Sunday, September 25, 2016

Exiles Of Christ, Return, Repent

Day Thirty-six, 09/23/ 0f the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ one week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, this countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan, 9, also see,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                    

     Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Christianity is being criminalized in the United States. No, I am not talking about the kind of Christianity that is so prevalent in America today where “Christians” just ignore what the Bible says and do whatever they wanted to do in the first place anyway.
     Rather, I am talking about the kind of faith that Kim Davis has demonstrated. Christians all over this country are being put into positions where they must choose to either submit to the “new morality” or potentially lose their jobs. For Kim Davis, deciding to take a stand meant that she was thrown into prison. The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind.
     The pace of which our nation is circling the toilet is absolutely breathtaking. Just eleven years ago, a state constitutional amendment that banned gay marriage in Kentucky received support from 75 percent of the voters. The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind.
     Now, Kim Davis has been locked away, and more county clerks may be next. There is news that another county clerk named Casey Davis has stepped forward to say that he won’t issue any same sex marriage licenses either.
     What in the world has happened to America? We live in a country where Christians are being imprisoned for what they believe, but Planned Parenthood is free to slaughter babies, chop them up, and sell off their parts to the highest bidder.
     We better start paying attention. What is happening right in front of our eyes is eerily reminiscent of what happened in Nazi Germany…By Michael Synder, see more here,

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering on an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelve plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God call forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.

We The People Of The Cross
Sunday Morning Rapture

     Sunday Morning Rapture, the movie is ok, but this trailer, I keep sharing this trailer because it is so on point and if a pastor preached it every Sunday, ah what a blessing that would be. I remember when I asked a church elder, about this beyond all things mankind blessed event, Paul told us to comfort each other with and his response is, heart-dropping, he'd never heard of it. To be honest, and I've been in a lot of them, right through the door always made this teacher, I'm yet to be in the midst of a congregation sitting before a pulpit. That's speaking, teaching or preaching on the rapture, just as little as they speak on sin, is as little as they remind people of Jesus' promise to raise those dead in Him again, as so those living for him, right into God's Throne and Mansions designed for them.
     Let's make one thing clear, as this trailers pastor is telling you, your knees will do, you don't have to be in church to serve God with all your heart, assembly is more for fellowship, your repentant heart is now your Cross, Spirit and Truth, a new creature accordingly. My prediction by the truth of God is church assembly is going to be more shocked when the rapture happen than the world itself. Now with all these movies emptying churches out, it's not true, like in restricted countries now come US soil, Islamic terrorism, civil war in our streets.  There's God pouring out His wrath as need be, is what's going to empty out the churches, the astonishing disappearance of Jesus' millions is what's going to fill it to running over again, these willing to be martyred if, even their children, to get to Him, Born Again, Christians.
     Don't be alarmed, mass assembly was never about keeping right with God, but keeping God in check. Knowing exactly where He's at by your tithes and offerings and that He's doing everything to maintain your dreams; even if that include jeopardizing everything Christ's Cross. Not only chancing forfeiting the souls of men, but the Throne of Heaven, this is why assembly worship Him, also described as the sacrifices of the wicked, which too is an abomination to God. Placing His Kingdom on the bargaining table, something Elohim did the moment He chose a carnate existence, if Jesus who couldn't fail, being God manifested in the flesh.
     Let's just say by a hypotheses of examples Jesus accepted Satan's temptation, this would've brought to past Lucifer's most famous claim, how he would ascend his throne above the stars of God. Sincerely, what church on earth actually care about God losing his Throne; or man his soul? When all else fail, they have America, yes people Idolatry doing the days of the prophets forewarning a spiritually adulterous Israel, as so presently a severely condescending spirit toward God's form of righteousness, America, the people's choice supposedly called by God's name.
   Only they and their transgressions were so intertwine, they too were considered as the leopard's spot and the Ethiopian skin they and their sins, this one, the same. That at such a time as these debating transgressions, into marches surrounding transgender restrooms, proud gay demonstrations. Well, Jesus came in and snatched out the Bride right from under such costly distractions, like right now, Holy Spirits are forewarning, not only that Jesus is coming, Jesus been coming for like 2000 years, but that right as I share, Jesus is now on His Way here, how again, these too inconceivable to mysterious invasions from space could be all the more this evidence.

And I saw A New Heaven And A New Earth, Got Jesus Yet?

     There's all kind of evidence about a heavenly body, Nibiru, see more here, having now come into Earth's orbit to reek havoc on all earths system. There are those saying all this phenomenon of blaming earth's chaotic nature, even technical interference on global warming was always a farce, how these descending bodies are what's truly basically ending us. How these inconceivable reveals are something governmental officials has known about some 30 years, for those who don't know. That is pretty much the entire Rising Above Ministry, RAM; hence my prognosis, as I've said before, I believe we're seeing the fulfillment of what John saw so long ago.
     At the time he saw it, the world as we know it didn't exist, so seeing this, it would've appeared to be a new earth, and heaven descending, even a new Jerusalem. So if my calculations, even revelations are right Niribu is just another beyond description proof that we've indeed entered into an end of all things men, that God's Kingdom alone hath reign. There are schematics about how America, the globe is gonna look once this Alien Mass have it's way here, but as usual none of that prophetically make sense. Jesus predicted this heaven and earth will past, Peter said it would be totally consumed and dissolved by fire, Apostle Peter said further, knowing this, why wouldn't we be all the better servants of God?
     I know that answer, mankind is convinced foolishly, come what may because they have America, or am I to presumed America isn't apart of the world that being dissolved mostly by fire? As did John, by the Revelation of God see a new heaven and a new earth, because, and I quote him, "the first heaven and the first earth had past away. Awake, these seeming sinister plots are all the more evidence God's Kingdom is being done on this earth as in heaven. Regardless of rebellious mankind seeming to have their way, again, God Kingdom Reign is that being evidenced here, these undeniable planetary bodies seeming to be plotting a mutiny against all things men, even so as John further said, "come Lord Jesus."  
     You remember the scene in the movie, the Day The Earth Stood Still, Keanu Reeves, they all waiting for an impact, (see Deep Impact as well, well see all earth ending movies the last thirty years, always getting it wrong, by leaving mankind in reign). Just as so, they were awaiting a crashing into so tremendous nothing would be left but the dust of them, see, Dan. 2, whose fan is in Jesus's hand. Though the rouge mass began to slow down, proving it was under control by a higher power than themselves, not a ferocious impact, but a well designed takeover and deletion of a plague like humankind, point being, the world of man was finished. Only now in reality there is no God changing His long awaited plans, there's no talking Him out of it, only to save your souls and reign with Him, see Christ Jesus Cross.

All To Have It's End By 2010

     I can't tell you how I found it, but years back I come across a video where top official were planning something like this to happen around 2010, yes, America's end. If you remember, miscalculating the Intrepid Dream time table, whereas the 15.10 years, given the dispensation of Christ's Cross, Dec. 25th, 2001, for 190 months. Soon subtracted of Daniel's week of years, meaning the church age and westernized civilization would then end as well by this calculation end by 2010,  not realizing Daniel's week would begin behind this 15.10 year duration. Instead I predicted our world would end 2010, if you remember 2010ncame in as volatile as mankind's end, showing God ripe with avenging righteous blood and soon tapered off  this ebb and flow along what's now being reported as beyond historic natural disasters and more
     So it's not that my forewarning was wrong, only miscalculated, the dispensation of grace that went eschew Daniel's 70th week of year as Messiah was cut off these nearly 2000 years, allowing the Cross' Grace, the Church Age, and age of rebellion to all have their perfect work. All now being demonstrated by the Intrepid dream of hope and judgement ending, here having 190 months left, 2001-2017, unto it's fulfillment of what's shown to be for rebellious men, a cataclysmic end. They, America, the West, having insurmountable as the days of Noah sins and double it's abominations. 
     All of which whose climatic sentence will again fork us and I'm talking even as I write and you read along Daniel's final week of years, 2017/18-2024/25, of Jacob's troubles and more, way, way more. See the comments to a most revealing article below, actually what's left of a Syrian Truce meet 08/25, a week after the "week," prophecy given me 08/18. That Apostle has further made as per this blog a countdown into both  Resurrection and Daniels's week, whereas as I received just a couple nights ago, all the more this reveal, the name Daniel. Now having said all of the above, my own God given Revelations of Christ these thirty and counting years, at the lease regarding Nibiru and others like it.
     I'm inclined to believe we're talking about and are actually witnessing this present earth, so remarkably, prophetically dissolved, replacement. All of which will explain these countless exodus, evacuations and stampedes I've also witness these thirty years. I mean the migration of hundreds of thousands out of disputed and warring nations, is something I've been seeing happen especially US soil for as long as I've been in fulfilling prophecy, again, thirty years and counting, It is this God of longsuffering even attempting to move the rebellious out of harms way, until the salvation of the soul, but no more, America, these slow motion exoduses and long lines at water coolers, crafting malls into fall out shelters, and escaping into closed Mexican borders all a little late, your knees, your closets, your cries toward repentance, truly blessed is one who come in the name of the Lord, O Blessed Jesus, Doeth Come!

     America's, Britain's Syrian Objective, Separate Them Into Itty, Bitty Pieces

     This was ordered in 2004, to be done upon America and Britain seen to be going in alternate directions, before PM Cameron was pointed out as the one to watch, before the Brexit Vote, and the this recent Geneva/USA/Syrian Truce   ...when king Nebuchadnezzar witness this happen, all world nations from the greatest reduced to nothing but dust, who fan was empowered by a rock made without hands, falling out of Heaven again, crushing it all, unto the judgment of the nations, Mat. 25, Dan. 2

     Article...“America’s main objective,” according to Ahmad, “is to bring any world power that threatens them under control. Consequently, [Washington] is waging a war with these powers; and these powers include China and Russia.” Article... How long have I been saying this exact thing? This is her why her complete removal by Elohim Himself, is pending 2001-10/2017, unto the final week of Daniel...The Church Age Is Ending, Apb

A Pale Horse, Infested With Fleas               

      -When it come to America along these accusations, I'm reminded of God telling a furiously warring David, now deceived by Satan that enough is enough and by responding to him, by this curse slew some 70 thousand of his men, II Sam. 24. This is why I said recently, America standing in the way as to prevent biblical prophecy is going to get a lot of US servicemen killed unnecessarily, as so the servicemen of all allying them, and for what? America, the West doomed fate is as decided as King Belshazzar the night of, Dan. 5:26-31, their writing on the wall, Jer. 37:8, 1998. All with this Hussein to Brexit, into an Islamic Reign being only the beginning of the severest of pains, now we understand Holy Spirits forewarning, this last Rapture demonstration, 06/2015, and I quote, "it's all about Cameron," (see distant relative, PM Cameron).
     -So when you think the Angel Gabriel, told the Prince of Persia, the Prince of Grecia was replacing him, Dan. 9, you think it just moved over and allowed It? Possibly why he withstood Gabriel, 21 days until the Archangel Michael's Intervention, now here was Gabriel again, 2004, only now he was announcing as Nebuchadnezzar's handless stone. That unimaginably falling and smashing it all to itty, bitty pieces and the sounding of the seventh angel celebrating it, now is come the end to all world wide rebellious, it's like announcing now is come the battle of Armageddon, and Jesus appearing brightness totally devastating them, all warring factions get ye there, time for your medicine! Awake, see here,

Exiles Of Christ's Cross, Return, Repent!                            

     I admit some years later I had to do like this mental double take when I realize what I'd actually seen now come out of prediction, and remarkably, visibly on US soil was the long awaited prophesied Pale Horse of Revelation, see more here,  This mean end time events just got way more serious if the pale horse judgment was come into fruition as soon as 2017. Though the additional fright, or concern, those two beast I'd seen as lately as 2008, one rising from land, and one rising from the sea, which then senator's Obama's soon to be presidential administration now being designed by so many as the beast. Additionally what was so alarming, John again had been shown something similar, and recorded as the 13th chapter of revelation.
     Two beast rising, one from land and one from sea, unveiled to him as both the antichrist and the false prophet, and here I was, it having a Hussein in the Whitehouse, seeing them rising, US soil and all.. You may ask if all of these end time matters will mostly affect the middle east territories, you can hear a mighty voice, "loose the four angels which are bound in he great river Euphrates, now unto Abaddon, who in the Greek hath his Apollyon. what is said by bible scholars will be a revised Assyrian, to Grecian, to Roman Empire, that such the like too vicious to contemplate territorial spirits with demonic intention are regularly being loosed upon the earth here, planning how all the better to devastate mankind.
     This is why I said lately with Daniel's pending week causing us to revisit some of earths worse evils, like the Medes and Persians, the torture vehicles I witness 2003, were said to be of them, this beyond dirty, meaning inhuman. All cause us to get some ideal of why these times are to be their worse ever even with Elohim pouring out his greatest of wrath, the earth unleashing it's deadliest, the sky falling all around us, with treacherous winds, waves and flames piloted as need be, and warring man his deadliest weaponry of all time. This is why right now, Syrian leaders are forewarning us, the third world war, those having America so little regard isn't pending, it's happening, it's being fought by various world powers right now, Syrian soil. 
     This war review is why attention was brought PM' Cameron's way 2015, why Caden was lead, to lead me into the breaking news of the failed Syrian/Russian Truce prior to this, why I was given a week countdown into the last Truce, 08/25/ that is further a countdown into the week of Daniel, because it is God's Will that hath reign and not these evil sabotages of men. I further want to consider what is possibly the divine deity behind this descending body whereas I was reminded how doing the last demonstration of ascension, we, the now ascended body had a place to stay that wasn't that far a distant from this earth.
     Here is such the reminder to further explain seeing the stone cut out without hands not only in the Bride's possession, but like an NEO, it had the surface of a meteor. So  perhaps Niribu, or a heavenly body similar was this stay over for now, this I know, all that is phenomenon we've been reading about, teaching, preaching and prophesying about.  It's all as Gabriel 2004 forewarn, happening, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind is what he indeed said, as so this describable sounding of the seventh angel. Understand, when the seventh angel shall begin to sound, the Kingdom of men shall be finished, and here is come Heavens Throne's celebrating, how not only are world nations done. 
     Though have fallen into control of God, and He and His Christ would reign forever, little realizing it, but Gabriel 2004, was equally describing what can only happen within the confines of the final week of Daniel. Doing a library visit weeks ago, I ran cross the book of various comments regarding the rapture, there was one who described this is possibly what the war in heaven is about, and Satan and follower being ejected right into the earth of us. He feel Elohim wouldn't want Lucifer to be in this position of high altitude where the bride itself will no doubt descend. Do I'm thinking, before the world was discovered it's chaotic self, the spirit seeing himself move upon the waters.
    Justly, before God spoke light, life and created it's first husband and wife, that at one point Lucifer did sit this ruler, before God sent a giant rock crashing right into it, an earth, once being Satan's dominion, refurbished so to speak and given to mankind's reign. Now we have a floating Heavenly Body, ascending from areas once Lucifer territories, his being ejected, Archangel Michael and the armies of heavens did this. Seeming again, what once was Satan's is become Heir to God's Anointed, I know, all just this speculation, still eyes hath not seen, nor ears heard, nor hath it entered into the hearts of man, the things God hath prepared for those who love him. 
     This world of leaders knowing about this planetary visitation since, while for thirty years, could even give us better comprehension, of why Jesus chose thirty years ago to demonstrate his taking us off the earth, out of harms way, not only was there the threat of a failing nuclear planet, but all the most proof, the will of God concerning this earth was no longer in delay, and things both terrifying and remarkable as John especially shown the things hereafter did see, mean Jesus prayer, that God's will be done, here, as in heaven was all the more visibly coming to pass and mankind, both the Ethiopians and the leopards loving the world so much, still having bled oceans of crying unto God blood into it, couldn't as John see this descending new heaven and earth, the stone cut out without hand, this very antichrist slaughter as blessing, but as a curse, whereby we hear them cry "long live America! (Hussein!), so now they love Him, (again Hussein). Awake! Apb, The RAM

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