Day Thirty-two, 09/20, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, countdown to resurrection and Daniels Week, see Dan. 9, see also
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Amerigeddon, IsIs has a new focus: killing Christians and bombing churches wherever they can find them, Michael Snyder, Aug. 17, 2016.
If you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war”, but to ISIS it most certainly is, (so much to the point I witness them receive diamond wedding rings, for these heinous efforts, 2003, Apb).
According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder.
The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American and British Christians that “they were next.” British police last week publicly warned its 5.4 million Christians to be on alert and in some areas increased security.
And there have already been some very close calls. In fact, if the authorities had not intervened in time earlier this year, a church up in Michigan could have been the scene of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history… see more here,
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "Kill all parents (all unrepentant), by, (09/16), I pause here, because I really didn't get the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17, of 2016, with something cataclysmic to end western civilization by 10/2017, beware, Apb
Take My Hand Precious Lord, Lead Me On
This amazing song as performed here by Selah,, is finding yourself complete surrender, we know the writers of psalms say the dernest things, I here reminded of the sweet, sweet Savor, of how the deer paneth after the water brook, so paneth my heart lord after thee. I explain to one of the grands lately before I know, regarding hell, how I didn't want to there, because my father is in heaven and I want to be where He is.
Well it won't be long, taken off to heaven with and even as Jesus, I shared how dozing momentarily into a sleep, soon the heavenly host were all over me, this welcome. Just as long to be there, they long to us there. This will explain the Gabriel mentioning the seventh angel, you see, when Gabriel was sent to the prophet Daniel, regarding a pending Jacob trouble, these things wouldn't' be fulfilled for what was described for a times, times and a half, it been literally 2,500 years, now such urgent times toward heavens reign with man, was only months, month you guys compared to thousands of years, and now the 7th trump, where God's reign over rebellious man is finally celebrated
What will be like there, though I've been there plenty and said visits where well guarded, we have God, to Jesus to John's revelations to give us come ideal. How no sunlight is needed there, as they're the light therein, that the streets are made with gold, there is such celebration there possibly none stop, why experiencing a silence God's Throne felt it's most odd. Seven years we'll be there, until Jacobs troubles are resolved, by Christ return with Bride, and they will ask, what are these wombs in thinr hand, and he answer, those for which I was wounded in the house of my friends, TBIH, Apb
Lay A Seige, Warsaw, Westworthy, Epidemic
Let us not forget the death rider that was to come, 1994, which is come, was to come targeting what Holy Spirits described as abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches, and you guys, the churches, for they had forsaken God, a fulfilling judgement lately in the form of a vicious beast tearing right through them, vacating everything, even see Jesus tossing the money changers tables, this beginning curse of idolatry to apostasy.
We've, like presently experienced a disaster like financial market, failing banking, only now it's worldwide, just as so we've endured perilous housing market, with a greater detriment pending. How even recently by a dream we were come upon by a woman bearing not only black bowls of inconceivable judgments, but business cards toward better homeless shelters, meaning a depleted housing market. The only thing we haven't seen, equally what the ten day countdown to the Charston church shooting was about.
To be clear, we haven't as yet experienced the selfsame horrors regarding churches, this is what Michael Synder is warning, how churches and churchians, thought to be Christians, have now become ISIS primary target. I've forewarn how I witness the nation descend into daily attacks unlike the middle east, churches, with bomb threats, Walmart's in flames, even the Whitehouse consumed away, in other words greater sorrows than these. This is why Daniel, in explaining the hand of God, well His finger writing on the wall, was no longer warning of anything pending but a pandemic of trouble which hath come.
What a great distraction from ISIS being on attack in the land, Angelia's divorce, I'm reminded of 2008, when I like John the revelator, Rev. 13, witness two consecutive beast rise, one from land, one from sea and nothing was ever the same, into fueling debates concerning Hussein filling stations. Now we reportedly have a Syrian Truce, the Antichrist prophesied to rise out of the old Assyrian Empire, again a Syrian Truce, after waiting one hour on America, Hussein, referred to as the beast. This hour is prophesied in Revelation 17, to be a time whereas certain nations are made Kings, world leaders in His presence, as I told my grands, end time fulfillment is so accurate lately, you can look to the book of Revelation for both before its news to breaking news.
I just received Ezekiel 4, additionally as a word of knowledge, the second time this year, it's this faithful prophet by God's wrath being instructed how to demonstrate to his Jerusalem that a siege by King Nebuchadnezzar's' Horde is come, and for a time they would not escape. This chapter is also where the 190 weight of balance, the intrepid dream timetable 2001-2017, originated, equaling a countdown of 190 months, and a lost of nearly 200 years, also see Rev. 11:1, 2, God always the same, all the more verified, at Hussein white house, given a duration of two weeks and seven years. In the early nineties I received by days of dreaming, how America would again be in wars. Those incomprehensible even more, being fought on her soil, one enemy was Arabian origin, immediately I thought, Saddam. This second, Asian, like an Asian invasion, seizure, US soil, and a third, was simply explained by one word, "Epidemic!"
When I awaken this particular morning, 2014/15, I was standing mesmerized, and like making faces in a mirror, you see although it was me, it as well wasn't me. It was me, mind, body, soul, everything but my appearance, by my appearance, I looked like a young Asian male, this body snatcher, seizure type of moment. This mean not only was Holy Spirits reminding me of the Asian invasion that was coming, but to a degree I'd, we'd forfeited everything, we were no longer in control of our own capacities. I haven't said much about the recent bombings, because I've said it these thirty years, that such days were coming US soil, and if you think these are bad, they are a Sunday picnic, into a football game, and Disney Parks, in comparison to what is now come, awake, see more here,
Seventy Weeks Are Determined Upon Thy People,
Explaining to the pastor of the church then, the dreams of wars, and how America would again be in them, again, this was like three years before the attacks of 911, Arabian origin, only a prelude to what was coming, a decade later, landing a Hussein in the Whitehouse. The emphasis here was these wars being forged American soil. World nations have pretty much made an uncontrollable monster of America, by always allowing her to wedge her battles someone else acreage while hers was always protected, but as is being forward this post, not anymore, something so cataclysmic as to set it back nearly 200 years is already fixed, 2001, and on its way here, 10/2017.
Cleverly these turf wars another's soil has allowed America to become the greatest superpower of this world, and why the beast of Revelation, antichrist movement on this planet has hath it's beginning even as Hussein Obama, predicted be this ministry, 2003. To sit as a father over this nation, and thus the greatest leader of this world, the beast as well is come, and why the article lately, revealing Syria newest truce. How it took a specific hour to learn America's participation is so important as it is prophesied to be the most important sixty minutes on this planet.
This is where 10 specific leaders will make up the final week of Daniel along a seven year peace accord, interrupted, three and half years in, now prophesied this ministry to follow Obama's administration, this is why it is said, regardless of wars and rumors and it's various player, God is always in control of it. It's why I explained Daniels week, which must happen, is threaten as long as the US is in this manner of power. Holy Spirit 08/18 just countdown a week into this newest Syrian truce, 08/25. Then demanded twelve days into its fruition, 09/12; do you all really think an Almighty God will allow America, the West to hinder thousands of years of prophecy?
This could possibly be why America and Britain are ordered to be separated into itty, bitty pieces, see Dan. 2, even what Brexit, prophesied since 04, was about. Justly even seeing a large container 2003, fall and crush Hussein, thinking Saddam, but Hussein Obama, as well, meaning America, 2001-2017, see Let us not forget the through the heavens death toll surrounding both Obama and Clinton, many of US soldiers could die for this. No one believed me when I said this is why Russia was sent to ally Syria's Assad in the first, this seven year peace accord. Even if America is dead in the water, will be reached, Daniel been saying it for thousands of years.
So whose now visibly presenting themselves more like an axis of evil? Westernized civilization will be damned except it repent, before they allow ten heads, mostly Islamic amalgamation of nations, Israel included. Those allied with them, the beginning to the end of Psalm 2, will no doubt find themselves God's enemy, explaining why so many are seeing the Brides' escape, this 2016/17, the departure date, 09/25, the wars of all wars is upon them, us all, got Him, got Jesus yet?
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled so perfectly, it's as the angel Gabriel forewarn, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind. Meaningfully, the Bride's escape, The Final Week of Daniel, The Antichrist Rise, The Battle of Armageddon, The Second Return of Christ, Magog's Destruction, The Judgement of the Nations, Jesus Millennium Reign. None of these phenomena to terrible things like at present are not waiting once the fullness of time regarding them is come, so is the worse of tribulations upon you.
Lay A Seige, Warsaw, Westworthy, Epidemic
I believe the dream about Syed Farook, 2015, was our additional warning, a few days later we were being forewarning by Alex Jones, how ISIS where planning attacks on at lease six US cities. I don't believe that, I believe that's such a low number, lest you forget, although America has shown itself quite the warmonger, it is as far as extremism concern yet a Christian nation and has on it, their primary bull's eye, bringing America down would be their ultimate prize, their jubilee. When I received as a panorama playing around my head, 1998, Jeremiah, 37:8, Holy Spirits were then warning about these coming days, how an invincible enemy would come, despite how vicious the war campaigns against them,
They would take our cities and they would burn them with fire, yes, we're additionally taking about this Babylonians, or the Chaldeans, as of Jeremiah and Ezekiel's day, only presently, referencing here, was Bush, eventually setting a fire behind some of the most deadliest of Jihadist on this planet, they're breaking records stealing, killing and destroying as pretty much their religion and there is no stopping them until Christ by the brightness desecrate them, why Malachi describes him as the sunlight of God, why the released stone cut without hands, seen released, 02/14/2015, was described as the Antichrist murderer.
All I know about Farook, is right after this dream of him taking over me, his reckless driver, is that very next morning I would see the identical face of the person, in that dream. He was as of this face- book being described as the one who conspired with his wife to shoot up a certain center. The relation it could have with me is I dream about Arab males, attacking a female, right around the time of the Sept. 11th attacks. The beast is loosed all the more in our cities, not as a masquerade because by America's abominable works, they've all but invited them, reaping holocaust, guilty blood shown by them, there are some who would call it, pandemonium American soil, as taking their medicine, as in you brought this upon yourselves, repent or perish, Jesus on his way here, awake, Apb, The RAM, see also
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