Day Thirty-five, 09/23/ 0f the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ one week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, this countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan, 9, also see,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, kill all parents by, I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelves plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
Mercy, Not Mockery!
Mercy Said No! By Ce Ce Winans, is the reminder, not only have God commended His Love toward us that while we're yet (born, live), sinners, Christ Jesus died for us. Though is further explained, Elohim, being longsuffering toward us ward that none perish, let us take heed, this Christ Lord of greater than any God/man sacrifices is warning millions perhaps coming after Him. That once saved isn't always saved nor are a man's work, despite how enormous, their salvation, only as they've taken on a heart of Christ. By surrendering theirs, meaning all that's life, love and treasures set in heaven above, are they now more apt to serve the Holy Spirit; having by Christ's Redemptive Cross, modified the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life.
Yes, as this stunning performer Ce Ce is saying, singing, mercy says no when your sins, your disobedient of God's righteousness flesh wants to drag you off to hell. God's mercy is there, readied for you to call yourself into position, meaning not only have you become a hearer of the word, as millions opening up their eyes the eternal curse. Though by anointing spirits and your giving over your trusting heart to them, are you heir with Christ, God's Throne, no flesh and blood inheriting herein. In other words no one can work or gift there way into heaven, you see regardless of your American Dream, only Jesus' Blood, and you worshipping Him, unlikely to ever again sin, can disappear this pending judgment into the second death having and holding so many captive, see Rev. 17:1.
When I chose a song, I chose the lyrics of that song, only God knows the heart of the performer and will judge them accordingly, they either practice and thus live what it is by these amazing songs preach or they're hypocritical in these comments, whose condemnation from birth remain, despite how beautifully they perform. The gospel of Jesus as seen here, Mat. 7:21-23, that so many especially church people take for granted, well actually it's mercy and beyond descriptive love. I'm gonna tell you something, and if I can tell my 11, 12 and 9 year old grands this, I can tell you this as well. The same God who shaped Adam out of the earth and breath into him this living soul, is the same God who is gonna cast the lineage of Adam, unrepentant into the lake burning with fire and brimstone, this is what the Apostle Paul mean, God is not mocked, what a man sow, that shall he reap, no exceptions, by ONE, Jesus' Blood, Apb, see here,
Who Hath Bewitched You?
-When Jesus was accused of having a demon, He then disproved this outrageous accusation by saying, Satan can't cast out Satan, in other words, the American Dream never, could've, would've saved. Though is possibly more responsible for people opening up their eyes in hell, than it's original mother, the Roman Empire who crucified Jesus Christ. As so it's authentic father Lucifer, which was a murderer from the beginning who abode not in the truth. The lesson taken here is, no friendship of the world is then characterized by the blood of Christ they totally opposes one another. One leadeth to death, destruction and the second death, as so America, like it's father, an artificial loan, quite enticing from the beginning, this board way, well, one cometh down from heaven, leadeth to immortal life, the flesh, worldly treasures, pleasures no longer having a place in you.
-The wealth of the wicked, apostate churches, all abrogated by temporal flesh being anointed upon by Satan, of the space beyond Christ's Cross loan them, which has only turn them this idolatry of a heathen rage against Jesus, this strong delusion. This deceptive friendship all set against you that you perish never actually knowing the heart of God, he hath restored to you, by the blood of a specific Jew, the woman seed, savior of all cursed blood, the Jesus, as the woman, Veronica, with the issue of blood lamented, if only I could touch just the hem of his garment. This present reality cursed from the first Adam would never again sustain life, just prolong it until death happen, this is why you hear Jesus ask you, what you gonna do with it, and his father, David lament, how he'll make God it's shepherd.
-You see straight out of the womb you're born into a tremendous deception that you're unable to sake being embroiled right into the fabric of human blood, and no matter how you race under the microscope of life, this darken mirror, every you think you got it figured actually and in ways most horridly unthinkably you don't this is not only called a cursed, but death, it's exactly without question what Elohim was describing to both Adam and now his Eve, the only mankind God ever had, ever.
When he described disobedience would lead to their death because they could never, ever figure losing this divine ability to diety once they lose sight of him, disobedience, sin separate us into a blindness affecting all of our capacities.
This when a well educated religious leader Nicodemus is inquiring of Jesus seeming self made wisdom, and Jesus is attempting to explain the concept of being born again, that even a Jewish Religious leaders just isn't getting it and Jesus finally admits it, except a man be born again he can't comprehend the kingdom of God, meaning until he born again, he's lost, again, Jesus says it, except a man be born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God, if you can understand God's form of righteousness which is spirit and truth, then you incapable of doing his will and entering his kingdom now sinless. Only if one is born again, can he then worship God in spirit and truth, now adopted into the kingdom of God, this heir with Jesus Christ, so the stunning question of Nicodemus, how can a man be reborn, can he enter again into his mother's womb and be reborn?
No, he doesn't have to God, by the woman seed had already done that, righteous blood, but for us cursed flesh and you Nicodemus was right here being mesmerized, even some into insanity, by Elohim's even now thousand of years later incomprehensible longsuffering, mercy, sacrifice, you see what happen is simply this, God himself, by the woman's womb, so even now the angels had a God, who took upon him flesh, and endured a cross, for the man who once was lost, whereby we're adopted into His Diety, whereby we cry Abba father. This is plainly what Paul mean, as he ministered to his son in the faith Timothy, how God, no well he said, without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: in other word marvel not.
I will show you the mystery of the Son of Man/God, as God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into there is only one man born to this earth that fit this beyond amazing criteria, and that is Jesus Christ. Seen of Angels, again mean, Holy Angels, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and legions of others, all now have a God, how put on flesh, and endured a cross, for the man who once was lost, which is why an appearing to me Angel Gabriel, out of all of God's revealed Revelations, he most brought our attention, to the sounding of the seventh angels, and the heavens celebrating what Jesus lamented just as he surrender the spirit, it is finished.
Now the kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever! so when this cursed flesh give us up, it releases us to one or two places, why all mankind need and has a shepherd, you either depending on this shepherd, ascend into the regions of heaven, having heartily served him or you will descend into the vast territories of hell having rejected him, by which Jesus is then described as the good shepherd, there is only one other, yourself, so cursed therein death and dying can't save you, awaiting there beyond, yes suicides as well, isn't only eternity, but judgement and hell. So many people, let me see how to say this, can only live deliciously in the sorely corruptible even abominable lifestyle they're in only as long as America, who is melting faster than a snowball doing an inferno, see especially California, exist.
So Bush standing before the people telling them, all yeah there is an America Dream, might as well have been as the abomination of desolation, Jesus, Mat. 24, standing the holy places, Obama's Administration just legalized as same sex marriage, this beyond anything abominable besides the Antichrist himself. All hopefully, prayerfully reading here need understand, the truth I learn that landed me within the regions of heavens, it's heir-ship in the beginning. When you make a decision to live your life in sin, all unrighteousness is sin, there is not one person on this earth, take this gigantic distractor like Angelia and Brad right now.
None of these people can help you or benefit you once you open your eyes in hell, nothing can, God's Grace forbid most of them are right there beside you. Why is that you ask? Because beyond America, the apostate rainbow, the pot of gold there is the reality of this world's greatest ever to be treasured gift, except you're born again. Meaning you abandon like a deadly plague having no antidote selfdom, America, for Christ Jesus, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God, and like the father you by your perverted lifestyles (Mystery Babylon), actually do serve, again and again and again, within, you're in hell, see here,
Wherein Shall Ye Die? Live!
Selah, O The Blood
I remember being so over impressed by reading five words in the bible, Ezekiel or Jeremiah, I hardly remember, but those words were, "wherein shall ye die, live!" What's so astonishing here, although mankind has since Cain slew Abel, shown themselves one abomination after the other, God has even as He Promised these two brothers mother, Eve, humankind Mother as well, how He will craft this amazing enmity and from it would emerge a Adam, whereas all could now regardless of the firsts Adam's cursed, LIVE!, These five words are them most exemplary of Jesus asking what shall it profit a man if he gain the American Dream, something Satan offered him if he would forfeit human kind's blood redemption, even this mystery Babylon and lose his soul?
The immortal that mortals forget, I like to say, equally, it's Jesus making one of the most shocking, surreal statements of His Sacrificial Ministry ever, and I quote, "whosoever believe in me shall never die, boy did they make fun of him ...and I will raise him up on the last day, meaning the last day of the church age, so many are prophesying is come not only this year of 2016, even this month of September, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. I will admit though I've been ministering according to this blessed events all my Christian walk with Christ demonstrating this blessed event therein, awake, Apb, The RAM,
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Eze. 33:11
I've never set a date, although I commented how there are those given to know this date, I hardly believed in it, until June of 2015, doing another demonstration of Rapture after so many, I was able to glance a departure date, only telling you what I experienced, this date like so many others, there was no specific year I admit but that date was September 25th. This was the same dream lamenting and I quote, it's all about Cameron, before it was revealed a week or so later, how PM Cameron send British troops Syrian soil to target ISIS leaders, killing two. This move soon bringing Russia to ally Assad's Syria spinning us into what has become not only this Brexit, but two primary Syrian/Russian Truce, one arranged, one week 08/25/ after a week prophecy, 08/18, doing one hour with Obama, known by most as the Beast, all while a two week and seven years time table 2008, regarding him has long expired.
Of course, Jesus went on after making this staggering accusation and not that many days hence would raise a friend, who'd been in a grave/tomb, for four days. This was the equally mesmerizing, jaw dropping, mouth gapping awe, acts of Christ, Of God by Christ's Cross, right into believers bearing their own cursed blood lineage, now this blessed out reach of Him, Jesus. That just as we die, well sleep, our by Christ's holy spirits risen to Him, doing the first resurrection, we're risen from sleep into glorified bodies. what Ken Peters, is seeing right here, What I saw additionally, is that once readied this miraculously, once asleep saints, and those living, now like fire rockets shooting into heavens to join Jesus awaiting us there.
I teased my grands just the other day, how this record breaking heat here and around the world could just because Jesus, the sunlight of God, is closer to us than he's been since the disciples witness him, the mount of Olives, ascend, since he told me, this end time apostle, witnessing him rise as well, heard him, "I'm coming soon go and tell my people, when in February of 2015, coming to me as one is send text messages, that even the greatest of technology take heed, and I quote these phenomes, "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way," wherein shall ye die? Live! God, Jesus, Heaven's Host sacrificed for this, Got Him, got Jesus yet? Apb
Your Church, Will, Selfdom, Condemn
"It's always Jesus, Jesus with you Spirit, don't you have anything else? No, Jesus Dove man is everything, this is death man, and you've been wondering around in it all your life trying to figure what you're to do with it, it's death, there's only one thing you can do with it, die!" See More Here,
Minister Frances Chan, releasing his flock lately was a type of God's mercy. It was this vast wake up call whose God like trumpet is this thunderous, deafening noise should've reverberated along all mass assembly waking them into realizing who is it they actually serve. The religion driving the nails, or the Christian Temple walking out of the tomb, as promised and prophesied three days later. Ask yourself, are you become so lackadaisical by church rituals, that when Jesus said he found himself knocking at the door of it.
Or are you counted as one set as a guard against His Knocking instead of opening the door to His Wondrous entry, for whosoever will come. The second death, hell has no more power over them, even the heavens are lamenting this, lost in translation of God's authentic mercy, that's not an excuse, or a cover for sin, but it's blood redemption of cleansing; crying aloud, blessed are those in the first resurrection, upon which death and hell hath no power, we must decease, Christ, the blessed Savior must increase, remember?
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