Friday, September 16, 2016

Hall Of Fame Or Shame?

Day Twenty-nine, 09/16 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, now the proven week count into a Syrian Truce, with the Beast, 08/25, now on to resurrection and Daniels Week, Apb

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                      

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be losing children on their way to the restroom, meaning the restroom entrapments I saw earlier set for them, (see transgender restroom, children Jesus threaten with death unless abominable parents. overseers repent), meaning, said evil seen all the more victorious, repent or perish! Get to Jesus
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, see the 12th of September, set for this new Syrian Truce to begin, made a week, 08/25/ into the "week," prophecy, 08/18, Apb

Rest Thirty Thousand Lives

     I remember years ago hearing a voice lament in my ear, rest thirty thousand live, just as I have a seeing gift, I have a gift of hearing, like the winds of bible prophecy, and those things said, holy, unholy, carnal, are some of the things that com triggering, and like this seeing gift I have little concern over what I hear. Just this morning as I open my eyes, I heard a voice lament, kill all parents by, I pause here because the, the year wasn't clear, but 2015 is past, we're in September 2016, with unimaginable cataclysms pending in late 2017. Immediately, again, I was reminded of the prophet Ezekiel, this witness of God first having taken him to a tear in the wall of mass assembly to him clearly these inconceivable evils working there. 
     When Holy Spirits cause me, by my spouse to see something similar, not only did we see that in comparison to a mountainous shortage, this decimated economy, three persons to a bike, but a pervert manner of child molestation so heinous in description, it could only be associated with demons, as this open water facet just pouring in where people come together, especially, pedophile males. Not long after I heard this voice, "rest 30 thousand lives," Elohim showing he hath this power, an earthquake hit Iran, the death toll, was exactly 30 thousand live, immediately gone.
     The oddest voice I've ever heard, was a distress call going across a radio, warning about being on a collision course, didn't think much of it, until a month later, one of the worse air disaster, two planes colliding, one carries dignitary children, so I heard this distress call like weeks and weeks, prior. The latest Syrian/Russia/US truce got my attention, not only because of the week prophecy, and the truce decided a week later, but the fact it was made in Geneva Switzerland, because years past I heard a voice lament, and I quote, "don't touch Geneva," now you know why Russia, even if unbeknownst to him, went to ally Syria in the beginning.
     The six slayers Ezekiel witness God, raise from the higher gate north, were first to begin at God's sanctuary, I believe the ten day countdown, prior to the San Bernardino shooting, was actually a count down to ISS and Boko Haram, targeting Churches and Christians more now than anything, that they've pledged to kill Christians, wherever they find them, again, indicative of seeing bomb threats in the churches, and a beast 2014, tearing through every apostate particle of it, pulpits, pastors and pews, see more, see more here,, when I first got the, "give me 12," prophecy.
     I first considered Ezekiel 9, slayers, now by the number of 12, since the Syrian Truce, decided a week after the, week prophecy, 08/18-08/25, beginning the September 12th, the twelve demanded here could've meant 12 days. I don't think you all know how serious these times approach, the mid eighties I witness America's judgement come in the form of a death rider, released from the earth, around 2005, it was then in the manner of a syringe wielding grim reaper, though behind the intrepid dream 2001, I saw what John did see, a beige to pale horse, towering, infested with fleas, readied to now come upon the earth.

Bathroom Brawls

     The other night I had a dream of children being lost around bathroom, months earlier, it was about restroom being made various forms of traps for them, I don't think I have to tell you what this is all pointing, to, the debate about transgender restroom, the breakage of the rainbow covenant and flood waters everywhere, and one witness show when he saw the damage, he wept uncontrollably and I thought so did Elohim, behind a silence in heaven, how his people are being stripped of everything Christ has brought them, so now hearing a voice, lament, kill all parents, you see whenever children are admonished to obey their parents, this isn't righteous, only righteous parents can lead to righteousness, why the holy scripture acualy say, children obey your parents in the lord
     Then meaning, unrighteous parents and overseers can only lead them to satan, demons and every evil work. This fine example, just now while surfing the net, my grand run across an article, whereas this Nazi mom, heart yet lamenting, Christ's Crucifixion be upon her and her children, at portraying her son, wanting to be a girl, since 4 years, portraying as a dressing room, he now dressed fondly like a female. This mother or this family don't realize, since the days of Noah, they like all mankind have been forewarn, this lifestyle to God is abominable, this generation of nature's (Genesis), gone and then the next and the next. So are we really surprised of an order going out regarding targeting and killing all parents, meaning those refusing to repent; so on with leading the future god man into mutant manners of none procreating marriage, of every evil work.
     As a Grandmother for decades, I can bear witness, when you explain biblically to your children, what God, righteously intended, see the Genesis, Noah's Ark, the male for the female and the female for the male, again I'm his witness, and though you have to practice it as Satan can't cast out Satan, which is the spirit of hypocrisy, an evil tree (unsaved parents), can't bear good fruit (righteous children).  They show stark comprehension, like it was something they knew as this order, but had because of the LGBTQ moment, now infecting like a deadly virus their everything, this issue had become confused, though if it was so, same-sex marriage, not only could they not be here, none of what's become the greatest of technology would actually work.
     The pale horse judgement, come out of prediction per America's soil 2001-2017, plainly mean millions upon millions of American are about to die, young, old, men, women and children, though most horridly, most will perish, meaning the second death, hell, has complete power over them, why Jesus say, he who believeth not is condemn already, death, judgment, hell all remain, got him got Jesus yet? See more here,          

If You Say You Hath Not Sin, You Deceive Yourselves, I Jn. 1
If You Deny Jesus, You Remain Accursed From Death, Unto The Second, St. Mk. 16:16

Question: How Did A Rapist Get Voted Into The Hall Of Fame?

     How did one, a rapist, whore, adulterer, become President of The US, two consecutive terms, why did the horde treating the adulterous woman, drop all their stones to the ground and instead pound to death a servant of Jesus, now looking to HIM, reigning in heaven? Point he, Sharper, is not the only one, I assure you, more like everyone is, here I'll prove it, truthfully, its because all mankind is one way outwardly, but inwardly they're all together something else. That something else, if it is not dealt with properly, see Christ's Cross, not suicide, he then becomes this monster, wondering Himself, even themselves, like Adam and Eve, now greatly deceived, how did he, they get here, again this horrid beyond belief?
     Think about the terrors of what just happened to one of this nations most special fathers, yes President Bill Clinton, and Hillary pending, but I'm talking, Bill Cosby. How many times have people said, if it can happen to him, it can happen to anyone; only it has happen to everyone, yes even you. So anytime a person say they're born this way, they're right, sin is a birth defect of the heart, meaning there's no man made way of getting rid if it, with the only authentic suicide, the killing off the heart of flesh, by being born again, see Jesus, See,
     King David, who'd just had one of his loyal generals assassinated so he could take his wife, is apologizing to God for becoming this treacherous even as he sat, fed and swelled his mother's womb, see Psalm 51. Simon the prophet asked him, what you think, God doesn't see this, that He will not act out angrily, right then David lost the offspring which resulted from this evil, something Jesus threatens of all unrepentant whoredom. "I was born in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me," at least David know, admittedly, scripture has it, that mankind perish, because they don't know, ah Jesus, I guess you can say, it's why the written word, Holy Spirit descending, even Angels, exist.
     So now all things mankind, heart, spirit, soul, intention, so yes including America, the free world are all rooted into this monstrous transgression as even their cursed lineage, of Jesus calling all into His Cross of repentance. Heathen religious leaders of Jesus day thought their biggest problem was unwashed hands, accused Jesus, His disciples of the same. Jesus openly told them it is not that which enters the body your curse, (see Mk. 7:21), but what comes from within the heart, this potential to sin; provoking all mankind into heinous wickedness, stirred in of Satan and Demons, now given over to vile affections.
     To the point of voting these horrors right into the sanctity of the marriage bed, family and mankind's continuous as nature to procreate the earth, why I design binary sexuality as a genocidal mutation of the God-man. So heinous, as I described, Jesus is threating those refusing to repent not only with great tribulation, the world for the planet ever, and their potential to decimate mankind, though to kill their ruin offspring with death. The prophet Ezekiel is instructing those of his Judah who turn to God with all their woes how God will give them a new heart; take the failed Adam of mom's womb and dad genealogy, right out of them.
     As to surgically remove it out and away, this heart design, into a new creature, now having the heart of Holy Spirits, where refused millions have perished, Jesus is the only way to get this right ever. Miraculously beyond description, when I did look, this phenomenal allowance in heaven, this same prophet Ezekiel now opening three time doors there. I saw when this illumination like the sun, become a hand, for to reach right into the chest of this multitude before Him. I looked and the old, ruin heart, given to abominations, bore his hand, bloody, beating and everything, and another, pure, spirit heart was placed within. Truly eyes hath not seen, nor ears heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, the things God Hath prepared for those who love Him.
    How many people have you lost, how many well intentional persons have gone out of your life? Not only because you couldn't control these acts to fornicate, but you found it quite pleasurous, sadly right into bouts of depression and suicide, the ought to be married, a covenant to, with God, faithful unto death do part. This is why the movie, 50 shades of gray, nothing short of a new spin on pornography, why it's so popular, when instead you hear Jesus. Now having His Bride reign with Him, in preparations of the Marriage Supper, lamenting, how the white, (Gods Infinite Glory), is for the Righteousness of the Saints, upon which the second death hath no power. There is now bragging rights about Grays' trailer, this darker gray, now breaking records, truly like the Psalmist say, I saw the transgressor and was grieved because they kept not thy word, Apb.
     This I know, in comparison to the hurricane like flooding in Louisiana that no one but God, and His Anointed saw coming, time Yellowstone erupts, or God just drop an asteroid on us, or send a massive CME our way; or this giant of a Tsunami, even nuclear war US soil, or regularly, all of the above. The first thing thought, even asked, even now, is what is going on with our earth? Well, all of which I've forewarn, these thirty years, let me answer that, what's going on is God being the same as in Noah's day, as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
     As so the Great I Am, behind the 12 plagues of Egypt, even wiping the Dinosaurs from the planet, He it is, which has equally and more so judged, weighed and sentence not just this nation and it's hundreds of millions, but it dispensation of rebellion, (see western civilization, dating back to the Roman Empire, Dan. 7), and marked it for complete deletion, 2001-2017, by unpronounced cataclysms, awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, the RAM, see more here,,

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