Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus, Three years ago, Pastor Dmitry Shestakov and his family fled Uzbekistan after he had spent four years in a labor camp and subsequently received numerous death threats. The family’s journey of freedom officially ended August 30 as they arrived in Florida, where they were granted asylum. Mission Eurasia is assisting the family as they make this transition.
Nearly 10 years ago, authorities arrested the pastor after they raided Full Gospel Church in Andijan, Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan’s Religious Affairs Committee claimed Shestakov was not an authorized leader of any officially-recognized religious organization. He was labeled an “imposter” and sent to a prison camp more than 400 miles from his home. The distance made a visit from his wife, Marina, and their three daughters, Maria, Alexandra and Vera, challenging.
After his release on January 21, 2011 – exactly four years since he had entered prison – the government still closely monitored and forced him to obtain written permission just to leave his house. Following two years of living under these restrictions and receiving death threats, Shestakov moved his family to Ukraine, where the United Nations Human Rights Council granted them refugee status. See More Here, http://www.persecution.com/public/newsroom.aspx?story_ID=%3d383231&featuredstory_ID=%3d353436Apostle's Note:
Mission Butterfly, Phearson McPhearson and Regan Central Whitehead
I came to find you and you say you’re not lost, I seek to be near you and you say you can’t be found, I long to know you and you say you’re unreachable, I’m keeping you here, yet the window is open, I’m keeping you near me, yet the drapes are blowing, I just know it.
I say I love you and you say it’s heartless, I say I adore you and you say you doubt it, I say I’m coming for you and you say that’s impossible. I say I must have you and you say dream about it, I say I’m nothing without you and you say I’m all things regardless.
I say you’re countless and you say prove it, I say I’m useless without you and you say how flattering is that? I say you’re gone away from me, this butterfly to the yonder breeze and you say you are right here, light breaths from me, I say I know you are mine and you say, all the time, awake, Apb, the RAM.
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-Seen to be seeing Islamic terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings for their deadly efforts against the West, 2003, also see Jer. 37:8, 1998
-Seen to be seeing a build up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, with a US general lamenting, don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty, 2003
-Seen to be awarded an 11:00 shopping lunch hour, all while military loved ones are hooked their navels with pulleys and torn into bits, this horrid, 2003
For Your Glory, My Tasha Cobb
I want to be where you are, from 'For Your Glory,' by Tasha Cobb, the song playing in my head as I woke this morning got my attention, first got my attention, when I realize she was pleading to be where Jesus is, my Father is where Jesus is, hallelujah! My granddaughter Miya, the one I saw by a vision as we pulled up to meet her walking down Dunlap Street, (time done lapsed). As I shared before, I have two separate dreams regarding Dunlap Street where I grew up as a child, where my ministry by a head trauma incident that almost killed me began; it's all pictured where all things rebellious mankind is all ending, with his, Obama's Administration.
In one of those dreams, it concern President Obama before he visited Booker T. Washington, and in yet another, it regarded, first lady Obama, seen walking down Dunlap Street, before she visited St. Jude of Memphis, (see book of Jude), and my family as we would've been then, 1968, even around Dr. King's assassination, President Obama possibly thought this second. Here we were all squeezed into the door anxious to see again first lady Obama on our street, before the Presidential motor cage came for her. Surely Miya conversation began with, Bar-Bar, meaning one of the elder ladies at her church, said, she doesn't want to go to hell because it's so hot there.
Just as soon I said, I don't want to go to hell, because my Father isn't there, He's in heaven and I want to be where He is. The look on Miya's face was priceless, simply valueless, no where near what she could've ever thought I would say, even knowing me her nine years. Recognizing Him, Elohim, not just as Savior, healer, deliverer, ect. but as Father, is one of the things that got Jesus charged as a blasphemer. Handsomely, after serving Him so long as redeemer, as friend and confidant, after falling so heads over hill in love with Him, His People, calling Him Father soon become automatic.
Abba Father
For when the fullness of time of hath come, God brought forth his son, made of a woman (woman seed of Genesis), made under the law, to redeem those under, (bond the law), that we might receive the adoption of sons, whereby we cry Abba Father, see Gal. 4:4-7
Rather hard press to admit it, but I think Miya's conversation extended from yesterday, when my god grandson, five years said the most weirdest thing to me. I want to remind you, not only have we, but especially our children entered into an age, of those forewarn of perilous times. That's where bad is worshipped and good is hated, its the only thing to explain what he said, as we, he and I have a very special relationship. My grandchildren know more than one or two people, or they're acquainted with those who have young loved ones who've meet with death, by someone shooting them, some barely teens.
They're in schools where there are contentions and even fights nearly daily, where I've been in parks where young children are showing themselves their most violent, vicious and vulgar.
So much so, when you run across a brother and sister Miriam, yet manner able, loving and kind, not only toward you, but they really love and take care of one the other, you tend to take notice; this is how my boys were, until modern technology by wicked devices took them over, and this was in the late eighties. So entering the room where he's doing his homework assignment, he's fine, I'm calm, and he says, grandma, and I say yes, and he says I hope you go to hell! I know, one of those Jesus to Peter moment, this time Satan is using Peter to persuade Jesus not to go to the cross, meaning eternal hell for us all.
And I said, looking at him directly, well I'm glad you don't have control of that, God is the only one who can send a person to hell, then I said, I serve Jesus with all my heart, so I will ascend to heaven just like Jesus did. Then he said well I don't, as in he don't serve Jesus, well he is a church kid; I then used the concept of a firing, hot oven as to explain what going to hell would be like. Beyond heat, burning, anguish and the worse, you can't get out nor stop it, it continues on forever, at least that's what the bible says about it, see here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gzpjzS2GIc. On the other hand, this morning, while brushing his teeth, we had a different conversation, he ask me about flying, and I began discussing how we're to fly away with Jesus.
He said, well asked, you can fly? I said, yes, with Jesus, and so many angels will be with him they're going to block out the entire sky, just think about it, the whole sky covered over with angels, I have seen it, I said, now imagine the look on his tiny face. Having this kind of indescribable faith, love and worship toward God, is why Holy Spirits, 2013, while I was channel surfing through various TV ministries, said, and I quote Him, "these people need to fall in love with God!" (see St. Mat. 7:21-23); But this is only as this same voice lamented, earlier this year, "how self need to be pound into the dust," as so IT wrote in red letters right in the midst of reading Rom. 6, and I repeat, "man can't do this, only Holy Spirits can do this."
The Holy Spirit is referencing how a man can any time choose not to sin, but find himself, again therein, because the flesh remain. Though to live a sinless life, self must be put to death, crucified as Paul would say, and there's only one way to do this, you must be born, again. There's only one way to be born again, and live your life, as the wind which bloweth where everyone listens, or hears, and none can tell from whence it come, or to where it goes, like being as free, charming and beautiful as a bird, that's as you surrender all that's life, love and treasure, finding Holy Lords this worthy. It's here, I say, being afraid of the fires of hell, haven't kept anyone from going there, but changing your cursed fate's ability to land any person, at any given time, the regions of the damn, instead to a blessed death/Resurrection, in Jesus, now you're Heir to Heaven, with Him.
And I Shall Give Them Up, As In Give Up On Them http://www.towleroad.com/2016/09/mexican-boy-marriage/
Now imagine God's Grace saying this to you and your children, your nation, even your entire world, take time to wonder, is this what Elohim, right before the flood, Noah's Ark meant, when it repenteth Him, He'd created man? Right now there's a video gone viral as they say, about a little boy standing in the way of an anti-gay march, and so many people think ah that's just adorable. So was Jesus preventing this angry mob from stoning the woman caught in adultery, as they were all as guilty as she was, why Jesus, not come to condemn, released her and instructed her more importantly to stop sinning.
Righteously dividing the truth, what this child did, well it's only adorable if he is persuading all fornicators to get themselves to Jesus, as all unrighteousness is sin. Though especially fornication, as it is to desecrate the body. Mankind's authentic marriage, God's way through Jesus of committing and communing with the God-man He, Himself made, now condemn from birth but reborn by Christ's Blood. Their bodies, surrendered to Him, now forming His Abiding Temple
It's why Paul begged us to do this, Rom. 12, why Jesus say, repent or perish, or I will cast you into a bed, (sickbed, worse than actually dying, death flees from you, this hell on earth); thy lovers into great tribulation, except ye repent, and I will kill your children with death! Again, the worse that can ever, ever happen, behold He, Jesus now the Righteous Judge, stand at the door and knock, if any man! See more here, www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com
Frightfully for parents, these are the children Jesus' wrath is most of all targeting, those who're persuaded into a binary sexuality, once threatening the virgin birth, see Noah's Ark, now threatening its offspring, Anointed Ones, see the fall of Mystery Babylon, see Rev. 18. When Elohim explain the coming enmity, placed between Lucifer seed and the seed of the woman, wouldn't it then stand to reason, he, Lucifer would most of all target her, prevent any continuation of this supposedly blessed hope, seed of Elohim attempt at a more carnate existence. Even why this dragon is pictured in revelation waiting for the woman to give birth, so he can destroy this seed from the earth, but it's instead captured into heaven, so the rebellious, regardless of thousands of years of righteous outreach, make not only themselves, but children such easy targets, refusing to repent!
And I shall Give Them Up
I want you all to come with me, and regard this movie scene, the movie 'The Core,' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAu2e0VbvY4&list=PL824B1A319183B7CB, when it first come on something oddly disastrous happen, people even in the middle of speech, just fall dead, still, gone, over. No matter who they were, what they were planning, where they where going, gone bye, bye, and there was nothing left to do but a burial. This is rightly what would instantly happen if God decided to just give up this planet, then I read this statement out of Roman's the 1st chapter. Holy Spirits forewarning especially about same-sex relations and He, God admits, how those rebellious are those simply given up of him and destined to find themselves in the worse ever of predicaments, ever, even by Jesus thrown into sick beds and great tribulation.
I, Holy Lords as the witness I couldn't get over fact, that God, who is longsuffering toward us ward, I witness him behind a silence in heaven as so, has resound to the point of given up on someone. But if you remember, God literally extinct mankind, if it wasn't for the promise of the woman, and finding at least Noah's Family worthy to escape. That's with the woman seed in tact, actually four possibilities, Noah's Wife, as so did his three sons have wives, all for reproduction right into conceiving Jesus. I just know that is something scary, possibly as devastating as I felt, born sin, how if I kept sin therein this heart of man, this rebellious, this unrepentant, not only could I not have a relationship with God.
Though neither could He ever have a relationship with any of us, having since Adam cut us off, this curse, with one exception, only one, no double dealing, no straddling fences, no climbing up alternate ways. As so, no apostate mass assembly, but this one blood sacrifice, by this single name, given under heaven, that name above all names crying aloud if I be lifted up I will draw all men, Jesus is the way, truth and the life, no man cometh to the father, except by Him,
This obvious to see truth is why you can't tell me, of all things hundreds of thousands of prisoners in this nation, that people are there because their parents never wiped or punish, them, I contend most of there because their confused the rod with a belt, instead of growing in the grace and knowledge of the wisdom of God. This is why Jesus make it plain, violence begets violence, the Apostles epistles, teach, how parent shouldn't provoke a child to anger. The word of God, since the early prophets forewarn how God's people perishing is from a lack of knowledge, in other words knowing evil, and understanding God's Armor, is this divine protection.
Believe me, when the light like the sunlight in all of its strength, instead brought from a celebration there, moved from behind and a mountain and spoke, "let my people," it was saying like my Christ, sacrifice all things carnal, unveil, reveal, and set them free by telling them the truth. This truth is Jesus, spare your children this truth, ruin them from any semblance of good or the righteousness, for there is a way that seem right unto man, but the end thereof is he way of death, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, also see, www.2015jesuscomeknocking.blogspot.com
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