Day Thirty-nine, 09/27/ of the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/ now this countdown to resurrection and Daniel final week, see Dan. 9, see,,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Very Important ! URGENT News from Glen Eagles Hospital URGENT !!!!!
Seven women have died after inhaling a free perfume sample that was mailed to them. The product was poisonous . If you receive free samples in the mail such as lotions, perfumes, diapers etc. throw them away . The government is afraid that this might be another terrorist act . They will not announce it in the news because they do not want to create panic or give the terrorists new ideas. Send this Fwd: to all your friends and family members. Diane J. Ford Office of the Chief of Police Office of Risk Management 101 M Street , SW Washington , DC,
Hey girl, thanks, surprised, but not alarmed, they're here and they're not going anywhere, this is what the dream about Syed Farook was about, the night before he was revealed as a terrorist, he and his wife. They are mounting a siege here, see Jer. 37:8, 1998, and Americans going on like all is normal make themselves so vulnerable, get to the alters, love you, read more here,
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue, Apb
A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering on an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelve plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God call forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
The Slow Motion Exodus
You know the part in earth ending movies, whereas alarms of pending attacks nationwide are blaring aloud and people are screaming, running and stampeding this panic, right into their local churches, these repentant alters, wanting God to save them. Well, since no one in America is doing that, only by visions and dreams, these thirty years, that is, they've been deemed by Holy Sprits as being in a slow motion exodus, all into a huge maze like homeless shelters, and by the hundreds of millions patiently awaiting their turn at a water cooler, beware, be very aware, see more here,
Every Praise, My God Is Awesome
When I'm reminded to praise God, well, as I testified earlier, my prayers always turn to praise because father Lord God is so faithful. As I was saying, when I think about praise, I think about the day prophecy was additionally fulfilled when Israel's King, even that of Zion, came into the pass-over riding on a young donkey. Now, before the lot of them would be crying crucified him, the greatest delusions ever, even see America, that those harden hearted would be instead damned, those right now with palm leaves in hand.
Frightfully to the evil, religious leaders, all the world would worship him, so in their failed efforts to stay the crowd from him, Jesus warn them, prevent them, and the stones, the stones people would rise up, cry out and worship Him, what kind of man is this that the winds, the sea, the dead obey him, and the stones of the earth, saturated in mountainous of martyred blood, raise of a voice of themselves, itself, and honor to this King of kings, for in three days, He would be walking glorified, among, them, truly blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord, got him, got Jesus Yet?
Shawn Weed
I don't do this a lot I admit, I'll be researching one thing and along hundreds and thousands of videos here was one of my choice. When God's Truth lament, eyes, hath not see, nor ears heard, how neither hath it entered into the heart of man, the things God hath prepared for those who love him. I mean what a beyond his heaven and this earth testament, well, remember when John was found weeping, (also heavenly father behind a silence in heaven, 1993), as so one of the victims of the massive Louisiana flooding lately, said when he saw the damage to his house, this temporal treasure, how he cried uncontrollably, well for these same reasons, meaning it all seem hopeless.
John was in heaven crying. and all of a sudden he look and see a Lamb that looked as though it had been slain, remember as recently as 2015, an additional beyond proper cognition. Shown a space in heaven, I saw the Bride, yes reigning there, having in her possession the very thing that will end all earthbound rebellion ushering us into Christ's Millennium for a thousand years. Soon John hears this mighty voice, "weep not!" behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed!" Meaning God manifested in the flesh.
This is why you hear him, Jesus say, "come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest," (peace), the chastisement of it, of our peace, rest was upon him, just as our blood redemption. Isaiah testified and prophesied, how He would be severely wounded for this, for his newly delivered Israel asking of Him, of these yet visible wounds, and their blessed Lord answers, those of which I was wounded in the house of my friends, again I say hallelujah!
Who Hath This Man?
Shawn and friends were playing a game where they accidently strung him up this joke, left him, not knowing as they went on, he passed on and found himself not only in a battle for his life, but for his soul. When I say battle, truly, I'm talking like those in heaven, between the Archangel Michael, the armies of heaven Commander and Lucifer and his fallen, even demon horde. If we never understood what all of this mean, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, the Authentic Jihad, I like to say, believe me after Shawn's stunning testimony you will understand.
I just now heard Shawn mention how this happen 2004, this is the year, date 05/15, like one month later, when the Angel Gabriel appeared to me. I mean this young man's beyond imagination story is additional evidence regarding from whence we come and to where we will go. That once born here, this is the ultimate choice or choosing of us all, Heaven's Throne mind is made, they're longsuffering, readied to battle not willing that any perish, while hell enlarges itself constantly for those who perish. regardless of Righteous Angels battling out our immortal fate, see more here,
Profiting Hell, It Having Enlarged Itself, The Point Of No Return!
Choosing or trying to fit or fix God into abominable lifestyles, when Jesus has already taught us, except a man be born again, he shall not see the Kingdom of God, or enter into the kingdom of God, "don't be deceived," also said Jesus. Choosing to disobey God, as the first Adam, is as well Adam's lineage created upon us and thus, well like all good to evil attributes of mankind, it's their birth upon free will. Which is equally why Jesus is explaining to an inquiring Religious leader he must be born again, mankind's first birth cursed to sin, death and the second death, thus, labor not for the meat that perisheth.
Without controversy it's why He's just as so clarifying to an inquiring Governor Pilate, finding no fault with the faultless, even His Blood no matter how he tried; how, He Jesus has come to testify to the truth. Eventually how God's Word is Truth, how those who worship God, worship Him in Spirit and Truth, this is only possible if you're born again. So to try to detour (choosing a life of sin), this unrepentant and arrive to Him God, it's to sow a binary seed of mankind's wickedness in Natural soil.
Now they're this deceived or contrived into thinking something other than that detrimental, deadly and damning, (see HIV, Aids, hundreds of thousands stricken, tens of millions dead and counting), is going to evolve. Lest we forget, man without God, equals death and mostly, only that which is sown can then produce a harvest of his own kind, corruption reaps corruption, incorruption, incorruption, God is not mocked, even from the Genesis, He knew what He was doing, creating Adam, his Eve, from a soil, spirit and soul of obeying only HIS WILL.
The Evangelist, whose been in my life since I was a babe in Christ, my father in the Lord, I like to say, well this is how he said it, and as you read it, just imagine this is what Jesus said to Governor Pilate, just as he asked Him, what is truth? There is a "plague" called "sin" that is destroying this world and causing multiple hundreds of millions to be eternally lost. There is only one cure for that plague, and that is the precious atoning, Vicarious Offering of the blood, of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was done at the cross and our acceptance of Him.
All the churches in the world will never stay the "plague." All the good works, good intentions, money, religion, prestige, or education will not stop this plague of sin. Only The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ can, here symbolized by the "Alter," JSM, Exposition of II Samuel 24:25 imagine Governor Pilate further asked, "so who is this blood offering as you say? Then Jesus answers, poised skyward, "this world is not My Home, in My Father's house there are many mansions, there is no need of the sun there, for my Father is the Sunlight thereof, crystal streams and golden streets, and whosoever believeth in me and live, will with me reign as it's Heir.
When or after I read this, this "plague" of sin, I just wanted to go and lay at the alters of intercessory prayer, that all mankind come to the full knowledge of Jesus, and His Sacrificial Cross, lest they all perish. As well I come to one conclusion, how this beyond revelation of Christ's Cross, should've ended all lessons of the Bible from the Genesis to the Revelation, even so come Lord Jesus. Being ignorant is why so many people, let me see how to say this, can only live deliciously (foolishly), in the sorely corruptible even abominable lifestyle they're in, which to remind you is the second death, only as long as America, who is depleting faster than a snowball rolling around lost in this inferno, see especially California, exist, and like all sin, there is then, judgment and hell.
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death, 21:8
Which Is The Second Death
Just imagine trying to live comfortably in the fiery furnace, the Lion Mouth/Den or the Belly of a Whale, and all of the other master disasters from which God has saved HIS Anointed. Unthinkably, when we take a curse of death since the first Adam, Mystery/America, and make of it a wicked system of pretending dreams that is exactly what we've sacrificed all that wondrous and beyond description, Jesus Christ, for this temporal torture unto it's eternal horror cast into the belly of it celebrity cell pools of worms and demons all burning with never ending flames.
It is said the cries of torture and horrors as demonstrated Psalm 22, are those of Christ's Cross, so I bring to note especially one of them. When He ask Elohim to have mercy and deliver, Him, meaning us, you and I, our soul from the sword; (epidemic of wars, violence), His Darling from the power of the dog.(Satan, demons, territorial spirits). To save me, us, from the Lion's mouth: (voracious persecution, and martyrdom), for thou, Elohim hast heard me, us from the horns of the unicorns, (mystery of iniquity).
This is like calling on God's vow to never leave us nor forsake us, so every evil we count, that's disguised as our friend, but are only lies, thieves and robbers from the beginning, even this roaring Lion seeking how he may devour us up. So Jesus knowing these foul things personally, was actually asking God to save us, you, and me, His Blood Redemption, Evidently from this present system of Satan's Seat ruling assembly, demons and rebellious men, this holocaust after another into complete oblivion. Then after surmountable catastrophes, judgement, death and hell, which is the Second Death, thus blessed are those who are in the first resurrection, upon which the second death hath no power, awake, Apb, The RAM,
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Sunday, September 25, 2016
The Slow Motion Exodus
Day Thirty-eight, 09/25/ 0f the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ one week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, this countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan, 9, also see,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Sudan, Two pastors, Czech aid worker among four on trial, two pastors and a Czech aid worker are among four people standing trial for “crimes against national security” in Khartoum, Sudan. If found guilty on all charges, the men could be sentenced to death. The next hearing in the trial is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 26.
Those being tried include Rev. Hassan Abduraheem and Rev. Kuwa Shamal, both pastors in the Sudan Church of Christ; Petr Jasek, an aid worker from the Czech Republic; and Abdulmonem Abdumawla, another Sudanese national.
Mr. Jasek’s family has asked The Voice of the Martyrs to bring his situation to the attention of American Christians, asking for prayer and advocacy as the trial continues.
“We are literally fighting for these men’s lives,” said Todd Nettleton, spokesperson for The Voice of the Martyrs. “The case against two pastors, an aid worker and another Sudanese man revolves around providing medical care to an injured Darfur native, Mr. Ali Omer,” Nettleton said. “These men are not spies. They were not inciting a revolt. They aren’t pushing a political agenda. These four are simply trying to serve and help. Only tyrants consider helping people a crime, and the four men should be released immediately," see more here,
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are being stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue, Apb
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering on an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelve plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God call forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12,
-A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
Death By A Syringe, The War On Drugs,
In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and participating good to horrible news. I imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia. Although just as soon as the worse news broke I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans.
I witness those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back as to jam a sharp, sword-like syringe into their chest, their heart. I saw after this deadly execution how Americans end up as nothing more than a brown, magnetic manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, beware, Apb
The Slow Motion Exodus
-You know the part in earth ending movies, whereas alarms of pending attacks nationwide are blaring aloud and people are screaming, running and stampeding this panic, right into their local churches, these repentant alters, now wanting God to save them. Well, since no one in America is doing that, only by visions and dreams, these thirty years, that is, they've been deemed by Holy Sprits at being in a slow motion exodus!
-It was like all of sudden waking in the desert, stripped naked and there is no more daylight, no more sunlight, no more moonlight. The stars are no more, there's no more natural to imitation illumination whatsoever, there is nothing but black. Even more horrifying not without generations of forewarning, you know God normally your help is responsible, now we're talking all light gone forever and we're talking it's indiscernible suddenness, just this never in a million years explainable, BLACK OUT!
-I have never been so terrified in my life, and it'd just happen, and I just kept thinking ah my God I'm not ready, I haven't prep for this, no flash lights, no candles, no lamps oil and this eerie kinda of looking at this black void after Him. But no, no anything, just hungry, thirsty and searching through a blackness not knowing, only a footstep ahead, behind, to the left, all around of deadly dangers. Then all you can hear pounding over and over in your head is in all this time, you're not ready, I'm not ready, I'm not ready and there's now nothing but vast blackness for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sick-beds.
-So I just started begging and pleading with God, with Jesus, with them all, please God just a little more time, I'm not ready, I'm just not ready, I kept saying, pleading, begging. I haven't been this petrified ever, not just for me, but for everybody, this inconceivable devastation was happening to all of us at the same time. What about my sons, the grand kids? A Black Aguish and Black Death, even a Black Hole, had suddenly descended here, so horribly, heart, mind and soul crippling, please God have mercy, and not sacrifice, please God, remember Jesus our Christ!
...and the earth was without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep...Genesis
-Is This What Holy Spirits Meant, when they took Mack regardless of his will, life and living? That when he questioned them, they responded with a question, "remember the Genesis?" Light hath come, but men love darkness rather than light, for their deeds are evil ...Jesus... ah, do we, really? Awake, Apb, The RAM, see more here,,
Little Red Riding Hood And The Beast Who Ate Her?
Having or keeping the US as a Liaison doing these talks or failed Truces, see here,, is like trying to use a wolf to solve a rabbit civil war, no way are the rabbits, naturally and basically what's for dinner gonna trust Him. America, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly; what great iron teeth you have; all the better to devour you and brake you in pieces. America, what great feet you have, all the better to stamped the residue of the earth with every particles of you and do as a Hitler's Germany with all of you.
These nations, United Emirates, (Islam), Russia, China, and all non compliant with the US/UN have one thing, one stumbling block detouring all they survey as peace on their earth, well the middle east, even Israel exactly. This making of and getting a lasting peace, see Daniel final week, Dan. 9, as there's this one common denominator so hypocritical, which is America. Now all those who think this wolf in sheep's clothing once driving the nails is just so innocent, do as Elohim and take a measure of her blood guiltiness.
It's valleys and valleys for these centuries of it, for as far as eyes as looking glasses can see. Fret not thy-selves, Elohim knows this, why He chose December 25th. 2001, to judge it accordingly, its worldwide systems, how in 190 months, 2001-2017, it would suffer it greatest fall since the Roman to the British Empire. So like Grand-dad, like Pops, now like its bastardy Son/daughter, only now, not a residue will be left. Hence, as I shared by a prophecy link just above, I got a very disturbing word just a few days past, whereas I heard a command that all "parents," were to be killed by a certain date, don't remember the date.
Doesn't matter, it's just another alarm to reminder we've entered into a time of death and dying unlike any time on this earth, or shall ever be again. That the quote of Jesus out of many now so clear into His lamenting is, "whosoever save his life, (forsake Him, Jesus), shall lose it, (the second death, hell await), but whosoever save his life, (open, sup and believe Him, Jesus), shall gain eternal life, (reign in heaven with, as Him). For now, upon US soil, hath come death tolls, even far surpassing Noah's earth, and possibly why we hear the heavens lamenting how the "last enemy of man that shall be destroyed is, death."
A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue, Apb
So God warning Americans are to drop their pensions and head for the hills, or the call to strip Americans like His Servant Job, or seeing beast chomping at them, their markets, porches, and pulpit/pews has all magnetized into the killing of all parents, (those, unrepentant no less, see Rev. 2:23). Undoubtedly, all the more clarifying what the call for twelve 08/18, actually mean.
Doing the days of Ezekiel there was witness by him, (Eze. 9), from the higher gate north of a wrathful God, this call for six, six slayers in all. They were to end all of those having no respect for age or gender, of God's sanctuary, (see mass assembly), with as in the days of Moses one exception, those bearing the "Mark," of the Blood, Of The High Priest of God, Jesus Christ, the Lord. Awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb The RAM, see more here,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Sudan, Two pastors, Czech aid worker among four on trial, two pastors and a Czech aid worker are among four people standing trial for “crimes against national security” in Khartoum, Sudan. If found guilty on all charges, the men could be sentenced to death. The next hearing in the trial is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 26.
Those being tried include Rev. Hassan Abduraheem and Rev. Kuwa Shamal, both pastors in the Sudan Church of Christ; Petr Jasek, an aid worker from the Czech Republic; and Abdulmonem Abdumawla, another Sudanese national.
Mr. Jasek’s family has asked The Voice of the Martyrs to bring his situation to the attention of American Christians, asking for prayer and advocacy as the trial continues.
“We are literally fighting for these men’s lives,” said Todd Nettleton, spokesperson for The Voice of the Martyrs. “The case against two pastors, an aid worker and another Sudanese man revolves around providing medical care to an injured Darfur native, Mr. Ali Omer,” Nettleton said. “These men are not spies. They were not inciting a revolt. They aren’t pushing a political agenda. These four are simply trying to serve and help. Only tyrants consider helping people a crime, and the four men should be released immediately," see more here,
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are being stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue, Apb
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering on an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelve plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God call forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12,
-A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
Death By A Syringe, The War On Drugs,
In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and participating good to horrible news. I imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia. Although just as soon as the worse news broke I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans.
I witness those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back as to jam a sharp, sword-like syringe into their chest, their heart. I saw after this deadly execution how Americans end up as nothing more than a brown, magnetic manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, beware, Apb
The Slow Motion Exodus
-You know the part in earth ending movies, whereas alarms of pending attacks nationwide are blaring aloud and people are screaming, running and stampeding this panic, right into their local churches, these repentant alters, now wanting God to save them. Well, since no one in America is doing that, only by visions and dreams, these thirty years, that is, they've been deemed by Holy Sprits at being in a slow motion exodus!
-It was like all of sudden waking in the desert, stripped naked and there is no more daylight, no more sunlight, no more moonlight. The stars are no more, there's no more natural to imitation illumination whatsoever, there is nothing but black. Even more horrifying not without generations of forewarning, you know God normally your help is responsible, now we're talking all light gone forever and we're talking it's indiscernible suddenness, just this never in a million years explainable, BLACK OUT!
-I have never been so terrified in my life, and it'd just happen, and I just kept thinking ah my God I'm not ready, I haven't prep for this, no flash lights, no candles, no lamps oil and this eerie kinda of looking at this black void after Him. But no, no anything, just hungry, thirsty and searching through a blackness not knowing, only a footstep ahead, behind, to the left, all around of deadly dangers. Then all you can hear pounding over and over in your head is in all this time, you're not ready, I'm not ready, I'm not ready and there's now nothing but vast blackness for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sick-beds.
-So I just started begging and pleading with God, with Jesus, with them all, please God just a little more time, I'm not ready, I'm just not ready, I kept saying, pleading, begging. I haven't been this petrified ever, not just for me, but for everybody, this inconceivable devastation was happening to all of us at the same time. What about my sons, the grand kids? A Black Aguish and Black Death, even a Black Hole, had suddenly descended here, so horribly, heart, mind and soul crippling, please God have mercy, and not sacrifice, please God, remember Jesus our Christ!
...and the earth was without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep...Genesis
-Is This What Holy Spirits Meant, when they took Mack regardless of his will, life and living? That when he questioned them, they responded with a question, "remember the Genesis?" Light hath come, but men love darkness rather than light, for their deeds are evil ...Jesus... ah, do we, really? Awake, Apb, The RAM, see more here,,
Little Red Riding Hood And The Beast Who Ate Her?
Having or keeping the US as a Liaison doing these talks or failed Truces, see here,, is like trying to use a wolf to solve a rabbit civil war, no way are the rabbits, naturally and basically what's for dinner gonna trust Him. America, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly; what great iron teeth you have; all the better to devour you and brake you in pieces. America, what great feet you have, all the better to stamped the residue of the earth with every particles of you and do as a Hitler's Germany with all of you.
These nations, United Emirates, (Islam), Russia, China, and all non compliant with the US/UN have one thing, one stumbling block detouring all they survey as peace on their earth, well the middle east, even Israel exactly. This making of and getting a lasting peace, see Daniel final week, Dan. 9, as there's this one common denominator so hypocritical, which is America. Now all those who think this wolf in sheep's clothing once driving the nails is just so innocent, do as Elohim and take a measure of her blood guiltiness.
It's valleys and valleys for these centuries of it, for as far as eyes as looking glasses can see. Fret not thy-selves, Elohim knows this, why He chose December 25th. 2001, to judge it accordingly, its worldwide systems, how in 190 months, 2001-2017, it would suffer it greatest fall since the Roman to the British Empire. So like Grand-dad, like Pops, now like its bastardy Son/daughter, only now, not a residue will be left. Hence, as I shared by a prophecy link just above, I got a very disturbing word just a few days past, whereas I heard a command that all "parents," were to be killed by a certain date, don't remember the date.
Doesn't matter, it's just another alarm to reminder we've entered into a time of death and dying unlike any time on this earth, or shall ever be again. That the quote of Jesus out of many now so clear into His lamenting is, "whosoever save his life, (forsake Him, Jesus), shall lose it, (the second death, hell await), but whosoever save his life, (open, sup and believe Him, Jesus), shall gain eternal life, (reign in heaven with, as Him). For now, upon US soil, hath come death tolls, even far surpassing Noah's earth, and possibly why we hear the heavens lamenting how the "last enemy of man that shall be destroyed is, death."
A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue, Apb
So God warning Americans are to drop their pensions and head for the hills, or the call to strip Americans like His Servant Job, or seeing beast chomping at them, their markets, porches, and pulpit/pews has all magnetized into the killing of all parents, (those, unrepentant no less, see Rev. 2:23). Undoubtedly, all the more clarifying what the call for twelve 08/18, actually mean.
Doing the days of Ezekiel there was witness by him, (Eze. 9), from the higher gate north of a wrathful God, this call for six, six slayers in all. They were to end all of those having no respect for age or gender, of God's sanctuary, (see mass assembly), with as in the days of Moses one exception, those bearing the "Mark," of the Blood, Of The High Priest of God, Jesus Christ, the Lord. Awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb The RAM, see more here,
Exiles Of Christ, Return, Repent
Day Thirty-six, 09/23/ 0f the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ one week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, this countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan, 9, also see,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Christianity is being criminalized in the United States. No, I am not talking about the kind of Christianity that is so prevalent in America today where “Christians” just ignore what the Bible says and do whatever they wanted to do in the first place anyway.
Rather, I am talking about the kind of faith that Kim Davis has demonstrated. Christians all over this country are being put into positions where they must choose to either submit to the “new morality” or potentially lose their jobs. For Kim Davis, deciding to take a stand meant that she was thrown into prison. The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind.
The pace of which our nation is circling the toilet is absolutely breathtaking. Just eleven years ago, a state constitutional amendment that banned gay marriage in Kentucky received support from 75 percent of the voters. The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind.
Now, Kim Davis has been locked away, and more county clerks may be next. There is news that another county clerk named Casey Davis has stepped forward to say that he won’t issue any same sex marriage licenses either.
What in the world has happened to America? We live in a country where Christians are being imprisoned for what they believe, but Planned Parenthood is free to slaughter babies, chop them up, and sell off their parts to the highest bidder.
We better start paying attention. What is happening right in front of our eyes is eerily reminiscent of what happened in Nazi Germany…By Michael Synder, see more here,
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering on an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelve plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God call forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
We The People Of The Cross
Sunday Morning Rapture
Sunday Morning Rapture, the movie is ok, but this trailer, I keep sharing this trailer because it is so on point and if a pastor preached it every Sunday, ah what a blessing that would be. I remember when I asked a church elder, about this beyond all things mankind blessed event, Paul told us to comfort each other with and his response is, heart-dropping, he'd never heard of it. To be honest, and I've been in a lot of them, right through the door always made this teacher, I'm yet to be in the midst of a congregation sitting before a pulpit. That's speaking, teaching or preaching on the rapture, just as little as they speak on sin, is as little as they remind people of Jesus' promise to raise those dead in Him again, as so those living for him, right into God's Throne and Mansions designed for them.
Let's make one thing clear, as this trailers pastor is telling you, your knees will do, you don't have to be in church to serve God with all your heart, assembly is more for fellowship, your repentant heart is now your Cross, Spirit and Truth, a new creature accordingly. My prediction by the truth of God is church assembly is going to be more shocked when the rapture happen than the world itself. Now with all these movies emptying churches out, it's not true, like in restricted countries now come US soil, Islamic terrorism, civil war in our streets. There's God pouring out His wrath as need be, is what's going to empty out the churches, the astonishing disappearance of Jesus' millions is what's going to fill it to running over again, these willing to be martyred if, even their children, to get to Him, Born Again, Christians.
Don't be alarmed, mass assembly was never about keeping right with God, but keeping God in check. Knowing exactly where He's at by your tithes and offerings and that He's doing everything to maintain your dreams; even if that include jeopardizing everything Christ's Cross. Not only chancing forfeiting the souls of men, but the Throne of Heaven, this is why assembly worship Him, also described as the sacrifices of the wicked, which too is an abomination to God. Placing His Kingdom on the bargaining table, something Elohim did the moment He chose a carnate existence, if Jesus who couldn't fail, being God manifested in the flesh.
Let's just say by a hypotheses of examples Jesus accepted Satan's temptation, this would've brought to past Lucifer's most famous claim, how he would ascend his throne above the stars of God. Sincerely, what church on earth actually care about God losing his Throne; or man his soul? When all else fail, they have America, yes people Idolatry doing the days of the prophets forewarning a spiritually adulterous Israel, as so presently a severely condescending spirit toward God's form of righteousness, America, the people's choice supposedly called by God's name.
Only they and their transgressions were so intertwine, they too were considered as the leopard's spot and the Ethiopian skin they and their sins, this one, the same. That at such a time as these debating transgressions, into marches surrounding transgender restrooms, proud gay demonstrations. Well, Jesus came in and snatched out the Bride right from under such costly distractions, like right now, Holy Spirits are forewarning, not only that Jesus is coming, Jesus been coming for like 2000 years, but that right as I share, Jesus is now on His Way here, how again, these too inconceivable to mysterious invasions from space could be all the more this evidence.
And I saw A New Heaven And A New Earth, Got Jesus Yet?
There's all kind of evidence about a heavenly body, Nibiru, see more here, having now come into Earth's orbit to reek havoc on all earths system. There are those saying all this phenomenon of blaming earth's chaotic nature, even technical interference on global warming was always a farce, how these descending bodies are what's truly basically ending us. How these inconceivable reveals are something governmental officials has known about some 30 years, for those who don't know. That is pretty much the entire Rising Above Ministry, RAM; hence my prognosis, as I've said before, I believe we're seeing the fulfillment of what John saw so long ago.
At the time he saw it, the world as we know it didn't exist, so seeing this, it would've appeared to be a new earth, and heaven descending, even a new Jerusalem. So if my calculations, even revelations are right Niribu is just another beyond description proof that we've indeed entered into an end of all things men, that God's Kingdom alone hath reign. There are schematics about how America, the globe is gonna look once this Alien Mass have it's way here, but as usual none of that prophetically make sense. Jesus predicted this heaven and earth will past, Peter said it would be totally consumed and dissolved by fire, Apostle Peter said further, knowing this, why wouldn't we be all the better servants of God?
I know that answer, mankind is convinced foolishly, come what may because they have America, or am I to presumed America isn't apart of the world that being dissolved mostly by fire? As did John, by the Revelation of God see a new heaven and a new earth, because, and I quote him, "the first heaven and the first earth had past away. Awake, these seeming sinister plots are all the more evidence God's Kingdom is being done on this earth as in heaven. Regardless of rebellious mankind seeming to have their way, again, God Kingdom Reign is that being evidenced here, these undeniable planetary bodies seeming to be plotting a mutiny against all things men, even so as John further said, "come Lord Jesus."
You remember the scene in the movie, the Day The Earth Stood Still, Keanu Reeves, they all waiting for an impact, (see Deep Impact as well, well see all earth ending movies the last thirty years, always getting it wrong, by leaving mankind in reign). Just as so, they were awaiting a crashing into so tremendous nothing would be left but the dust of them, see, Dan. 2, whose fan is in Jesus's hand. Though the rouge mass began to slow down, proving it was under control by a higher power than themselves, not a ferocious impact, but a well designed takeover and deletion of a plague like humankind, point being, the world of man was finished. Only now in reality there is no God changing His long awaited plans, there's no talking Him out of it, only to save your souls and reign with Him, see Christ Jesus Cross.
All To Have It's End By 2010
I can't tell you how I found it, but years back I come across a video where top official were planning something like this to happen around 2010, yes, America's end. If you remember, miscalculating the Intrepid Dream time table, whereas the 15.10 years, given the dispensation of Christ's Cross, Dec. 25th, 2001, for 190 months. Soon subtracted of Daniel's week of years, meaning the church age and westernized civilization would then end as well by this calculation end by 2010, not realizing Daniel's week would begin behind this 15.10 year duration. Instead I predicted our world would end 2010, if you remember 2010ncame in as volatile as mankind's end, showing God ripe with avenging righteous blood and soon tapered off this ebb and flow along what's now being reported as beyond historic natural disasters and more
So it's not that my forewarning was wrong, only miscalculated, the dispensation of grace that went eschew Daniel's 70th week of year as Messiah was cut off these nearly 2000 years, allowing the Cross' Grace, the Church Age, and age of rebellion to all have their perfect work. All now being demonstrated by the Intrepid dream of hope and judgement ending, here having 190 months left, 2001-2017, unto it's fulfillment of what's shown to be for rebellious men, a cataclysmic end. They, America, the West, having insurmountable as the days of Noah sins and double it's abominations.
All of which whose climatic sentence will again fork us and I'm talking even as I write and you read along Daniel's final week of years, 2017/18-2024/25, of Jacob's troubles and more, way, way more. See the comments to a most revealing article below, actually what's left of a Syrian Truce meet 08/25, a week after the "week," prophecy given me 08/18. That Apostle has further made as per this blog a countdown into both Resurrection and Daniels's week, whereas as I received just a couple nights ago, all the more this reveal, the name Daniel. Now having said all of the above, my own God given Revelations of Christ these thirty and counting years, at the lease regarding Nibiru and others like it.
I'm inclined to believe we're talking about and are actually witnessing this present earth, so remarkably, prophetically dissolved, replacement. All of which will explain these countless exodus, evacuations and stampedes I've also witness these thirty years. I mean the migration of hundreds of thousands out of disputed and warring nations, is something I've been seeing happen especially US soil for as long as I've been in fulfilling prophecy, again, thirty years and counting, It is this God of longsuffering even attempting to move the rebellious out of harms way, until the salvation of the soul, but no more, America, these slow motion exoduses and long lines at water coolers, crafting malls into fall out shelters, and escaping into closed Mexican borders all a little late, your knees, your closets, your cries toward repentance, truly blessed is one who come in the name of the Lord, O Blessed Jesus, Doeth Come!
America's, Britain's Syrian Objective, Separate Them Into Itty, Bitty Pieces
This was ordered in 2004, to be done upon America and Britain seen to be going in alternate directions, before PM Cameron was pointed out as the one to watch, before the Brexit Vote, and the this recent Geneva/USA/Syrian Truce ...when king Nebuchadnezzar witness this happen, all world nations from the greatest reduced to nothing but dust, who fan was empowered by a rock made without hands, falling out of Heaven again, crushing it all, unto the judgment of the nations, Mat. 25, Dan. 2
Article...“America’s main objective,” according to Ahmad, “is to bring any world power that threatens them under control. Consequently, [Washington] is waging a war with these powers; and these powers include China and Russia.” Article... How long have I been saying this exact thing? This is her why her complete removal by Elohim Himself, is pending 2001-10/2017, unto the final week of Daniel...The Church Age Is Ending, Apb
A Pale Horse, Infested With Fleas
-When it come to America along these accusations, I'm reminded of God telling a furiously warring David, now deceived by Satan that enough is enough and by responding to him, by this curse slew some 70 thousand of his men, II Sam. 24. This is why I said recently, America standing in the way as to prevent biblical prophecy is going to get a lot of US servicemen killed unnecessarily, as so the servicemen of all allying them, and for what? America, the West doomed fate is as decided as King Belshazzar the night of, Dan. 5:26-31, their writing on the wall, Jer. 37:8, 1998. All with this Hussein to Brexit, into an Islamic Reign being only the beginning of the severest of pains, now we understand Holy Spirits forewarning, this last Rapture demonstration, 06/2015, and I quote, "it's all about Cameron," (see distant relative, PM Cameron).
-So when you think the Angel Gabriel, told the Prince of Persia, the Prince of Grecia was replacing him, Dan. 9, you think it just moved over and allowed It? Possibly why he withstood Gabriel, 21 days until the Archangel Michael's Intervention, now here was Gabriel again, 2004, only now he was announcing as Nebuchadnezzar's handless stone. That unimaginably falling and smashing it all to itty, bitty pieces and the sounding of the seventh angel celebrating it, now is come the end to all world wide rebellious, it's like announcing now is come the battle of Armageddon, and Jesus appearing brightness totally devastating them, all warring factions get ye there, time for your medicine! Awake, see here,
Exiles Of Christ's Cross, Return, Repent!
I admit some years later I had to do like this mental double take when I realize what I'd actually seen now come out of prediction, and remarkably, visibly on US soil was the long awaited prophesied Pale Horse of Revelation, see more here, This mean end time events just got way more serious if the pale horse judgment was come into fruition as soon as 2017. Though the additional fright, or concern, those two beast I'd seen as lately as 2008, one rising from land, and one rising from the sea, which then senator's Obama's soon to be presidential administration now being designed by so many as the beast. Additionally what was so alarming, John again had been shown something similar, and recorded as the 13th chapter of revelation.
Two beast rising, one from land and one from sea, unveiled to him as both the antichrist and the false prophet, and here I was, it having a Hussein in the Whitehouse, seeing them rising, US soil and all.. You may ask if all of these end time matters will mostly affect the middle east territories, you can hear a mighty voice, "loose the four angels which are bound in he great river Euphrates, now unto Abaddon, who in the Greek hath his Apollyon. what is said by bible scholars will be a revised Assyrian, to Grecian, to Roman Empire, that such the like too vicious to contemplate territorial spirits with demonic intention are regularly being loosed upon the earth here, planning how all the better to devastate mankind.
This is why I said lately with Daniel's pending week causing us to revisit some of earths worse evils, like the Medes and Persians, the torture vehicles I witness 2003, were said to be of them, this beyond dirty, meaning inhuman. All cause us to get some ideal of why these times are to be their worse ever even with Elohim pouring out his greatest of wrath, the earth unleashing it's deadliest, the sky falling all around us, with treacherous winds, waves and flames piloted as need be, and warring man his deadliest weaponry of all time. This is why right now, Syrian leaders are forewarning us, the third world war, those having America so little regard isn't pending, it's happening, it's being fought by various world powers right now, Syrian soil.
This war review is why attention was brought PM' Cameron's way 2015, why Caden was lead, to lead me into the breaking news of the failed Syrian/Russian Truce prior to this, why I was given a week countdown into the last Truce, 08/25/ that is further a countdown into the week of Daniel, because it is God's Will that hath reign and not these evil sabotages of men. I further want to consider what is possibly the divine deity behind this descending body whereas I was reminded how doing the last demonstration of ascension, we, the now ascended body had a place to stay that wasn't that far a distant from this earth.
Here is such the reminder to further explain seeing the stone cut out without hands not only in the Bride's possession, but like an NEO, it had the surface of a meteor. So perhaps Niribu, or a heavenly body similar was this stay over for now, this I know, all that is phenomenon we've been reading about, teaching, preaching and prophesying about. It's all as Gabriel 2004 forewarn, happening, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind is what he indeed said, as so this describable sounding of the seventh angel. Understand, when the seventh angel shall begin to sound, the Kingdom of men shall be finished, and here is come Heavens Throne's celebrating, how not only are world nations done.
Though have fallen into control of God, and He and His Christ would reign forever, little realizing it, but Gabriel 2004, was equally describing what can only happen within the confines of the final week of Daniel. Doing a library visit weeks ago, I ran cross the book of various comments regarding the rapture, there was one who described this is possibly what the war in heaven is about, and Satan and follower being ejected right into the earth of us. He feel Elohim wouldn't want Lucifer to be in this position of high altitude where the bride itself will no doubt descend. Do I'm thinking, before the world was discovered it's chaotic self, the spirit seeing himself move upon the waters.
Justly, before God spoke light, life and created it's first husband and wife, that at one point Lucifer did sit this ruler, before God sent a giant rock crashing right into it, an earth, once being Satan's dominion, refurbished so to speak and given to mankind's reign. Now we have a floating Heavenly Body, ascending from areas once Lucifer territories, his being ejected, Archangel Michael and the armies of heavens did this. Seeming again, what once was Satan's is become Heir to God's Anointed, I know, all just this speculation, still eyes hath not seen, nor ears heard, nor hath it entered into the hearts of man, the things God hath prepared for those who love him.
This world of leaders knowing about this planetary visitation since, while for thirty years, could even give us better comprehension, of why Jesus chose thirty years ago to demonstrate his taking us off the earth, out of harms way, not only was there the threat of a failing nuclear planet, but all the most proof, the will of God concerning this earth was no longer in delay, and things both terrifying and remarkable as John especially shown the things hereafter did see, mean Jesus prayer, that God's will be done, here, as in heaven was all the more visibly coming to pass and mankind, both the Ethiopians and the leopards loving the world so much, still having bled oceans of crying unto God blood into it, couldn't as John see this descending new heaven and earth, the stone cut out without hand, this very antichrist slaughter as blessing, but as a curse, whereby we hear them cry "long live America! (Hussein!), so now they love Him, (again Hussein). Awake! Apb, The RAM
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Christianity is being criminalized in the United States. No, I am not talking about the kind of Christianity that is so prevalent in America today where “Christians” just ignore what the Bible says and do whatever they wanted to do in the first place anyway.
Rather, I am talking about the kind of faith that Kim Davis has demonstrated. Christians all over this country are being put into positions where they must choose to either submit to the “new morality” or potentially lose their jobs. For Kim Davis, deciding to take a stand meant that she was thrown into prison. The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind.
The pace of which our nation is circling the toilet is absolutely breathtaking. Just eleven years ago, a state constitutional amendment that banned gay marriage in Kentucky received support from 75 percent of the voters. The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind.
Now, Kim Davis has been locked away, and more county clerks may be next. There is news that another county clerk named Casey Davis has stepped forward to say that he won’t issue any same sex marriage licenses either.
What in the world has happened to America? We live in a country where Christians are being imprisoned for what they believe, but Planned Parenthood is free to slaughter babies, chop them up, and sell off their parts to the highest bidder.
We better start paying attention. What is happening right in front of our eyes is eerily reminiscent of what happened in Nazi Germany…By Michael Synder, see more here,
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering on an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelve plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God call forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
We The People Of The Cross
Sunday Morning Rapture
Sunday Morning Rapture, the movie is ok, but this trailer, I keep sharing this trailer because it is so on point and if a pastor preached it every Sunday, ah what a blessing that would be. I remember when I asked a church elder, about this beyond all things mankind blessed event, Paul told us to comfort each other with and his response is, heart-dropping, he'd never heard of it. To be honest, and I've been in a lot of them, right through the door always made this teacher, I'm yet to be in the midst of a congregation sitting before a pulpit. That's speaking, teaching or preaching on the rapture, just as little as they speak on sin, is as little as they remind people of Jesus' promise to raise those dead in Him again, as so those living for him, right into God's Throne and Mansions designed for them.
Let's make one thing clear, as this trailers pastor is telling you, your knees will do, you don't have to be in church to serve God with all your heart, assembly is more for fellowship, your repentant heart is now your Cross, Spirit and Truth, a new creature accordingly. My prediction by the truth of God is church assembly is going to be more shocked when the rapture happen than the world itself. Now with all these movies emptying churches out, it's not true, like in restricted countries now come US soil, Islamic terrorism, civil war in our streets. There's God pouring out His wrath as need be, is what's going to empty out the churches, the astonishing disappearance of Jesus' millions is what's going to fill it to running over again, these willing to be martyred if, even their children, to get to Him, Born Again, Christians.
Don't be alarmed, mass assembly was never about keeping right with God, but keeping God in check. Knowing exactly where He's at by your tithes and offerings and that He's doing everything to maintain your dreams; even if that include jeopardizing everything Christ's Cross. Not only chancing forfeiting the souls of men, but the Throne of Heaven, this is why assembly worship Him, also described as the sacrifices of the wicked, which too is an abomination to God. Placing His Kingdom on the bargaining table, something Elohim did the moment He chose a carnate existence, if Jesus who couldn't fail, being God manifested in the flesh.
Let's just say by a hypotheses of examples Jesus accepted Satan's temptation, this would've brought to past Lucifer's most famous claim, how he would ascend his throne above the stars of God. Sincerely, what church on earth actually care about God losing his Throne; or man his soul? When all else fail, they have America, yes people Idolatry doing the days of the prophets forewarning a spiritually adulterous Israel, as so presently a severely condescending spirit toward God's form of righteousness, America, the people's choice supposedly called by God's name.
Only they and their transgressions were so intertwine, they too were considered as the leopard's spot and the Ethiopian skin they and their sins, this one, the same. That at such a time as these debating transgressions, into marches surrounding transgender restrooms, proud gay demonstrations. Well, Jesus came in and snatched out the Bride right from under such costly distractions, like right now, Holy Spirits are forewarning, not only that Jesus is coming, Jesus been coming for like 2000 years, but that right as I share, Jesus is now on His Way here, how again, these too inconceivable to mysterious invasions from space could be all the more this evidence.
And I saw A New Heaven And A New Earth, Got Jesus Yet?
There's all kind of evidence about a heavenly body, Nibiru, see more here, having now come into Earth's orbit to reek havoc on all earths system. There are those saying all this phenomenon of blaming earth's chaotic nature, even technical interference on global warming was always a farce, how these descending bodies are what's truly basically ending us. How these inconceivable reveals are something governmental officials has known about some 30 years, for those who don't know. That is pretty much the entire Rising Above Ministry, RAM; hence my prognosis, as I've said before, I believe we're seeing the fulfillment of what John saw so long ago.
At the time he saw it, the world as we know it didn't exist, so seeing this, it would've appeared to be a new earth, and heaven descending, even a new Jerusalem. So if my calculations, even revelations are right Niribu is just another beyond description proof that we've indeed entered into an end of all things men, that God's Kingdom alone hath reign. There are schematics about how America, the globe is gonna look once this Alien Mass have it's way here, but as usual none of that prophetically make sense. Jesus predicted this heaven and earth will past, Peter said it would be totally consumed and dissolved by fire, Apostle Peter said further, knowing this, why wouldn't we be all the better servants of God?
I know that answer, mankind is convinced foolishly, come what may because they have America, or am I to presumed America isn't apart of the world that being dissolved mostly by fire? As did John, by the Revelation of God see a new heaven and a new earth, because, and I quote him, "the first heaven and the first earth had past away. Awake, these seeming sinister plots are all the more evidence God's Kingdom is being done on this earth as in heaven. Regardless of rebellious mankind seeming to have their way, again, God Kingdom Reign is that being evidenced here, these undeniable planetary bodies seeming to be plotting a mutiny against all things men, even so as John further said, "come Lord Jesus."
You remember the scene in the movie, the Day The Earth Stood Still, Keanu Reeves, they all waiting for an impact, (see Deep Impact as well, well see all earth ending movies the last thirty years, always getting it wrong, by leaving mankind in reign). Just as so, they were awaiting a crashing into so tremendous nothing would be left but the dust of them, see, Dan. 2, whose fan is in Jesus's hand. Though the rouge mass began to slow down, proving it was under control by a higher power than themselves, not a ferocious impact, but a well designed takeover and deletion of a plague like humankind, point being, the world of man was finished. Only now in reality there is no God changing His long awaited plans, there's no talking Him out of it, only to save your souls and reign with Him, see Christ Jesus Cross.
All To Have It's End By 2010
I can't tell you how I found it, but years back I come across a video where top official were planning something like this to happen around 2010, yes, America's end. If you remember, miscalculating the Intrepid Dream time table, whereas the 15.10 years, given the dispensation of Christ's Cross, Dec. 25th, 2001, for 190 months. Soon subtracted of Daniel's week of years, meaning the church age and westernized civilization would then end as well by this calculation end by 2010, not realizing Daniel's week would begin behind this 15.10 year duration. Instead I predicted our world would end 2010, if you remember 2010ncame in as volatile as mankind's end, showing God ripe with avenging righteous blood and soon tapered off this ebb and flow along what's now being reported as beyond historic natural disasters and more
So it's not that my forewarning was wrong, only miscalculated, the dispensation of grace that went eschew Daniel's 70th week of year as Messiah was cut off these nearly 2000 years, allowing the Cross' Grace, the Church Age, and age of rebellion to all have their perfect work. All now being demonstrated by the Intrepid dream of hope and judgement ending, here having 190 months left, 2001-2017, unto it's fulfillment of what's shown to be for rebellious men, a cataclysmic end. They, America, the West, having insurmountable as the days of Noah sins and double it's abominations.
All of which whose climatic sentence will again fork us and I'm talking even as I write and you read along Daniel's final week of years, 2017/18-2024/25, of Jacob's troubles and more, way, way more. See the comments to a most revealing article below, actually what's left of a Syrian Truce meet 08/25, a week after the "week," prophecy given me 08/18. That Apostle has further made as per this blog a countdown into both Resurrection and Daniels's week, whereas as I received just a couple nights ago, all the more this reveal, the name Daniel. Now having said all of the above, my own God given Revelations of Christ these thirty and counting years, at the lease regarding Nibiru and others like it.
I'm inclined to believe we're talking about and are actually witnessing this present earth, so remarkably, prophetically dissolved, replacement. All of which will explain these countless exodus, evacuations and stampedes I've also witness these thirty years. I mean the migration of hundreds of thousands out of disputed and warring nations, is something I've been seeing happen especially US soil for as long as I've been in fulfilling prophecy, again, thirty years and counting, It is this God of longsuffering even attempting to move the rebellious out of harms way, until the salvation of the soul, but no more, America, these slow motion exoduses and long lines at water coolers, crafting malls into fall out shelters, and escaping into closed Mexican borders all a little late, your knees, your closets, your cries toward repentance, truly blessed is one who come in the name of the Lord, O Blessed Jesus, Doeth Come!
America's, Britain's Syrian Objective, Separate Them Into Itty, Bitty Pieces
This was ordered in 2004, to be done upon America and Britain seen to be going in alternate directions, before PM Cameron was pointed out as the one to watch, before the Brexit Vote, and the this recent Geneva/USA/Syrian Truce ...when king Nebuchadnezzar witness this happen, all world nations from the greatest reduced to nothing but dust, who fan was empowered by a rock made without hands, falling out of Heaven again, crushing it all, unto the judgment of the nations, Mat. 25, Dan. 2
Article...“America’s main objective,” according to Ahmad, “is to bring any world power that threatens them under control. Consequently, [Washington] is waging a war with these powers; and these powers include China and Russia.” Article... How long have I been saying this exact thing? This is her why her complete removal by Elohim Himself, is pending 2001-10/2017, unto the final week of Daniel...The Church Age Is Ending, Apb
A Pale Horse, Infested With Fleas
-When it come to America along these accusations, I'm reminded of God telling a furiously warring David, now deceived by Satan that enough is enough and by responding to him, by this curse slew some 70 thousand of his men, II Sam. 24. This is why I said recently, America standing in the way as to prevent biblical prophecy is going to get a lot of US servicemen killed unnecessarily, as so the servicemen of all allying them, and for what? America, the West doomed fate is as decided as King Belshazzar the night of, Dan. 5:26-31, their writing on the wall, Jer. 37:8, 1998. All with this Hussein to Brexit, into an Islamic Reign being only the beginning of the severest of pains, now we understand Holy Spirits forewarning, this last Rapture demonstration, 06/2015, and I quote, "it's all about Cameron," (see distant relative, PM Cameron).
-So when you think the Angel Gabriel, told the Prince of Persia, the Prince of Grecia was replacing him, Dan. 9, you think it just moved over and allowed It? Possibly why he withstood Gabriel, 21 days until the Archangel Michael's Intervention, now here was Gabriel again, 2004, only now he was announcing as Nebuchadnezzar's handless stone. That unimaginably falling and smashing it all to itty, bitty pieces and the sounding of the seventh angel celebrating it, now is come the end to all world wide rebellious, it's like announcing now is come the battle of Armageddon, and Jesus appearing brightness totally devastating them, all warring factions get ye there, time for your medicine! Awake, see here,
Exiles Of Christ's Cross, Return, Repent!
I admit some years later I had to do like this mental double take when I realize what I'd actually seen now come out of prediction, and remarkably, visibly on US soil was the long awaited prophesied Pale Horse of Revelation, see more here, This mean end time events just got way more serious if the pale horse judgment was come into fruition as soon as 2017. Though the additional fright, or concern, those two beast I'd seen as lately as 2008, one rising from land, and one rising from the sea, which then senator's Obama's soon to be presidential administration now being designed by so many as the beast. Additionally what was so alarming, John again had been shown something similar, and recorded as the 13th chapter of revelation.
Two beast rising, one from land and one from sea, unveiled to him as both the antichrist and the false prophet, and here I was, it having a Hussein in the Whitehouse, seeing them rising, US soil and all.. You may ask if all of these end time matters will mostly affect the middle east territories, you can hear a mighty voice, "loose the four angels which are bound in he great river Euphrates, now unto Abaddon, who in the Greek hath his Apollyon. what is said by bible scholars will be a revised Assyrian, to Grecian, to Roman Empire, that such the like too vicious to contemplate territorial spirits with demonic intention are regularly being loosed upon the earth here, planning how all the better to devastate mankind.
This is why I said lately with Daniel's pending week causing us to revisit some of earths worse evils, like the Medes and Persians, the torture vehicles I witness 2003, were said to be of them, this beyond dirty, meaning inhuman. All cause us to get some ideal of why these times are to be their worse ever even with Elohim pouring out his greatest of wrath, the earth unleashing it's deadliest, the sky falling all around us, with treacherous winds, waves and flames piloted as need be, and warring man his deadliest weaponry of all time. This is why right now, Syrian leaders are forewarning us, the third world war, those having America so little regard isn't pending, it's happening, it's being fought by various world powers right now, Syrian soil.
This war review is why attention was brought PM' Cameron's way 2015, why Caden was lead, to lead me into the breaking news of the failed Syrian/Russian Truce prior to this, why I was given a week countdown into the last Truce, 08/25/ that is further a countdown into the week of Daniel, because it is God's Will that hath reign and not these evil sabotages of men. I further want to consider what is possibly the divine deity behind this descending body whereas I was reminded how doing the last demonstration of ascension, we, the now ascended body had a place to stay that wasn't that far a distant from this earth.
Here is such the reminder to further explain seeing the stone cut out without hands not only in the Bride's possession, but like an NEO, it had the surface of a meteor. So perhaps Niribu, or a heavenly body similar was this stay over for now, this I know, all that is phenomenon we've been reading about, teaching, preaching and prophesying about. It's all as Gabriel 2004 forewarn, happening, the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind is what he indeed said, as so this describable sounding of the seventh angel. Understand, when the seventh angel shall begin to sound, the Kingdom of men shall be finished, and here is come Heavens Throne's celebrating, how not only are world nations done.
Though have fallen into control of God, and He and His Christ would reign forever, little realizing it, but Gabriel 2004, was equally describing what can only happen within the confines of the final week of Daniel. Doing a library visit weeks ago, I ran cross the book of various comments regarding the rapture, there was one who described this is possibly what the war in heaven is about, and Satan and follower being ejected right into the earth of us. He feel Elohim wouldn't want Lucifer to be in this position of high altitude where the bride itself will no doubt descend. Do I'm thinking, before the world was discovered it's chaotic self, the spirit seeing himself move upon the waters.
Justly, before God spoke light, life and created it's first husband and wife, that at one point Lucifer did sit this ruler, before God sent a giant rock crashing right into it, an earth, once being Satan's dominion, refurbished so to speak and given to mankind's reign. Now we have a floating Heavenly Body, ascending from areas once Lucifer territories, his being ejected, Archangel Michael and the armies of heavens did this. Seeming again, what once was Satan's is become Heir to God's Anointed, I know, all just this speculation, still eyes hath not seen, nor ears heard, nor hath it entered into the hearts of man, the things God hath prepared for those who love him.
This world of leaders knowing about this planetary visitation since, while for thirty years, could even give us better comprehension, of why Jesus chose thirty years ago to demonstrate his taking us off the earth, out of harms way, not only was there the threat of a failing nuclear planet, but all the most proof, the will of God concerning this earth was no longer in delay, and things both terrifying and remarkable as John especially shown the things hereafter did see, mean Jesus prayer, that God's will be done, here, as in heaven was all the more visibly coming to pass and mankind, both the Ethiopians and the leopards loving the world so much, still having bled oceans of crying unto God blood into it, couldn't as John see this descending new heaven and earth, the stone cut out without hand, this very antichrist slaughter as blessing, but as a curse, whereby we hear them cry "long live America! (Hussein!), so now they love Him, (again Hussein). Awake! Apb, The RAM
Friday, September 23, 2016
Mercy Said No! Repent!
Day Thirty-five, 09/23/ 0f the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ one week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, this countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan, 9, also see,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, kill all parents by, I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelves plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
Mercy, Not Mockery!
Mercy Said No! By Ce Ce Winans, is the reminder, not only have God commended His Love toward us that while we're yet (born, live), sinners, Christ Jesus died for us. Though is further explained, Elohim, being longsuffering toward us ward that none perish, let us take heed, this Christ Lord of greater than any God/man sacrifices is warning millions perhaps coming after Him. That once saved isn't always saved nor are a man's work, despite how enormous, their salvation, only as they've taken on a heart of Christ. By surrendering theirs, meaning all that's life, love and treasures set in heaven above, are they now more apt to serve the Holy Spirit; having by Christ's Redemptive Cross, modified the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life.
Yes, as this stunning performer Ce Ce is saying, singing, mercy says no when your sins, your disobedient of God's righteousness flesh wants to drag you off to hell. God's mercy is there, readied for you to call yourself into position, meaning not only have you become a hearer of the word, as millions opening up their eyes the eternal curse. Though by anointing spirits and your giving over your trusting heart to them, are you heir with Christ, God's Throne, no flesh and blood inheriting herein. In other words no one can work or gift there way into heaven, you see regardless of your American Dream, only Jesus' Blood, and you worshipping Him, unlikely to ever again sin, can disappear this pending judgment into the second death having and holding so many captive, see Rev. 17:1.
When I chose a song, I chose the lyrics of that song, only God knows the heart of the performer and will judge them accordingly, they either practice and thus live what it is by these amazing songs preach or they're hypocritical in these comments, whose condemnation from birth remain, despite how beautifully they perform. The gospel of Jesus as seen here, Mat. 7:21-23, that so many especially church people take for granted, well actually it's mercy and beyond descriptive love. I'm gonna tell you something, and if I can tell my 11, 12 and 9 year old grands this, I can tell you this as well. The same God who shaped Adam out of the earth and breath into him this living soul, is the same God who is gonna cast the lineage of Adam, unrepentant into the lake burning with fire and brimstone, this is what the Apostle Paul mean, God is not mocked, what a man sow, that shall he reap, no exceptions, by ONE, Jesus' Blood, Apb, see here,
Who Hath Bewitched You?
-When Jesus was accused of having a demon, He then disproved this outrageous accusation by saying, Satan can't cast out Satan, in other words, the American Dream never, could've, would've saved. Though is possibly more responsible for people opening up their eyes in hell, than it's original mother, the Roman Empire who crucified Jesus Christ. As so it's authentic father Lucifer, which was a murderer from the beginning who abode not in the truth. The lesson taken here is, no friendship of the world is then characterized by the blood of Christ they totally opposes one another. One leadeth to death, destruction and the second death, as so America, like it's father, an artificial loan, quite enticing from the beginning, this board way, well, one cometh down from heaven, leadeth to immortal life, the flesh, worldly treasures, pleasures no longer having a place in you.
-The wealth of the wicked, apostate churches, all abrogated by temporal flesh being anointed upon by Satan, of the space beyond Christ's Cross loan them, which has only turn them this idolatry of a heathen rage against Jesus, this strong delusion. This deceptive friendship all set against you that you perish never actually knowing the heart of God, he hath restored to you, by the blood of a specific Jew, the woman seed, savior of all cursed blood, the Jesus, as the woman, Veronica, with the issue of blood lamented, if only I could touch just the hem of his garment. This present reality cursed from the first Adam would never again sustain life, just prolong it until death happen, this is why you hear Jesus ask you, what you gonna do with it, and his father, David lament, how he'll make God it's shepherd.
-You see straight out of the womb you're born into a tremendous deception that you're unable to sake being embroiled right into the fabric of human blood, and no matter how you race under the microscope of life, this darken mirror, every you think you got it figured actually and in ways most horridly unthinkably you don't this is not only called a cursed, but death, it's exactly without question what Elohim was describing to both Adam and now his Eve, the only mankind God ever had, ever.
When he described disobedience would lead to their death because they could never, ever figure losing this divine ability to diety once they lose sight of him, disobedience, sin separate us into a blindness affecting all of our capacities.
This when a well educated religious leader Nicodemus is inquiring of Jesus seeming self made wisdom, and Jesus is attempting to explain the concept of being born again, that even a Jewish Religious leaders just isn't getting it and Jesus finally admits it, except a man be born again he can't comprehend the kingdom of God, meaning until he born again, he's lost, again, Jesus says it, except a man be born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God, if you can understand God's form of righteousness which is spirit and truth, then you incapable of doing his will and entering his kingdom now sinless. Only if one is born again, can he then worship God in spirit and truth, now adopted into the kingdom of God, this heir with Jesus Christ, so the stunning question of Nicodemus, how can a man be reborn, can he enter again into his mother's womb and be reborn?
No, he doesn't have to God, by the woman seed had already done that, righteous blood, but for us cursed flesh and you Nicodemus was right here being mesmerized, even some into insanity, by Elohim's even now thousand of years later incomprehensible longsuffering, mercy, sacrifice, you see what happen is simply this, God himself, by the woman's womb, so even now the angels had a God, who took upon him flesh, and endured a cross, for the man who once was lost, whereby we're adopted into His Diety, whereby we cry Abba father. This is plainly what Paul mean, as he ministered to his son in the faith Timothy, how God, no well he said, without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: in other word marvel not.
I will show you the mystery of the Son of Man/God, as God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into there is only one man born to this earth that fit this beyond amazing criteria, and that is Jesus Christ. Seen of Angels, again mean, Holy Angels, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and legions of others, all now have a God, how put on flesh, and endured a cross, for the man who once was lost, which is why an appearing to me Angel Gabriel, out of all of God's revealed Revelations, he most brought our attention, to the sounding of the seventh angels, and the heavens celebrating what Jesus lamented just as he surrender the spirit, it is finished.
Now the kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever! so when this cursed flesh give us up, it releases us to one or two places, why all mankind need and has a shepherd, you either depending on this shepherd, ascend into the regions of heaven, having heartily served him or you will descend into the vast territories of hell having rejected him, by which Jesus is then described as the good shepherd, there is only one other, yourself, so cursed therein death and dying can't save you, awaiting there beyond, yes suicides as well, isn't only eternity, but judgement and hell. So many people, let me see how to say this, can only live deliciously in the sorely corruptible even abominable lifestyle they're in only as long as America, who is melting faster than a snowball doing an inferno, see especially California, exist.
So Bush standing before the people telling them, all yeah there is an America Dream, might as well have been as the abomination of desolation, Jesus, Mat. 24, standing the holy places, Obama's Administration just legalized as same sex marriage, this beyond anything abominable besides the Antichrist himself. All hopefully, prayerfully reading here need understand, the truth I learn that landed me within the regions of heavens, it's heir-ship in the beginning. When you make a decision to live your life in sin, all unrighteousness is sin, there is not one person on this earth, take this gigantic distractor like Angelia and Brad right now.
None of these people can help you or benefit you once you open your eyes in hell, nothing can, God's Grace forbid most of them are right there beside you. Why is that you ask? Because beyond America, the apostate rainbow, the pot of gold there is the reality of this world's greatest ever to be treasured gift, except you're born again. Meaning you abandon like a deadly plague having no antidote selfdom, America, for Christ Jesus, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God, and like the father you by your perverted lifestyles (Mystery Babylon), actually do serve, again and again and again, within, you're in hell, see here,
Wherein Shall Ye Die? Live!
Selah, O The Blood
I remember being so over impressed by reading five words in the bible, Ezekiel or Jeremiah, I hardly remember, but those words were, "wherein shall ye die, live!" What's so astonishing here, although mankind has since Cain slew Abel, shown themselves one abomination after the other, God has even as He Promised these two brothers mother, Eve, humankind Mother as well, how He will craft this amazing enmity and from it would emerge a Adam, whereas all could now regardless of the firsts Adam's cursed, LIVE!, These five words are them most exemplary of Jesus asking what shall it profit a man if he gain the American Dream, something Satan offered him if he would forfeit human kind's blood redemption, even this mystery Babylon and lose his soul?
The immortal that mortals forget, I like to say, equally, it's Jesus making one of the most shocking, surreal statements of His Sacrificial Ministry ever, and I quote, "whosoever believe in me shall never die, boy did they make fun of him ...and I will raise him up on the last day, meaning the last day of the church age, so many are prophesying is come not only this year of 2016, even this month of September, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. I will admit though I've been ministering according to this blessed events all my Christian walk with Christ demonstrating this blessed event therein, awake, Apb, The RAM,
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Eze. 33:11
I've never set a date, although I commented how there are those given to know this date, I hardly believed in it, until June of 2015, doing another demonstration of Rapture after so many, I was able to glance a departure date, only telling you what I experienced, this date like so many others, there was no specific year I admit but that date was September 25th. This was the same dream lamenting and I quote, it's all about Cameron, before it was revealed a week or so later, how PM Cameron send British troops Syrian soil to target ISIS leaders, killing two. This move soon bringing Russia to ally Assad's Syria spinning us into what has become not only this Brexit, but two primary Syrian/Russian Truce, one arranged, one week 08/25/ after a week prophecy, 08/18, doing one hour with Obama, known by most as the Beast, all while a two week and seven years time table 2008, regarding him has long expired.
Of course, Jesus went on after making this staggering accusation and not that many days hence would raise a friend, who'd been in a grave/tomb, for four days. This was the equally mesmerizing, jaw dropping, mouth gapping awe, acts of Christ, Of God by Christ's Cross, right into believers bearing their own cursed blood lineage, now this blessed out reach of Him, Jesus. That just as we die, well sleep, our by Christ's holy spirits risen to Him, doing the first resurrection, we're risen from sleep into glorified bodies. what Ken Peters, is seeing right here, What I saw additionally, is that once readied this miraculously, once asleep saints, and those living, now like fire rockets shooting into heavens to join Jesus awaiting us there.
I teased my grands just the other day, how this record breaking heat here and around the world could just because Jesus, the sunlight of God, is closer to us than he's been since the disciples witness him, the mount of Olives, ascend, since he told me, this end time apostle, witnessing him rise as well, heard him, "I'm coming soon go and tell my people, when in February of 2015, coming to me as one is send text messages, that even the greatest of technology take heed, and I quote these phenomes, "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way," wherein shall ye die? Live! God, Jesus, Heaven's Host sacrificed for this, Got Him, got Jesus yet? Apb
Your Church, Will, Selfdom, Condemn
"It's always Jesus, Jesus with you Spirit, don't you have anything else? No, Jesus Dove man is everything, this is death man, and you've been wondering around in it all your life trying to figure what you're to do with it, it's death, there's only one thing you can do with it, die!" See More Here,
Minister Frances Chan, releasing his flock lately was a type of God's mercy. It was this vast wake up call whose God like trumpet is this thunderous, deafening noise should've reverberated along all mass assembly waking them into realizing who is it they actually serve. The religion driving the nails, or the Christian Temple walking out of the tomb, as promised and prophesied three days later. Ask yourself, are you become so lackadaisical by church rituals, that when Jesus said he found himself knocking at the door of it.
Or are you counted as one set as a guard against His Knocking instead of opening the door to His Wondrous entry, for whosoever will come. The second death, hell has no more power over them, even the heavens are lamenting this, lost in translation of God's authentic mercy, that's not an excuse, or a cover for sin, but it's blood redemption of cleansing; crying aloud, blessed are those in the first resurrection, upon which death and hell hath no power, we must decease, Christ, the blessed Savior must increase, remember?
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, kill all parents by, I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelves plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
Mercy, Not Mockery!
Mercy Said No! By Ce Ce Winans, is the reminder, not only have God commended His Love toward us that while we're yet (born, live), sinners, Christ Jesus died for us. Though is further explained, Elohim, being longsuffering toward us ward that none perish, let us take heed, this Christ Lord of greater than any God/man sacrifices is warning millions perhaps coming after Him. That once saved isn't always saved nor are a man's work, despite how enormous, their salvation, only as they've taken on a heart of Christ. By surrendering theirs, meaning all that's life, love and treasures set in heaven above, are they now more apt to serve the Holy Spirit; having by Christ's Redemptive Cross, modified the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life.
Yes, as this stunning performer Ce Ce is saying, singing, mercy says no when your sins, your disobedient of God's righteousness flesh wants to drag you off to hell. God's mercy is there, readied for you to call yourself into position, meaning not only have you become a hearer of the word, as millions opening up their eyes the eternal curse. Though by anointing spirits and your giving over your trusting heart to them, are you heir with Christ, God's Throne, no flesh and blood inheriting herein. In other words no one can work or gift there way into heaven, you see regardless of your American Dream, only Jesus' Blood, and you worshipping Him, unlikely to ever again sin, can disappear this pending judgment into the second death having and holding so many captive, see Rev. 17:1.
When I chose a song, I chose the lyrics of that song, only God knows the heart of the performer and will judge them accordingly, they either practice and thus live what it is by these amazing songs preach or they're hypocritical in these comments, whose condemnation from birth remain, despite how beautifully they perform. The gospel of Jesus as seen here, Mat. 7:21-23, that so many especially church people take for granted, well actually it's mercy and beyond descriptive love. I'm gonna tell you something, and if I can tell my 11, 12 and 9 year old grands this, I can tell you this as well. The same God who shaped Adam out of the earth and breath into him this living soul, is the same God who is gonna cast the lineage of Adam, unrepentant into the lake burning with fire and brimstone, this is what the Apostle Paul mean, God is not mocked, what a man sow, that shall he reap, no exceptions, by ONE, Jesus' Blood, Apb, see here,
Who Hath Bewitched You?
-When Jesus was accused of having a demon, He then disproved this outrageous accusation by saying, Satan can't cast out Satan, in other words, the American Dream never, could've, would've saved. Though is possibly more responsible for people opening up their eyes in hell, than it's original mother, the Roman Empire who crucified Jesus Christ. As so it's authentic father Lucifer, which was a murderer from the beginning who abode not in the truth. The lesson taken here is, no friendship of the world is then characterized by the blood of Christ they totally opposes one another. One leadeth to death, destruction and the second death, as so America, like it's father, an artificial loan, quite enticing from the beginning, this board way, well, one cometh down from heaven, leadeth to immortal life, the flesh, worldly treasures, pleasures no longer having a place in you.
-The wealth of the wicked, apostate churches, all abrogated by temporal flesh being anointed upon by Satan, of the space beyond Christ's Cross loan them, which has only turn them this idolatry of a heathen rage against Jesus, this strong delusion. This deceptive friendship all set against you that you perish never actually knowing the heart of God, he hath restored to you, by the blood of a specific Jew, the woman seed, savior of all cursed blood, the Jesus, as the woman, Veronica, with the issue of blood lamented, if only I could touch just the hem of his garment. This present reality cursed from the first Adam would never again sustain life, just prolong it until death happen, this is why you hear Jesus ask you, what you gonna do with it, and his father, David lament, how he'll make God it's shepherd.
-You see straight out of the womb you're born into a tremendous deception that you're unable to sake being embroiled right into the fabric of human blood, and no matter how you race under the microscope of life, this darken mirror, every you think you got it figured actually and in ways most horridly unthinkably you don't this is not only called a cursed, but death, it's exactly without question what Elohim was describing to both Adam and now his Eve, the only mankind God ever had, ever.
When he described disobedience would lead to their death because they could never, ever figure losing this divine ability to diety once they lose sight of him, disobedience, sin separate us into a blindness affecting all of our capacities.
This when a well educated religious leader Nicodemus is inquiring of Jesus seeming self made wisdom, and Jesus is attempting to explain the concept of being born again, that even a Jewish Religious leaders just isn't getting it and Jesus finally admits it, except a man be born again he can't comprehend the kingdom of God, meaning until he born again, he's lost, again, Jesus says it, except a man be born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God, if you can understand God's form of righteousness which is spirit and truth, then you incapable of doing his will and entering his kingdom now sinless. Only if one is born again, can he then worship God in spirit and truth, now adopted into the kingdom of God, this heir with Jesus Christ, so the stunning question of Nicodemus, how can a man be reborn, can he enter again into his mother's womb and be reborn?
No, he doesn't have to God, by the woman seed had already done that, righteous blood, but for us cursed flesh and you Nicodemus was right here being mesmerized, even some into insanity, by Elohim's even now thousand of years later incomprehensible longsuffering, mercy, sacrifice, you see what happen is simply this, God himself, by the woman's womb, so even now the angels had a God, who took upon him flesh, and endured a cross, for the man who once was lost, whereby we're adopted into His Diety, whereby we cry Abba father. This is plainly what Paul mean, as he ministered to his son in the faith Timothy, how God, no well he said, without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: in other word marvel not.
I will show you the mystery of the Son of Man/God, as God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into there is only one man born to this earth that fit this beyond amazing criteria, and that is Jesus Christ. Seen of Angels, again mean, Holy Angels, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and legions of others, all now have a God, how put on flesh, and endured a cross, for the man who once was lost, which is why an appearing to me Angel Gabriel, out of all of God's revealed Revelations, he most brought our attention, to the sounding of the seventh angels, and the heavens celebrating what Jesus lamented just as he surrender the spirit, it is finished.
Now the kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever! so when this cursed flesh give us up, it releases us to one or two places, why all mankind need and has a shepherd, you either depending on this shepherd, ascend into the regions of heaven, having heartily served him or you will descend into the vast territories of hell having rejected him, by which Jesus is then described as the good shepherd, there is only one other, yourself, so cursed therein death and dying can't save you, awaiting there beyond, yes suicides as well, isn't only eternity, but judgement and hell. So many people, let me see how to say this, can only live deliciously in the sorely corruptible even abominable lifestyle they're in only as long as America, who is melting faster than a snowball doing an inferno, see especially California, exist.
So Bush standing before the people telling them, all yeah there is an America Dream, might as well have been as the abomination of desolation, Jesus, Mat. 24, standing the holy places, Obama's Administration just legalized as same sex marriage, this beyond anything abominable besides the Antichrist himself. All hopefully, prayerfully reading here need understand, the truth I learn that landed me within the regions of heavens, it's heir-ship in the beginning. When you make a decision to live your life in sin, all unrighteousness is sin, there is not one person on this earth, take this gigantic distractor like Angelia and Brad right now.
None of these people can help you or benefit you once you open your eyes in hell, nothing can, God's Grace forbid most of them are right there beside you. Why is that you ask? Because beyond America, the apostate rainbow, the pot of gold there is the reality of this world's greatest ever to be treasured gift, except you're born again. Meaning you abandon like a deadly plague having no antidote selfdom, America, for Christ Jesus, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God, and like the father you by your perverted lifestyles (Mystery Babylon), actually do serve, again and again and again, within, you're in hell, see here,
Wherein Shall Ye Die? Live!
Selah, O The Blood
I remember being so over impressed by reading five words in the bible, Ezekiel or Jeremiah, I hardly remember, but those words were, "wherein shall ye die, live!" What's so astonishing here, although mankind has since Cain slew Abel, shown themselves one abomination after the other, God has even as He Promised these two brothers mother, Eve, humankind Mother as well, how He will craft this amazing enmity and from it would emerge a Adam, whereas all could now regardless of the firsts Adam's cursed, LIVE!, These five words are them most exemplary of Jesus asking what shall it profit a man if he gain the American Dream, something Satan offered him if he would forfeit human kind's blood redemption, even this mystery Babylon and lose his soul?
The immortal that mortals forget, I like to say, equally, it's Jesus making one of the most shocking, surreal statements of His Sacrificial Ministry ever, and I quote, "whosoever believe in me shall never die, boy did they make fun of him ...and I will raise him up on the last day, meaning the last day of the church age, so many are prophesying is come not only this year of 2016, even this month of September, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. I will admit though I've been ministering according to this blessed events all my Christian walk with Christ demonstrating this blessed event therein, awake, Apb, The RAM,
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Eze. 33:11
I've never set a date, although I commented how there are those given to know this date, I hardly believed in it, until June of 2015, doing another demonstration of Rapture after so many, I was able to glance a departure date, only telling you what I experienced, this date like so many others, there was no specific year I admit but that date was September 25th. This was the same dream lamenting and I quote, it's all about Cameron, before it was revealed a week or so later, how PM Cameron send British troops Syrian soil to target ISIS leaders, killing two. This move soon bringing Russia to ally Assad's Syria spinning us into what has become not only this Brexit, but two primary Syrian/Russian Truce, one arranged, one week 08/25/ after a week prophecy, 08/18, doing one hour with Obama, known by most as the Beast, all while a two week and seven years time table 2008, regarding him has long expired.
Of course, Jesus went on after making this staggering accusation and not that many days hence would raise a friend, who'd been in a grave/tomb, for four days. This was the equally mesmerizing, jaw dropping, mouth gapping awe, acts of Christ, Of God by Christ's Cross, right into believers bearing their own cursed blood lineage, now this blessed out reach of Him, Jesus. That just as we die, well sleep, our by Christ's holy spirits risen to Him, doing the first resurrection, we're risen from sleep into glorified bodies. what Ken Peters, is seeing right here, What I saw additionally, is that once readied this miraculously, once asleep saints, and those living, now like fire rockets shooting into heavens to join Jesus awaiting us there.
I teased my grands just the other day, how this record breaking heat here and around the world could just because Jesus, the sunlight of God, is closer to us than he's been since the disciples witness him, the mount of Olives, ascend, since he told me, this end time apostle, witnessing him rise as well, heard him, "I'm coming soon go and tell my people, when in February of 2015, coming to me as one is send text messages, that even the greatest of technology take heed, and I quote these phenomes, "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way," wherein shall ye die? Live! God, Jesus, Heaven's Host sacrificed for this, Got Him, got Jesus yet? Apb
Your Church, Will, Selfdom, Condemn
"It's always Jesus, Jesus with you Spirit, don't you have anything else? No, Jesus Dove man is everything, this is death man, and you've been wondering around in it all your life trying to figure what you're to do with it, it's death, there's only one thing you can do with it, die!" See More Here,
Minister Frances Chan, releasing his flock lately was a type of God's mercy. It was this vast wake up call whose God like trumpet is this thunderous, deafening noise should've reverberated along all mass assembly waking them into realizing who is it they actually serve. The religion driving the nails, or the Christian Temple walking out of the tomb, as promised and prophesied three days later. Ask yourself, are you become so lackadaisical by church rituals, that when Jesus said he found himself knocking at the door of it.
Or are you counted as one set as a guard against His Knocking instead of opening the door to His Wondrous entry, for whosoever will come. The second death, hell has no more power over them, even the heavens are lamenting this, lost in translation of God's authentic mercy, that's not an excuse, or a cover for sin, but it's blood redemption of cleansing; crying aloud, blessed are those in the first resurrection, upon which death and hell hath no power, we must decease, Christ, the blessed Savior must increase, remember?
Thursday, September 22, 2016
All Roads Point To Daniel Seventieth Week
Day Thirty-four 09/22 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, see Dan. 4,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, 'Philippines: Church Elder Murdered',' Perfecto Padilla, 52, a dedicated church elder from Sultan Kudarat, Philippines, was brutally murdered by two Muslim men on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. local time.
Perfecto was resting outside his house in a hammock when two Muslim men came by on motorbikes and fired from approximately five metres away what was believed to be a 45-caliber pistol, witnesses said. He was struck by seven bullets. The assailants immediately fled the scene.
Perfecto’s 12-year-old daughter, Naomi, ran to her father, crying and screaming for help. A pastor named William was nearby visiting a church member, when he heard the screaming and immediately went to provide assistance. Seeing the seriousness of the wounds, William borrowed a tricycle and took Perfecto to the hospital, but the wounded man died on the journey.
Perfectos’ two children Naomi, 12, and Joseph, 10, have lost their only parent. Their mother went overseas to work many years ago and they have lost contact with her.
A local VOM contact immediately visited the family. When he met the children, Naomi told him,
"Our father was a good father. He never did anything wrong. Why has this happened to him?”
"This district was once a peaceful village,” the VOM contact reported, see more here,
Apostle's Note:
(Such horror as I've been seeing prophesying for years now become more prevalent US soil, this greatest of trophy wars for them, besides Israel, their primary target is America. This will explain seeing a fire from prison like a sword 2003, target President Bush. As I shared yesterday, I receive Ezekiel 4, the night past as a word, as I further contemplate, I believe it is the first Holy Spirits have given me an identical word more than once.
Prophecy Link
A Voice, "Daniel," as in the final "week," of Daniel, and end of rebellious man, see more here,
A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause, as I'm not clear about the year, as so do I believe it's referencing unrepentant parents, see, Rev. 2:22-23, so 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something cataclysmic to happen by 10/2017, remember Jesus is the blessed death, get ye to Him, Apb
An Epidemic of Violence
I'm suddenly reminded of the build up of torture vehicles as far as eyes could see, 2003, even at one time they were awarded for their maniac efforts, diamond wedding rings. I still hear a US General lamenting, "don't be alarmed men, Mede, is very dirty," all as their loved ones were awarded an 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour. This is also Arabian powers I witness come into powers, as cataclysms happen mightily to America, the West, beware. It would seem, all that is satanic, demonic and religious trying to sabotage the coming Week of Daniel, followed by Jesus' entry, see Psalm 2, many people are going to die, 1998, many, again, be aware. Apb, The RAM
Signs Of The Are Fulfilling Everywhere
Midnight Cry, By John Starnes, is so stunning was both written and performed around the same time of Jesus, bearing healing wings, see Mal. 4:1, appeared in heavens to me, is just perfect for this hour at present. At this point, I was siting the edge of my bed, this mesmerized, the lyrics, we exalt thee singing in my head and soon, slowing moving into my head, the memory of being in the throne of heaven, the book of life mention there is open, and a type of roll call is going on, how every time one is sounded, it raise from these ancient pages, fitter and float all around our head and gone into heavenly spaces.
I admit before this, like a few days prior I had a slight memory about looking into a book of names, even remembering some of them that dissipated from memory as I became awake, and this alone was amazing. It explain one thing, why for so long I would wake up with certain names, having no clue what it would mean, and nothing clearly come or it. I had a dream years earlier where I participated in a dress rehearsal regarding this blessed event and a time after, there was being a part of a trial run again regarding the rapture. I don't think people pay me much attention, when I confess, that I've seen end time prophecy fulfillment right into Jesus, the Bride with Him, walking again among the people.
Before this dream regarding this amazing roll call, I'd participated with Holy Spirit, arriving back really spent I remember, as they performed what I can only describe as a manner of census taking. The prophet Ezekiel it's 9th chapter is shown the order of God summoning slayers to perform His Wrath among the people, he witness Him summon. That's from the higher gate north, six slayers and what is described as an Ink Horn man; the ink horn man is other wise used to mark for life. Those having compassion and are entered into intercessory prayers regarding these evils, because of this mark, the slayers soon sent out cannot then touch them, this mark set them apart as those now Anointed for God, beware, Apb.
A Times, Times and A Half And All Roads Points To Daniel
I guess we say Daniel Seventieth week of years eschew off the prophetic path for these 2000 years Jesus' Cross, the prophesied woman seed, Emanuel, meaning God with us, hath for us. An incarnate Jesus, as in Jesus yet the Holy Spirit is being portrayed by the man in linen, Dan. 12, instructing the Angel Gabriel to give Daniel skills. As in revelation knowledge regarding urgent matters which will befall his people Israel, whose said events will go on and affect mightily the rest of the world. Especially the little horn which was to come, this man of sin, this man of perdition. Those two primary beast, as an end time judgment regarding mankind's iniquity, this end time Apostle witness come out of prediction 2008, it was a time, I received more visions and dreams about this man of sin, Dan. 7-8 Chpt. II Thess. 2
These two of which would doing a certain duration, many years from Daniel's day, come into the world and cause incalculable mayhem, millions upon millions would die. Then you hear the Psalmist lament, I saw the transgressor and was grieved, because he kept not thy word, meaning because of mankind's virtual worship of sin, reaping corruption sown, they'd in all reality brought this upon themselves. Even now as I write, just as Christ Cross is poised to save any that will come, the regions of the damn is doing in like this similar, enlarging itself, to receive all others, yes, you got it hell, it's hell on earth, and a greater hell after death if mankind don't find themselves at Christ's Cross, this repentant, see more here, I John 1, as so,
The flesh of sin and death must die, as it's potential to commit iniquity daily increases. There's talk of man changing only he can't, not unless or until the heart is surrender to Holy Spirit, and it's then exchanged for a heart of Christ. Adopted into His Cross, suffering and death, but such is the world, carrying people right into hell, though with Jesus, you're carried off this heir with him for all eternity. I receive one word as I dozed into a sleep, the word, the name Daniel, most of end time prophecy began and end with him. Holy Spirits would go on and by the revelations of Christ all the more reveal identical things to John the beloved, by a voice as a trumpet saying come up here, see the things which will be hereafter, as in after the Bride is snatched out which could be any day now, the fulfillment of the final week is upon us.
After Daniel had finished praying, as is shared his 9th chapter, into a 21 day partial fast, Angels started appearing to him, describing how he was greatly beloved, that his prayers was heard first thing, that they arrived to give him understanding of a judgment regarding his people, held up those 21 days, because of a territorial Spirit, Paul explain setting in high places, withstood him until Michael assisted him. There a young man on you tube named, named Shawn Weed, it has this phenomena near death experience, playing around with his friends one day they accidently hung him and send him into a demonstration of what's there, that is truly inconceivable. All I'm going to say is that a great demon and the Angel Michael fought over where this young man would spend the rest of eternity, for the rest of eternity people!
You have an eternal existence awaiting you, just beyond your spirit releasing you, just recently, as I shared before, just as I barely slipped out of my spirit, holy angels just soon happily and hastily began to greet me. Come to think of, something similar happen Easter Sunday, decided to stay. Lay in bed this rest, popped in Passion of Christ, next I know, I was speaking in tongues just as they were, and then this miraculous, as I passed away, the ceiling seem to form into his glorious light, indescribable light, with the shape of an Angel emerging and descending. As I was saying, both Angels Gabriel and Michael was now on the scene, that just as there was now this Prince of Persia, satanic, demonic, possessing certain leaders, the prince of Grecia was now to come, possibly additionally why they wanted to prevent them of Daniel.
This is where you're to be reminded, God is in control of all of them, obey him, follow as he lead, trust, delight and commit to him and suffer the lest, disregard any of these righteous instruction, endure temporary hell on earth, only to be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, just as you die, and all man are snared in a net when hey lest suspect, see especially Paul Walker for this greatest of examples. Since Daniel has laid out his heart seeking forgiveness of sin for the entire, since by the identical prayer, many time I've done the same thing, God by the Angel Gabriel, as the archangel Michael, most militant, the armies of heaven commanding general took watch.
Seventy week of years has been determined upon Daniel's people, to pretty much make an end of sin, meaning as always, even since the beginning. Though they're all cast from birth upon a mankind, a planet fixed horribly against itself, disobedience and loving their pleasures of sin unto death has always been mankind greatest of detriment. As so it was for Daniel's Israel, now they'd been weighed, measured and found lacking, their sentence would come in the duration of 70 weeks of years, all of which was fulfilled even into Messiah being cut off, but not for himself, but for us, not just for Israel, but for Adam's and Eve's mankind.
Elohim had promised and destined her seed accordingly and Lucifer's primary aim has always been to prevent this seed, to stomp in into earth dead, done over, but Jesus's Blood now spilled this seed harvest so tremendous, and though he is given to overcome them, see various genocide all over this world, see that one is that is fueling our streets, especially gun violence this lead, one day She and Him, warring against this maniacal mutineer together and the next you hear him once this mighty, his man thrown into the fiery flames, and he, in prison the thousands of year of Jesus reign, this is why you hear Him say, I have overcome the world.
The Sunlight Of God Which Spoke, Let My People Go!
John was here to stay, rumor has it so was Apostle Paul, both where sent back earth bound, being heir there, just was ready for them, so are the twenty four elders, celebrating with heavens host, the fall of rebellious man and when John laid eyes on them, did he recognize himself as one of them? I doing a demonstration there, 02/14/2015, I witness the Bride who was there, I saw that she wasn't alone, but the stone cut out without hands, prophesied Daniel 2, was in her possession, it's surface was that as a meteor, and when she moved to release it, I heard a voice say "this is the antichrist murderer." Further explaining, the release of this meteor, as I've also seen nuclear bombs being launch, as we torn the skies, again this is why the Bride can't be here.
All of these things threatens who she is and why she is, the church age is ended and thus she is ascended. So when the sunlight of God spoke, as I was deterred from a celebration there, when it declared to me, the same as it'd said, to a delivered Moses, he was to bring them into territories of Canaan, this burnt offering worship and praise thereon to. The Apostleship of Christ delivering to the fulfillment of every offering ever, or shall ever be again, Jesus, even as he is lifted upon this cross of horrors, all men are drawn to him, and here is where the fulfillment the clock of years regarding.
Daniel's Seventieth year standstill, one week of years shy of Israel's pending judgement being fulfilled instead blessing the holies of holies made flesh, not only had they rejected him, crucified him, but by ensuring all greater cursed, they'd proudly lamented how Jesus righteous blood this spilled, it's per God's vengeance, be upon them and their children, why when Ezekiel's slayers a time later was to clean the temple, persons of all ages where to be target, as so Jesus, calling on all whoredom to repent, threatens to kill the children with death, and just a few days passed, I received a word, how all parents were to be killed by a certain date, the rebellious, no longer has this place.
Where are you, who is your savior? Church attendance only covers sins which is why it has millions upon millions of inheritance, spending so many hours a week as this compensation for beyond the heavens abominations, thinking Jesus don't see them, not only does he see them, but accuse them of worshipping Satan's seat instead of their own form of righteousness, never being forgiven of sin, why so many people think they're seeing millions of Christians going to hell, no Christian is hell bound, only the unrepentant in Christian attire are but the thousands a day opening up their eyes this horrid place, see more here.
And It's Banner Was Red, 175 miles, this River Of Blood, An Epidemic O Violence,
I saw this in a dream, as surely I witness a world outcry, that just as western leaders were prepping Saddam Hussein for execution, in the spirit world, so weird, so strange instead there was this world outcry for a Hussein to reign, all the more marking Barack, Hussein Obama the one as was described, the open portal to the worse concert of mankind's evils, ever or ever to be again, see Jesus hath a thousand year reign and after that the great white throne, and still after that, a New Jerusalem descend, and a reign of mankind, now in glorified bodies reign this new heaven and earth.
This banner I saw of massive, massive street protest, as is described of the of the red horse rider, being given a great sword, that peace is taken, (the American dream sorely compromised), and they kill one another, thus the banner I saw, despite what said protest is about was blood red, having rejected, the blood of the lamb, washing all guilty blood white as divine redemption. The horseman I saw, only a couple years into my ministry, appearing among man as death itself was able to direct natural according to his will, which I why I bore record of it residing to releasing him, and when he rode he rode victor and victoriously.
America has entered into that time, whereas what ever was said doing her hundreds of years, couldn't done regarding her, is done, is fulfilled and just the aftershock of this bohemian of a master disaster when itself act with enough force, it's to end it for it's 190 years and not even leave the residue of it. You see this is pretty much what Jer. 37:8 was forewarning, this day was coming, it's referred to as being given over into the hands of the enemy, that enemy right now is Islamic extremism into an Islamic world reign. Frightfully so much so, Holy Spirit are prophesying not only post the rapture, but post America, Britain, and westernize civilization, now on to Daniel's week, as if they never happen over 300 millions US soil along, still it's as though they're no more.
By the time King Bel Dan. 5, was made to comprehend the writing on the wall, for America, see here,, again by the time they realized the hour of reaping was right now upon them, so was their greatest of enemy, God's righteous judgement and they, Daniel's Babylon, had time no longer, the Medes and Persians was now serving up God's manner of vengeance, it was over for them. This is the same Mede, present day Iran, the US General was seen describing of the build of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, because of these prophecies, being so entirely fulfilled, I was able to see A Hussein Reign, Meaning Islamic Rule, acting as a Father over America.
Isaac and Ismail, his first born are both the sons of Abraham, one of the handmaiden Hagar and the other, of Abraham's wife, Sarah, this unthinkable even now miracle. It is said that by the age of 18, Ismail, bore such a hatred for Isaac, that fueling Islam and Islamic terrorism today, no only against Abraham's Anointed, but that of the seed of Israel, the Christian. It is again hinted that a become hateful Ismail was actually contemplating and plotting to kill his baby brother, that is the primary reason, Elohim decided hey would separated, and God once again through the obedience and faithfulness of Father Abraham got what he wanted, 12 nations would Ismail begot, was God's promise to him, and he shall be a great nation, rough.
Hence Ismail, hence Arabia, hence Islam, hence Islamic Terrorism. So jus as Isaac seed would produce 12 nations, tribes, so would Ismail, the only difference, and though right now, they've both fallen into non Christian worship, the true messiah was prophesied to come Isaac seed, while a false, a fake, a man of sin, Ismail's seed, which again why the Antichrist, which will for three and half years of Daniel's week, be regarded as the messiah, both of these brothers are looking for, is prophesied to come out of what is today Islamic territory, even the ancient territory of Assyria, present day, Syria, Iran and Iraq, perhaps a Syrian Jews, this why any Truce regarding especially Syria, is highly regarded. Though as long as America, this potential saboteur remain, this peace accord will suffer in limbo and its no longer a viable force of intervening along world affairs.
Which is again why by bible prophecy, it's tracking through the unforeseen ruin having lost in an hour, what has taken them nearly 200 years. Just as yesterday as I posted for the Thirty-third day, an expositors look at Ezekiel, 4, I admitted, never doing my ministry being given the same identical word, as I receive, Ezekiel 4 earlier this year, I believe the two part meaning here, is the first was a warning toward US soil, Asian invasion to Islamic reign is come, 2001-2017, as so on the other hand, how present-day Jerusalem, was being forewarn, like the days of Ezekiel, four years prior of a siege that was come, now right, four years into Daniel's week, possibly beginning 2017/18, the antichrist horde will be coming for you, Jerusalem, Israel, slaying two thirds of you, with a timely returning Christ Lord Jesus your only rescue, see more here,,
If The Great Gathering Of Saints, Also Known as the Rapture Happens
I have a question, who would you leave behind, all the world, especially Americans despite how bad it here US soil, and it's bad, worse than it's ever been and mounting, there are virtually none looking to the rapture, the final ability to like a more innovative Noah's Ark, Jesus's Healing Wings escape, things, horrid things this present world has never seen, but only heard about. The antichrist is set to kill millions, millions will as well die, by God Righteous Judgment being acted out upon this world, this planet, with a pale horse judgment, predicted US soil, in less than year's time. You heard me clearly, after America's weight of judgment, I've entitled the Intrepid Dream, what came behind his cataclysmic judgment, was a towering, beige horse infested with fleas, and John prophesied hell rode right beside him.
Clearly now I see why, so many people are living aloof God's prescribed for these last days of rebellion, greatest of tribulation targeting all things man, but beginning with heir own personally designed Mystery Babylon, making like days of the days, only more cataclysmic.
and all the world's terrible happening are totally indicative of everything I've prophesied these thirty years having complete fulfillment by Oct 2017, meaning the setting and breaking of records like never, ever before, or ever again, explaining why so many people are mesmerized into this misunderstanding.
It why Jesus forewarn from the beginning, and yes, especially the American Dream, how all, that's all that had gone before us were thieves and robbers, not having prepared us, for horrid days such as this, and as in the days of Ezekiel's Judah, American's end isn't pending, it's here, you can even say, the 911 attacks, to Bush War on the axis of evil, to the Hussein and Gaddafi's execution and Hussein's Whitehouse were all just his prelude, to America's End, prophesied to me, by God Himself, coming to me, as he'd come to Father Abraham, explaining the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and I quote Heavens more special father, "I will destroy America, and they've spend the last thirty years along a post rapture showing me how.
It is said of America, regarding of Christ's Cross, how it is plagued with abominations and detestations upon those three primary treasure set above God, now gone under judgement right now, their famed lives, lands and churches, and churches, Christians and Churches have become Islamic Terrorist primary target, what both the ten day countdown into the Charleston church shooting, and the dream about a Syed Farook, after San Bernardino shooting, now this reckless driver of more terrorism on US soil plotted, where entirely about. Now nothing of yours, even prayer can stay in the way, but like a deadliest of plagues God's judgments must run it's course, with America design to be no more than a piece of magnetic memorabilia one is to hang on a refrigerator, it too having lost it's worth, being as empty as the streets of America, beware.
Arriving With Healing In His Wings, A Diamond Carved Crystal Dove
The sunlight of God, explaining why John said there is need of the sun there, in heaven because they're it, this indescribable illumination all through, around. When it commissioned that it's people be loosed, it was in all essence demanding that it's people be told the truth, remember, the greatest reason of God's people perishing is because first they don't know, and second, that they know is momentarily taken from them of this sorely distracting system. There is and has always been only this one way to free God's people from the great of religion which literally sit upon this mightier than all force, is to tell them the truth and that even if it get you killed.
This is why Jesus was asking Peter, who would go on and become known as the prince of the apostles, whether or not he indeed loved him, but only then, even by threat of bodily harm and martyrdom he had to take the most unpopular gospel truth to God's people, and if you're holding onto to may treasures here especially your life, or that of your loved ones, only dying as Christ, with Christ, for Christ, as Jesus by his won horrid death and dying had demonstrated was the only good death and dying, world nations of every category were to get God's people directly to him, meaning Jesus, or suffered in likeness of great Empires, Kingdoms and Nations gone before, let my people go.
The wedding supper of he lamb hath made itself ready, let those bidden and worthy come! There is no where to escape America's decline, none of the locked doors and windows, where we live, worship, worship, work, religiously, politically and monetarily and educate is the safe haven, is just as usual these temporal outfit/fix. I teased my kids this morning that perhaps there is right now record heat the nation and the world, because the is the closest Jesus, the sunlight of God, has been to this planet since his ascension, beware, Apb, The RAM,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, 'Philippines: Church Elder Murdered',' Perfecto Padilla, 52, a dedicated church elder from Sultan Kudarat, Philippines, was brutally murdered by two Muslim men on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. local time.
Perfecto was resting outside his house in a hammock when two Muslim men came by on motorbikes and fired from approximately five metres away what was believed to be a 45-caliber pistol, witnesses said. He was struck by seven bullets. The assailants immediately fled the scene.
Perfecto’s 12-year-old daughter, Naomi, ran to her father, crying and screaming for help. A pastor named William was nearby visiting a church member, when he heard the screaming and immediately went to provide assistance. Seeing the seriousness of the wounds, William borrowed a tricycle and took Perfecto to the hospital, but the wounded man died on the journey.
Perfectos’ two children Naomi, 12, and Joseph, 10, have lost their only parent. Their mother went overseas to work many years ago and they have lost contact with her.
A local VOM contact immediately visited the family. When he met the children, Naomi told him,
"Our father was a good father. He never did anything wrong. Why has this happened to him?”
"This district was once a peaceful village,” the VOM contact reported, see more here,
Apostle's Note:
(Such horror as I've been seeing prophesying for years now become more prevalent US soil, this greatest of trophy wars for them, besides Israel, their primary target is America. This will explain seeing a fire from prison like a sword 2003, target President Bush. As I shared yesterday, I receive Ezekiel 4, the night past as a word, as I further contemplate, I believe it is the first Holy Spirits have given me an identical word more than once.
Prophecy Link
A Voice, "Daniel," as in the final "week," of Daniel, and end of rebellious man, see more here,
A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause, as I'm not clear about the year, as so do I believe it's referencing unrepentant parents, see, Rev. 2:22-23, so 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something cataclysmic to happen by 10/2017, remember Jesus is the blessed death, get ye to Him, Apb
An Epidemic of Violence
I'm suddenly reminded of the build up of torture vehicles as far as eyes could see, 2003, even at one time they were awarded for their maniac efforts, diamond wedding rings. I still hear a US General lamenting, "don't be alarmed men, Mede, is very dirty," all as their loved ones were awarded an 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour. This is also Arabian powers I witness come into powers, as cataclysms happen mightily to America, the West, beware. It would seem, all that is satanic, demonic and religious trying to sabotage the coming Week of Daniel, followed by Jesus' entry, see Psalm 2, many people are going to die, 1998, many, again, be aware. Apb, The RAM
Signs Of The Are Fulfilling Everywhere
Midnight Cry, By John Starnes, is so stunning was both written and performed around the same time of Jesus, bearing healing wings, see Mal. 4:1, appeared in heavens to me, is just perfect for this hour at present. At this point, I was siting the edge of my bed, this mesmerized, the lyrics, we exalt thee singing in my head and soon, slowing moving into my head, the memory of being in the throne of heaven, the book of life mention there is open, and a type of roll call is going on, how every time one is sounded, it raise from these ancient pages, fitter and float all around our head and gone into heavenly spaces.
I admit before this, like a few days prior I had a slight memory about looking into a book of names, even remembering some of them that dissipated from memory as I became awake, and this alone was amazing. It explain one thing, why for so long I would wake up with certain names, having no clue what it would mean, and nothing clearly come or it. I had a dream years earlier where I participated in a dress rehearsal regarding this blessed event and a time after, there was being a part of a trial run again regarding the rapture. I don't think people pay me much attention, when I confess, that I've seen end time prophecy fulfillment right into Jesus, the Bride with Him, walking again among the people.
Before this dream regarding this amazing roll call, I'd participated with Holy Spirit, arriving back really spent I remember, as they performed what I can only describe as a manner of census taking. The prophet Ezekiel it's 9th chapter is shown the order of God summoning slayers to perform His Wrath among the people, he witness Him summon. That's from the higher gate north, six slayers and what is described as an Ink Horn man; the ink horn man is other wise used to mark for life. Those having compassion and are entered into intercessory prayers regarding these evils, because of this mark, the slayers soon sent out cannot then touch them, this mark set them apart as those now Anointed for God, beware, Apb.
A Times, Times and A Half And All Roads Points To Daniel
I guess we say Daniel Seventieth week of years eschew off the prophetic path for these 2000 years Jesus' Cross, the prophesied woman seed, Emanuel, meaning God with us, hath for us. An incarnate Jesus, as in Jesus yet the Holy Spirit is being portrayed by the man in linen, Dan. 12, instructing the Angel Gabriel to give Daniel skills. As in revelation knowledge regarding urgent matters which will befall his people Israel, whose said events will go on and affect mightily the rest of the world. Especially the little horn which was to come, this man of sin, this man of perdition. Those two primary beast, as an end time judgment regarding mankind's iniquity, this end time Apostle witness come out of prediction 2008, it was a time, I received more visions and dreams about this man of sin, Dan. 7-8 Chpt. II Thess. 2
These two of which would doing a certain duration, many years from Daniel's day, come into the world and cause incalculable mayhem, millions upon millions would die. Then you hear the Psalmist lament, I saw the transgressor and was grieved, because he kept not thy word, meaning because of mankind's virtual worship of sin, reaping corruption sown, they'd in all reality brought this upon themselves. Even now as I write, just as Christ Cross is poised to save any that will come, the regions of the damn is doing in like this similar, enlarging itself, to receive all others, yes, you got it hell, it's hell on earth, and a greater hell after death if mankind don't find themselves at Christ's Cross, this repentant, see more here, I John 1, as so,
The flesh of sin and death must die, as it's potential to commit iniquity daily increases. There's talk of man changing only he can't, not unless or until the heart is surrender to Holy Spirit, and it's then exchanged for a heart of Christ. Adopted into His Cross, suffering and death, but such is the world, carrying people right into hell, though with Jesus, you're carried off this heir with him for all eternity. I receive one word as I dozed into a sleep, the word, the name Daniel, most of end time prophecy began and end with him. Holy Spirits would go on and by the revelations of Christ all the more reveal identical things to John the beloved, by a voice as a trumpet saying come up here, see the things which will be hereafter, as in after the Bride is snatched out which could be any day now, the fulfillment of the final week is upon us.
After Daniel had finished praying, as is shared his 9th chapter, into a 21 day partial fast, Angels started appearing to him, describing how he was greatly beloved, that his prayers was heard first thing, that they arrived to give him understanding of a judgment regarding his people, held up those 21 days, because of a territorial Spirit, Paul explain setting in high places, withstood him until Michael assisted him. There a young man on you tube named, named Shawn Weed, it has this phenomena near death experience, playing around with his friends one day they accidently hung him and send him into a demonstration of what's there, that is truly inconceivable. All I'm going to say is that a great demon and the Angel Michael fought over where this young man would spend the rest of eternity, for the rest of eternity people!
You have an eternal existence awaiting you, just beyond your spirit releasing you, just recently, as I shared before, just as I barely slipped out of my spirit, holy angels just soon happily and hastily began to greet me. Come to think of, something similar happen Easter Sunday, decided to stay. Lay in bed this rest, popped in Passion of Christ, next I know, I was speaking in tongues just as they were, and then this miraculous, as I passed away, the ceiling seem to form into his glorious light, indescribable light, with the shape of an Angel emerging and descending. As I was saying, both Angels Gabriel and Michael was now on the scene, that just as there was now this Prince of Persia, satanic, demonic, possessing certain leaders, the prince of Grecia was now to come, possibly additionally why they wanted to prevent them of Daniel.
This is where you're to be reminded, God is in control of all of them, obey him, follow as he lead, trust, delight and commit to him and suffer the lest, disregard any of these righteous instruction, endure temporary hell on earth, only to be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, just as you die, and all man are snared in a net when hey lest suspect, see especially Paul Walker for this greatest of examples. Since Daniel has laid out his heart seeking forgiveness of sin for the entire, since by the identical prayer, many time I've done the same thing, God by the Angel Gabriel, as the archangel Michael, most militant, the armies of heaven commanding general took watch.
Seventy week of years has been determined upon Daniel's people, to pretty much make an end of sin, meaning as always, even since the beginning. Though they're all cast from birth upon a mankind, a planet fixed horribly against itself, disobedience and loving their pleasures of sin unto death has always been mankind greatest of detriment. As so it was for Daniel's Israel, now they'd been weighed, measured and found lacking, their sentence would come in the duration of 70 weeks of years, all of which was fulfilled even into Messiah being cut off, but not for himself, but for us, not just for Israel, but for Adam's and Eve's mankind.
Elohim had promised and destined her seed accordingly and Lucifer's primary aim has always been to prevent this seed, to stomp in into earth dead, done over, but Jesus's Blood now spilled this seed harvest so tremendous, and though he is given to overcome them, see various genocide all over this world, see that one is that is fueling our streets, especially gun violence this lead, one day She and Him, warring against this maniacal mutineer together and the next you hear him once this mighty, his man thrown into the fiery flames, and he, in prison the thousands of year of Jesus reign, this is why you hear Him say, I have overcome the world.
The Sunlight Of God Which Spoke, Let My People Go!
John was here to stay, rumor has it so was Apostle Paul, both where sent back earth bound, being heir there, just was ready for them, so are the twenty four elders, celebrating with heavens host, the fall of rebellious man and when John laid eyes on them, did he recognize himself as one of them? I doing a demonstration there, 02/14/2015, I witness the Bride who was there, I saw that she wasn't alone, but the stone cut out without hands, prophesied Daniel 2, was in her possession, it's surface was that as a meteor, and when she moved to release it, I heard a voice say "this is the antichrist murderer." Further explaining, the release of this meteor, as I've also seen nuclear bombs being launch, as we torn the skies, again this is why the Bride can't be here.
All of these things threatens who she is and why she is, the church age is ended and thus she is ascended. So when the sunlight of God spoke, as I was deterred from a celebration there, when it declared to me, the same as it'd said, to a delivered Moses, he was to bring them into territories of Canaan, this burnt offering worship and praise thereon to. The Apostleship of Christ delivering to the fulfillment of every offering ever, or shall ever be again, Jesus, even as he is lifted upon this cross of horrors, all men are drawn to him, and here is where the fulfillment the clock of years regarding.
Daniel's Seventieth year standstill, one week of years shy of Israel's pending judgement being fulfilled instead blessing the holies of holies made flesh, not only had they rejected him, crucified him, but by ensuring all greater cursed, they'd proudly lamented how Jesus righteous blood this spilled, it's per God's vengeance, be upon them and their children, why when Ezekiel's slayers a time later was to clean the temple, persons of all ages where to be target, as so Jesus, calling on all whoredom to repent, threatens to kill the children with death, and just a few days passed, I received a word, how all parents were to be killed by a certain date, the rebellious, no longer has this place.
Where are you, who is your savior? Church attendance only covers sins which is why it has millions upon millions of inheritance, spending so many hours a week as this compensation for beyond the heavens abominations, thinking Jesus don't see them, not only does he see them, but accuse them of worshipping Satan's seat instead of their own form of righteousness, never being forgiven of sin, why so many people think they're seeing millions of Christians going to hell, no Christian is hell bound, only the unrepentant in Christian attire are but the thousands a day opening up their eyes this horrid place, see more here.
And It's Banner Was Red, 175 miles, this River Of Blood, An Epidemic O Violence,
I saw this in a dream, as surely I witness a world outcry, that just as western leaders were prepping Saddam Hussein for execution, in the spirit world, so weird, so strange instead there was this world outcry for a Hussein to reign, all the more marking Barack, Hussein Obama the one as was described, the open portal to the worse concert of mankind's evils, ever or ever to be again, see Jesus hath a thousand year reign and after that the great white throne, and still after that, a New Jerusalem descend, and a reign of mankind, now in glorified bodies reign this new heaven and earth.
This banner I saw of massive, massive street protest, as is described of the of the red horse rider, being given a great sword, that peace is taken, (the American dream sorely compromised), and they kill one another, thus the banner I saw, despite what said protest is about was blood red, having rejected, the blood of the lamb, washing all guilty blood white as divine redemption. The horseman I saw, only a couple years into my ministry, appearing among man as death itself was able to direct natural according to his will, which I why I bore record of it residing to releasing him, and when he rode he rode victor and victoriously.
America has entered into that time, whereas what ever was said doing her hundreds of years, couldn't done regarding her, is done, is fulfilled and just the aftershock of this bohemian of a master disaster when itself act with enough force, it's to end it for it's 190 years and not even leave the residue of it. You see this is pretty much what Jer. 37:8 was forewarning, this day was coming, it's referred to as being given over into the hands of the enemy, that enemy right now is Islamic extremism into an Islamic world reign. Frightfully so much so, Holy Spirit are prophesying not only post the rapture, but post America, Britain, and westernize civilization, now on to Daniel's week, as if they never happen over 300 millions US soil along, still it's as though they're no more.
By the time King Bel Dan. 5, was made to comprehend the writing on the wall, for America, see here,, again by the time they realized the hour of reaping was right now upon them, so was their greatest of enemy, God's righteous judgement and they, Daniel's Babylon, had time no longer, the Medes and Persians was now serving up God's manner of vengeance, it was over for them. This is the same Mede, present day Iran, the US General was seen describing of the build of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, because of these prophecies, being so entirely fulfilled, I was able to see A Hussein Reign, Meaning Islamic Rule, acting as a Father over America.
Isaac and Ismail, his first born are both the sons of Abraham, one of the handmaiden Hagar and the other, of Abraham's wife, Sarah, this unthinkable even now miracle. It is said that by the age of 18, Ismail, bore such a hatred for Isaac, that fueling Islam and Islamic terrorism today, no only against Abraham's Anointed, but that of the seed of Israel, the Christian. It is again hinted that a become hateful Ismail was actually contemplating and plotting to kill his baby brother, that is the primary reason, Elohim decided hey would separated, and God once again through the obedience and faithfulness of Father Abraham got what he wanted, 12 nations would Ismail begot, was God's promise to him, and he shall be a great nation, rough.
Hence Ismail, hence Arabia, hence Islam, hence Islamic Terrorism. So jus as Isaac seed would produce 12 nations, tribes, so would Ismail, the only difference, and though right now, they've both fallen into non Christian worship, the true messiah was prophesied to come Isaac seed, while a false, a fake, a man of sin, Ismail's seed, which again why the Antichrist, which will for three and half years of Daniel's week, be regarded as the messiah, both of these brothers are looking for, is prophesied to come out of what is today Islamic territory, even the ancient territory of Assyria, present day, Syria, Iran and Iraq, perhaps a Syrian Jews, this why any Truce regarding especially Syria, is highly regarded. Though as long as America, this potential saboteur remain, this peace accord will suffer in limbo and its no longer a viable force of intervening along world affairs.
Which is again why by bible prophecy, it's tracking through the unforeseen ruin having lost in an hour, what has taken them nearly 200 years. Just as yesterday as I posted for the Thirty-third day, an expositors look at Ezekiel, 4, I admitted, never doing my ministry being given the same identical word, as I receive, Ezekiel 4 earlier this year, I believe the two part meaning here, is the first was a warning toward US soil, Asian invasion to Islamic reign is come, 2001-2017, as so on the other hand, how present-day Jerusalem, was being forewarn, like the days of Ezekiel, four years prior of a siege that was come, now right, four years into Daniel's week, possibly beginning 2017/18, the antichrist horde will be coming for you, Jerusalem, Israel, slaying two thirds of you, with a timely returning Christ Lord Jesus your only rescue, see more here,,
If The Great Gathering Of Saints, Also Known as the Rapture Happens
I have a question, who would you leave behind, all the world, especially Americans despite how bad it here US soil, and it's bad, worse than it's ever been and mounting, there are virtually none looking to the rapture, the final ability to like a more innovative Noah's Ark, Jesus's Healing Wings escape, things, horrid things this present world has never seen, but only heard about. The antichrist is set to kill millions, millions will as well die, by God Righteous Judgment being acted out upon this world, this planet, with a pale horse judgment, predicted US soil, in less than year's time. You heard me clearly, after America's weight of judgment, I've entitled the Intrepid Dream, what came behind his cataclysmic judgment, was a towering, beige horse infested with fleas, and John prophesied hell rode right beside him.
Clearly now I see why, so many people are living aloof God's prescribed for these last days of rebellion, greatest of tribulation targeting all things man, but beginning with heir own personally designed Mystery Babylon, making like days of the days, only more cataclysmic.
and all the world's terrible happening are totally indicative of everything I've prophesied these thirty years having complete fulfillment by Oct 2017, meaning the setting and breaking of records like never, ever before, or ever again, explaining why so many people are mesmerized into this misunderstanding.
It why Jesus forewarn from the beginning, and yes, especially the American Dream, how all, that's all that had gone before us were thieves and robbers, not having prepared us, for horrid days such as this, and as in the days of Ezekiel's Judah, American's end isn't pending, it's here, you can even say, the 911 attacks, to Bush War on the axis of evil, to the Hussein and Gaddafi's execution and Hussein's Whitehouse were all just his prelude, to America's End, prophesied to me, by God Himself, coming to me, as he'd come to Father Abraham, explaining the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and I quote Heavens more special father, "I will destroy America, and they've spend the last thirty years along a post rapture showing me how.
It is said of America, regarding of Christ's Cross, how it is plagued with abominations and detestations upon those three primary treasure set above God, now gone under judgement right now, their famed lives, lands and churches, and churches, Christians and Churches have become Islamic Terrorist primary target, what both the ten day countdown into the Charleston church shooting, and the dream about a Syed Farook, after San Bernardino shooting, now this reckless driver of more terrorism on US soil plotted, where entirely about. Now nothing of yours, even prayer can stay in the way, but like a deadliest of plagues God's judgments must run it's course, with America design to be no more than a piece of magnetic memorabilia one is to hang on a refrigerator, it too having lost it's worth, being as empty as the streets of America, beware.
Arriving With Healing In His Wings, A Diamond Carved Crystal Dove
The sunlight of God, explaining why John said there is need of the sun there, in heaven because they're it, this indescribable illumination all through, around. When it commissioned that it's people be loosed, it was in all essence demanding that it's people be told the truth, remember, the greatest reason of God's people perishing is because first they don't know, and second, that they know is momentarily taken from them of this sorely distracting system. There is and has always been only this one way to free God's people from the great of religion which literally sit upon this mightier than all force, is to tell them the truth and that even if it get you killed.
This is why Jesus was asking Peter, who would go on and become known as the prince of the apostles, whether or not he indeed loved him, but only then, even by threat of bodily harm and martyrdom he had to take the most unpopular gospel truth to God's people, and if you're holding onto to may treasures here especially your life, or that of your loved ones, only dying as Christ, with Christ, for Christ, as Jesus by his won horrid death and dying had demonstrated was the only good death and dying, world nations of every category were to get God's people directly to him, meaning Jesus, or suffered in likeness of great Empires, Kingdoms and Nations gone before, let my people go.
The wedding supper of he lamb hath made itself ready, let those bidden and worthy come! There is no where to escape America's decline, none of the locked doors and windows, where we live, worship, worship, work, religiously, politically and monetarily and educate is the safe haven, is just as usual these temporal outfit/fix. I teased my kids this morning that perhaps there is right now record heat the nation and the world, because the is the closest Jesus, the sunlight of God, has been to this planet since his ascension, beware, Apb, The RAM,
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Lay A Siege, America, Occupied Territory
Day Thirty-three 09/21, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see here,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis, (I am, We Are Jesus Christ), 'Philippines: Church Elder Murdered',' Perfecto Padilla, 52, a dedicated church elder from Sultan Kudarat, Philippines, was brutally murdered by two Muslim men on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. local time.
Perfecto was resting outside his house in a hammock when two Muslim men came by on motorbikes and fired from approximately five metres away what was believed to be a 45-caliber pistol, witnesses said. He was struck by seven bullets. The assailants immediately fled the scene.
Perfecto’s 12-year-old daughter, Naomi, ran to her father, crying and screaming for help. A pastor named William was nearby visiting a church member, when he heard the screaming and immediately went to provide assistance. Seeing the seriousness of the wounds, William borrowed a tricycle and took Perfecto to the hospital, but the wounded man died on the journey.
Perfectos’ two children Naomi, 12, and Joseph, 10, have lost their only parent. Their mother went overseas to work many years ago and they have lost contact with her.
A local VOM contact immediately visited the family. When he met the children, Naomi told him, “Our father was a good father. He never did anything wrong. Why has this happened to him?”
“This district was once a peaceful village,” the VOM contact reported, see more here,
Apostle Note: America Has Fallen And Become Solitary
(Such horror as I've been seeing prophesying for years now become more prevalent US soil, this greatest of trophy wars for them, besides Israel, their primary target is America. This will explain seeing a fire from prison like a sword 2003, target President Bush. As I shared yesterday, I receive Ezekiel 4, the night past as a word, as I further contemplate, I believe it is the first Holy Spirits have given me an identical word more than once.
Perhaps the first was more toward US soil, this prophesied, see Michael Snyder here, especially since 1998, and again, 2011, as we were forewarn of our grandchildren growing in occupied territory, that is now America. I shared in specific details what this mean presently just below, blessed is he who read and take heed, Apb, The RAM
And When He Had Open, I heard A Voice Say, Come And See
And when he had open the second seal, I saw a horse that was red, and a great sword was given unto him, that he take peace from men, that they kill one another, see Rev. 6:3, 4 .....peace I give unto you, not as the world give, I give unto you, let not your heart be troubled...Jesus,
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, "Kill all parents (all unrepentant), by, (09/16), I pause here, because I really didn't get the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17, of 2016, with something cataclysmic to end western civilization by 10/2017, remember all powers receive their orders from God, ("loose the four angels that are bound in the great river Euphrates!) beware, Apb
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Guns, Video Games, Cablevision and Rap, Never Was For Play Acting
In 2003, Doing the talk of Bush wars spiraling into new debates about a military draft, and mothers start crying, as now save our sons. Their not realizing, their sons were more safe in a country thought the worse on this planet, than the streets of America, 4000 US troops dead, 25,000 US black males here. I listen to the lyrics, these ain't water guns, please save our sons Jordin Sparks and Todrick Hall, and I'm back in my prayer closet.
One seeming ages ago, seeking God about the displeasing spirit I see working among my once loving and compassionate children. You see these are the people the inkhorn man, Ezekiel 9, is to mark for life, like the blood on the doorpost, Moses day, and now pouring along Christ's Sacrificial Cross, the Wounded Lamb John sees now reigning these beyond jubilees, Heaven's Throne. Those summon by God, slayers, at any given time, can't touch those covered by righteous blood, all others would die, for the Lord God, Holy and True, knoweth the way of the Righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
As I described earlier, most children are disrespectful and enjoy it, vulgar, violent, all go with the territory, this centuries damning mentality, tell them this and proudly, they think it's a compliment. It would stand to reason, once you come across those who yet have their innocence, loving, kind, considerate, looking to play and not hate, not sow discord, these bullies today. I got a response from Holy Spirits then, even more alarming today, because today it is coming to past in every way possible. So much so, that the nation is tinkering on a civil war to a police state. The next election as I prophesied cancelled, not only are WMD's not water guns, they aint video games no more, or the repentant alters of Christ, the salvational ark, all of mankind are being called into.
This is what a young rising rapper said, not only about police violence, but black on black crime period, how they're targeting and killing one another, as easily as one push the button all while playing a video game, Holy Spirit said it. Now here I was standing in a pulpit that wouldn't have me, this forbidden woman, telling them what I been told, again so long ago, my children who were kids, are long married with grown children of their own.
Still I was told, or it was demonstrated, how modern technology, because the heart, mind and soul, of any man, at any age are yet this impressionable. So easily come into the home, it's gonna be as parents, setting a gun to their children's head and pulling the trigger. Since then parents have been described as Nazi moms, and just a few days ago I heard it lamented, how "all parents are to be killed," by a certain date, repent or perish! Jesus said, Apb
Lay A Siege
I just received Ezekiel 4, additionally as a word of knowledge, the second time this year, it's this faithful prophet by God's wrath being instructed how to demonstrate to his Jerusalem/Judah that a siege by King Nebuchadnezzar's' Horde is come, and for a time they would not escape. This chapter is also where the 190 weight of balance, the intrepid dream timetable 2001-2017, originated, equaling a countdown of 190 months, and a lost of nearly 200 years, also see Rev. 11:1, 2, God always the same. Said time table all the more verified, at Hussein's White House, 2008, given a duration of two weeks and seven years, now expired, so whose running the Whitehouse?.
In the early nineties I received by days of dreaming, how America would again be in wars. Those incomprehensible even more, being fought on her soil, one enemy was Arabian origin, immediately I thought, Saddam. This second, Asian, like an Asian invasion, seizure, US soil, and a third, was simply explained by one word, "Epidemic!"
An Epidemic Of Violence, 1998, Jesus Overcame This
Ezekiel, Chapter 4, America, The West No More
(595 BC)
Symbols Of The Siege, The Tile
You also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and portray upon it the city, even Jerusalem: (The tile, was the manner in which records were kept in ancient times. They were all sizes, with the average being about two feet long and one foot wide. They were covered with very small writing, at least in most cases, and at times, pictorial representation.
The symbolism of the "tile" is the first the Lord will use through Ezekiel, all to portray His Message. A portrayal of the outline of the city of Jerusalem was to be out on the tile):
2 And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about,
(this was taking place in Babylonia approximately four years before Jerusalem would be destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar; therefore, the time of destruction is drawing near, which the Lord desires to portray to the exiles.
The prophet was to exhibit tiles portraying the outline of Jerusalem, and to make of wood and dirt all the necessary articles of destruction against the city, describing a "siege,"
This was probably left in a conspicuous place for quite sometime, and no doubt studied minutes by many of the exiles, who very easily discern its message, JSM.) {When I awaken this particular morning, 2014/15, I was standing mesmerized, and like making faces in a mirror, you see although it was me, it as well wasn't me. It was me, mind, body, soul, everything but my appearance, by my appearance, I looked like a young Asian male, this body snatcher, seizure type of moment.
This mean not only was Holy Spirits reminding me of the Asian invasion that was coming, but to a degree I'd, we'd forfeited everything, we were no longer in control of our own capacities. I haven't said much about the recent bombings, because I've said it these thirty years, that such days were coming US soil, and if you think these are bad, they are a Sunday picnic, into a football game, and Disney Parks, in comparison to what is now come, awake, see more here,,
Howbeit, if my calculations are right, the beginning of Daniels week by 2017, in four years after antichrist would've broken the peace pack, going on to destroy especially, Jerusalem, I'm thinking this warning is about America, the West only, when we're looking at post the rapture, and America, for in only a year or so, it will little exist, frightfully meaning, God is finished with her, on to the final week of Daniel, Apb}
The Iron Pan, A Sign
3 Moreover take thou unto thee an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between thee and the city: and set thy face against it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of Israel. (The "iron pan" signified a "wall," of iron" surrounding the city in question, or at least from the side of the siege, portraying the power of the army of the Babylonians.) (see Jer. 37:8, 1998, JSM)
The Length Of God Punishment
The Sign If Lying 390 Days On The Left Side, -Punishment Of Israel
4 Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. (The Lord will now use another type of symbolism, that of Ezekiel physically lying on his left side 390 days, and then on his right side for 40 days. This was to be done for a few minutes each day. The symbolism was to portray both the northern kingdom of "Israel and the Southern Kingdom of "Judah, it was meant to portray these two kingdoms crushed to the ground). {With me, Apostle Bradford, besides phenomena dreams and demonstrations, Angels as Jesus described, descending and ascending upon the Bride, its been grand-mal seizures, used to portray this slow to mounting invading terror, since I was twelve, only made more tolerable, comprehending Gods grace is sufficient, as so maintaining a more natural diet, Apb}.
5 For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. (The 390 days was to represent the 390 years of their iniquity" counting both the northern and southern kingdoms. The Lord showed extreme displeasure with the Northern Kingdom as a result if them splitting the nation and going into idol worship [I Ki, 12;16-20, 28-30] JSM.) {The 190 lbs. weigh station, scale doing the Intrepid dream 2001, was all similar. I knew in the beginning it was to be calculated into months, see Rev. 11:1, 2, equaling 15.10 years, although I witness further in this demo, a lost of hundreds of years, only by Ezekiel 4, did I realize the 190 also stood for this lost of 190 years, one year per pound of their blood guiltiness, Apb}
The Sign Of Lying On The Right Side 40 Days-Punishment Of Judah
6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year. (As the Northern Kingdom had been symbolized, like wise, the Southern Kingdom of Judah would be symbolized by the "40 days of Ezekiel lying on his "right side." This was not to be the 40 days added to the 390 days, but rather that the 40 days was to be simultaneous with the 390, with both periods ending with the fall of Judah and Jerusalem.)
The Sign Of The Bare Arm Bound Jerusalem Helpless To Avert Her Doom
7 Therefore thou shalt set thy face toward the siege of Jerusalem, and thine arm shall be uncovered, and thou shalt prophesy against it. (Ezekiel lying on his left side and then on his right side was possibly immediately before the symbolism of the "tile." He was to "face," this model of the siege, with one arm uncovered, " This was meant to denote the fact that both Judah and Israel, because of sin, were naked to the judgement of God.)
8 And, behold, I will lay bands upon thee, and thou shalt not turn thee from one side to another, till thou hast ended the days of thy siege.
The Famine During The Siege
9 Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils and millets, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof. (The "390 days did not mean that the siege would last for this period of time, in fact, it was meant to imply that the destruction of Jerusalem pertains to the entire time of their iniquity, which was 390 years, at least for the Northern Kingdom, and which included, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, JSM). {The dream I had recently whereas a woman bearing black bowls approached, upon Americas waiting patiently in line behind a water cooler, is to demonstrate a beyond imagined famine, as the rich man and the beggar found bickering over a single quarter now failed to the ground, and lest I forget, seeing three persons to a bike arriving at a demon filled church building ripe with pedophiles, Apb}
10 And thy meat which thou shalt eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shalt thou eat it. (the twenty "shekels" a day would buy about ten ounces, which was to be consumed everyday. As Ezekiel went through this regiment each day, the sameness of the procedure could not help but have a lasting effect on the Exiles, as is portrayed by Prophetic symbolism that which was coming shortly to Jerusalem, JSM.) {When the quarter felled to floor, both the owner and the beggar scrambled for it and soon looked toward me for this solution, and without hesitation I said, well actually now the quarter belong to the beggar, the pale horse judgment, come out of prediction, 2001, is supposed to affect, a quarter of the earth, Apb.}
11 Thou shalt drink also water by measure, the sixth part of an hin: from time to time shalt thou drink. ("The sixth part of a hin" would be about a half pint. This was as the food, to be doled out once a day. To "drink also water by measure." showed that water would be at a premium, as food in the coming siege, JSM.) {Seeing hundreds of millions of Americans, awaiting patiently this single water, 2016, do we even want to imagine, how inconceivable this shortage? Apb.}
12 And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight. (the implication of the Lord is that fuel would be in such short supply that the population would be forced to use the dried contents of the cesspool of Jerusalem for fuel in order to try to cook their food, JSM). {The pale horse is to reign American soil, by 2017, with an Islamic/Antichrist reign to follow as well, then Jesus' Millennium this lack coming upon the earth is more unprecedented than at any time ever or ever again.
There will come a time, and has come a time, all will ask why is God doing this? Let me answer that, because the earth is His, and the fullness thereof and He's taking it back, why all this time you've been forewarn to get in Christ, beware, Apb.}
13 And the Lord said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them. (Under the ceremonial law of Moses, bread cooked by the fuel of human dung was "defiled." This was to serve as a sign of the banishment of the Jews among the "Gentiles, whom the Jews called unclean. As, such, they considered themselves defiled and ceremonially unclean, and constantly! JSM.)
14 Then said I, Ah Lord God! behold, my soul hath not been polluted: for from my youth up even till now have I not eaten of that which dieth of itself, or is torn in pieces; neither came there abominable flesh into my mouth. (Ezekiel as a Priest, had faithfully followed the laws of Moses, and had done his best to keep himself from any form of defilement. That of, which he speaks is noted in Ex. 22:31 and Lev. 7:24, 11:39-40, and 17:15) {These are the laws Peter is making reference to, when he fall asleep the roof top and Holy Spirit invite him to a feast of all these thought to be unclean things. Soon commissioning him to rise up now and eat, again Peter make the argument how no unclean thing had entered his mouth and God chastise his rejection by explaining how nothing He has cleansed (see Cornelius the Centurion), is to be called unclean, see Acts 10, Apb}
15 Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow's dung for man's dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith. (In response to the plea of the prophet the Lord would allow him to use "cow, dung," rather than "man's dung." However this was more or less ceremonially unclean, but at least not as repugnant as in Ezekiel's sight. Without going into explanation, these were ceremonial law and not moral laws, which mean there was no actual sin involved either way.)
16 Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, behold, I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight, and with care; and they shall drink water by measure, and with astonishment: (this pertained to terrible famine which ensued as a result to the siege of Jerusalem and was also described by Jeremiah upon its fulfillment {Lam. 4:8-10} JSM) {An alike forewarning came to me, not by a dream, but while I was in the refrigerator granting a grandson and grandniece each 3 years old, 2011, something to drink, when Holy Spirits just sounded out, and I quote; "do they know, do your children know, that though they grew up in free territory, that though, you, their parents grew up in free territory, that their children will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America?" Also shared a demonstration out of the book of Lamentation regarding these horrid thing, 1988, beware, Apb}
17 That they may want bread and water, and be astonished one with another, and consume away for their iniquity. (To the horror of the famine and it's physical privation, there was to be added the consciousness that it was all caused by their sins. Jimmy Swaggart Ministry) {It is said the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just, I guess you can it was this evil putting much needed nourishment out of the way of God's Anointed, but not to fret. Sorely desperate but still looking instead to the hills from whence cometh our help, here's what happen! Soon this enormous arrival, metamorphosing right out of the sunlight it's mighty self, completely blocking out the sky above of this diamond, carved, crystal dove, along the Brides' rescue, now gone with Him, the marriage supper having made itself ready, the Spirit and Bride saith come, Apb, The RAM
Apostles Note: Divine Census Taking, 06/29/2016
And Set A Mark On The Man Who Sigh And Cry
I will admit, when America was found 08/25 to be agreeing to a Syrian ceasefire one week after the audible, visual "week," prophecy, 08/18. I saw the irony in this, knowing that America is caught up in a potential civil war of itself, of violence, legal or domestic, that something need to be done about it before we all kill each other.
So who or what will it be to procure a ceasefire for our own streets? Weapons of mass destruction that we've befriend, bought into our environment as though it's a friend, and more than that, the same we've done with it's Antichrist. In some cases we've married it and adopted it into the home, family, now this virtual member, even into the bed with it, under our pillows all. The question, guns in the homes, churches, schools, even shooting drills, as though there is no God of Israel period.
Is it too late to do anything about it? I've shared how Holy Spirit forewarn me of days like this, my prayer closet in the late eighties, the more we intercourse with modern technology, themselves wicked devices to weapons of mass destruction. I mean not only are these young people being killed by their own made desperate peers, vulgar, violent but by their own policing community, this is madness, everybody know it. There is no way it's gonna get solved unless every American not open carry, but open heartily carry themselves as though especially when an unarmed person is killed by a brutal legal system.
The last straw ever, putting every human being in danger, then act as though this beyond hurtful injustice happen just as so to them, it's called unconditional love. Since we're blood of blood, flesh of flesh and bone of bone, there is no way this could happen to one and not interfere with us as our own, we're not just our brother's (neighbor's), keeper, we are our brother. Henceforth God so loved the world, hence all live matter, ...come to think of it, where is your brother, still slaying Abel? They're In need of your non violent intervention, what are we fighting for? The only worthy trophy, it's mightiest prize, is the high calling of God, which is Christ Jesus, the Lord.
Remember, America, this world was never our home, just a temporal stay over, no different than death itself, carrying us over into a judgment, once there to Jesus our Savior and immortal life or the regions of hell, and immortal damnation. It won't matter if you're the worse criminal or the Pope himself, there is One Name the God of Heaven know, until then, His Eyes are closed, His Ears are deaf, His very Throne is turn away it's back to you, I've seen it!
While grooming myself in the mirror1986, just as soon heard a voice, God has turn His Back on the church, falling me to my knees. The church is the heart blood of Christ, running though the veins of any nation, otherwise there's nothing to look forward to but curse after curse, cataclysm after cataclysm, even see here, II Chron. 7:14-15, Psalm 51: 66:18, got Him, got Jesus yet? Awake! Apb, see more here,,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis, (I am, We Are Jesus Christ), 'Philippines: Church Elder Murdered',' Perfecto Padilla, 52, a dedicated church elder from Sultan Kudarat, Philippines, was brutally murdered by two Muslim men on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. local time.
Perfecto was resting outside his house in a hammock when two Muslim men came by on motorbikes and fired from approximately five metres away what was believed to be a 45-caliber pistol, witnesses said. He was struck by seven bullets. The assailants immediately fled the scene.
Perfecto’s 12-year-old daughter, Naomi, ran to her father, crying and screaming for help. A pastor named William was nearby visiting a church member, when he heard the screaming and immediately went to provide assistance. Seeing the seriousness of the wounds, William borrowed a tricycle and took Perfecto to the hospital, but the wounded man died on the journey.
Perfectos’ two children Naomi, 12, and Joseph, 10, have lost their only parent. Their mother went overseas to work many years ago and they have lost contact with her.
A local VOM contact immediately visited the family. When he met the children, Naomi told him, “Our father was a good father. He never did anything wrong. Why has this happened to him?”
“This district was once a peaceful village,” the VOM contact reported, see more here,
Apostle Note: America Has Fallen And Become Solitary
(Such horror as I've been seeing prophesying for years now become more prevalent US soil, this greatest of trophy wars for them, besides Israel, their primary target is America. This will explain seeing a fire from prison like a sword 2003, target President Bush. As I shared yesterday, I receive Ezekiel 4, the night past as a word, as I further contemplate, I believe it is the first Holy Spirits have given me an identical word more than once.
Perhaps the first was more toward US soil, this prophesied, see Michael Snyder here, especially since 1998, and again, 2011, as we were forewarn of our grandchildren growing in occupied territory, that is now America. I shared in specific details what this mean presently just below, blessed is he who read and take heed, Apb, The RAM
And When He Had Open, I heard A Voice Say, Come And See
And when he had open the second seal, I saw a horse that was red, and a great sword was given unto him, that he take peace from men, that they kill one another, see Rev. 6:3, 4 .....peace I give unto you, not as the world give, I give unto you, let not your heart be troubled...Jesus,
Prophecy Link
-A Voice, "Kill all parents (all unrepentant), by, (09/16), I pause here, because I really didn't get the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17, of 2016, with something cataclysmic to end western civilization by 10/2017, remember all powers receive their orders from God, ("loose the four angels that are bound in the great river Euphrates!) beware, Apb
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Guns, Video Games, Cablevision and Rap, Never Was For Play Acting
In 2003, Doing the talk of Bush wars spiraling into new debates about a military draft, and mothers start crying, as now save our sons. Their not realizing, their sons were more safe in a country thought the worse on this planet, than the streets of America, 4000 US troops dead, 25,000 US black males here. I listen to the lyrics, these ain't water guns, please save our sons Jordin Sparks and Todrick Hall, and I'm back in my prayer closet.
One seeming ages ago, seeking God about the displeasing spirit I see working among my once loving and compassionate children. You see these are the people the inkhorn man, Ezekiel 9, is to mark for life, like the blood on the doorpost, Moses day, and now pouring along Christ's Sacrificial Cross, the Wounded Lamb John sees now reigning these beyond jubilees, Heaven's Throne. Those summon by God, slayers, at any given time, can't touch those covered by righteous blood, all others would die, for the Lord God, Holy and True, knoweth the way of the Righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
As I described earlier, most children are disrespectful and enjoy it, vulgar, violent, all go with the territory, this centuries damning mentality, tell them this and proudly, they think it's a compliment. It would stand to reason, once you come across those who yet have their innocence, loving, kind, considerate, looking to play and not hate, not sow discord, these bullies today. I got a response from Holy Spirits then, even more alarming today, because today it is coming to past in every way possible. So much so, that the nation is tinkering on a civil war to a police state. The next election as I prophesied cancelled, not only are WMD's not water guns, they aint video games no more, or the repentant alters of Christ, the salvational ark, all of mankind are being called into.
This is what a young rising rapper said, not only about police violence, but black on black crime period, how they're targeting and killing one another, as easily as one push the button all while playing a video game, Holy Spirit said it. Now here I was standing in a pulpit that wouldn't have me, this forbidden woman, telling them what I been told, again so long ago, my children who were kids, are long married with grown children of their own.
Still I was told, or it was demonstrated, how modern technology, because the heart, mind and soul, of any man, at any age are yet this impressionable. So easily come into the home, it's gonna be as parents, setting a gun to their children's head and pulling the trigger. Since then parents have been described as Nazi moms, and just a few days ago I heard it lamented, how "all parents are to be killed," by a certain date, repent or perish! Jesus said, Apb
Lay A Siege
I just received Ezekiel 4, additionally as a word of knowledge, the second time this year, it's this faithful prophet by God's wrath being instructed how to demonstrate to his Jerusalem/Judah that a siege by King Nebuchadnezzar's' Horde is come, and for a time they would not escape. This chapter is also where the 190 weight of balance, the intrepid dream timetable 2001-2017, originated, equaling a countdown of 190 months, and a lost of nearly 200 years, also see Rev. 11:1, 2, God always the same. Said time table all the more verified, at Hussein's White House, 2008, given a duration of two weeks and seven years, now expired, so whose running the Whitehouse?.
In the early nineties I received by days of dreaming, how America would again be in wars. Those incomprehensible even more, being fought on her soil, one enemy was Arabian origin, immediately I thought, Saddam. This second, Asian, like an Asian invasion, seizure, US soil, and a third, was simply explained by one word, "Epidemic!"
An Epidemic Of Violence, 1998, Jesus Overcame This
Ezekiel, Chapter 4, America, The West No More
(595 BC)
Symbols Of The Siege, The Tile
You also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and portray upon it the city, even Jerusalem: (The tile, was the manner in which records were kept in ancient times. They were all sizes, with the average being about two feet long and one foot wide. They were covered with very small writing, at least in most cases, and at times, pictorial representation.
The symbolism of the "tile" is the first the Lord will use through Ezekiel, all to portray His Message. A portrayal of the outline of the city of Jerusalem was to be out on the tile):
2 And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about,
(this was taking place in Babylonia approximately four years before Jerusalem would be destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar; therefore, the time of destruction is drawing near, which the Lord desires to portray to the exiles.
The prophet was to exhibit tiles portraying the outline of Jerusalem, and to make of wood and dirt all the necessary articles of destruction against the city, describing a "siege,"
This was probably left in a conspicuous place for quite sometime, and no doubt studied minutes by many of the exiles, who very easily discern its message, JSM.) {When I awaken this particular morning, 2014/15, I was standing mesmerized, and like making faces in a mirror, you see although it was me, it as well wasn't me. It was me, mind, body, soul, everything but my appearance, by my appearance, I looked like a young Asian male, this body snatcher, seizure type of moment.
This mean not only was Holy Spirits reminding me of the Asian invasion that was coming, but to a degree I'd, we'd forfeited everything, we were no longer in control of our own capacities. I haven't said much about the recent bombings, because I've said it these thirty years, that such days were coming US soil, and if you think these are bad, they are a Sunday picnic, into a football game, and Disney Parks, in comparison to what is now come, awake, see more here,,
Howbeit, if my calculations are right, the beginning of Daniels week by 2017, in four years after antichrist would've broken the peace pack, going on to destroy especially, Jerusalem, I'm thinking this warning is about America, the West only, when we're looking at post the rapture, and America, for in only a year or so, it will little exist, frightfully meaning, God is finished with her, on to the final week of Daniel, Apb}
The Iron Pan, A Sign
3 Moreover take thou unto thee an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between thee and the city: and set thy face against it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of Israel. (The "iron pan" signified a "wall," of iron" surrounding the city in question, or at least from the side of the siege, portraying the power of the army of the Babylonians.) (see Jer. 37:8, 1998, JSM)
The Length Of God Punishment
The Sign If Lying 390 Days On The Left Side, -Punishment Of Israel
4 Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. (The Lord will now use another type of symbolism, that of Ezekiel physically lying on his left side 390 days, and then on his right side for 40 days. This was to be done for a few minutes each day. The symbolism was to portray both the northern kingdom of "Israel and the Southern Kingdom of "Judah, it was meant to portray these two kingdoms crushed to the ground). {With me, Apostle Bradford, besides phenomena dreams and demonstrations, Angels as Jesus described, descending and ascending upon the Bride, its been grand-mal seizures, used to portray this slow to mounting invading terror, since I was twelve, only made more tolerable, comprehending Gods grace is sufficient, as so maintaining a more natural diet, Apb}.
5 For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. (The 390 days was to represent the 390 years of their iniquity" counting both the northern and southern kingdoms. The Lord showed extreme displeasure with the Northern Kingdom as a result if them splitting the nation and going into idol worship [I Ki, 12;16-20, 28-30] JSM.) {The 190 lbs. weigh station, scale doing the Intrepid dream 2001, was all similar. I knew in the beginning it was to be calculated into months, see Rev. 11:1, 2, equaling 15.10 years, although I witness further in this demo, a lost of hundreds of years, only by Ezekiel 4, did I realize the 190 also stood for this lost of 190 years, one year per pound of their blood guiltiness, Apb}
The Sign Of Lying On The Right Side 40 Days-Punishment Of Judah
6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year. (As the Northern Kingdom had been symbolized, like wise, the Southern Kingdom of Judah would be symbolized by the "40 days of Ezekiel lying on his "right side." This was not to be the 40 days added to the 390 days, but rather that the 40 days was to be simultaneous with the 390, with both periods ending with the fall of Judah and Jerusalem.)
The Sign Of The Bare Arm Bound Jerusalem Helpless To Avert Her Doom
7 Therefore thou shalt set thy face toward the siege of Jerusalem, and thine arm shall be uncovered, and thou shalt prophesy against it. (Ezekiel lying on his left side and then on his right side was possibly immediately before the symbolism of the "tile." He was to "face," this model of the siege, with one arm uncovered, " This was meant to denote the fact that both Judah and Israel, because of sin, were naked to the judgement of God.)
8 And, behold, I will lay bands upon thee, and thou shalt not turn thee from one side to another, till thou hast ended the days of thy siege.
The Famine During The Siege
9 Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils and millets, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof. (The "390 days did not mean that the siege would last for this period of time, in fact, it was meant to imply that the destruction of Jerusalem pertains to the entire time of their iniquity, which was 390 years, at least for the Northern Kingdom, and which included, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, JSM). {The dream I had recently whereas a woman bearing black bowls approached, upon Americas waiting patiently in line behind a water cooler, is to demonstrate a beyond imagined famine, as the rich man and the beggar found bickering over a single quarter now failed to the ground, and lest I forget, seeing three persons to a bike arriving at a demon filled church building ripe with pedophiles, Apb}
10 And thy meat which thou shalt eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shalt thou eat it. (the twenty "shekels" a day would buy about ten ounces, which was to be consumed everyday. As Ezekiel went through this regiment each day, the sameness of the procedure could not help but have a lasting effect on the Exiles, as is portrayed by Prophetic symbolism that which was coming shortly to Jerusalem, JSM.) {When the quarter felled to floor, both the owner and the beggar scrambled for it and soon looked toward me for this solution, and without hesitation I said, well actually now the quarter belong to the beggar, the pale horse judgment, come out of prediction, 2001, is supposed to affect, a quarter of the earth, Apb.}
11 Thou shalt drink also water by measure, the sixth part of an hin: from time to time shalt thou drink. ("The sixth part of a hin" would be about a half pint. This was as the food, to be doled out once a day. To "drink also water by measure." showed that water would be at a premium, as food in the coming siege, JSM.) {Seeing hundreds of millions of Americans, awaiting patiently this single water, 2016, do we even want to imagine, how inconceivable this shortage? Apb.}
12 And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight. (the implication of the Lord is that fuel would be in such short supply that the population would be forced to use the dried contents of the cesspool of Jerusalem for fuel in order to try to cook their food, JSM). {The pale horse is to reign American soil, by 2017, with an Islamic/Antichrist reign to follow as well, then Jesus' Millennium this lack coming upon the earth is more unprecedented than at any time ever or ever again.
There will come a time, and has come a time, all will ask why is God doing this? Let me answer that, because the earth is His, and the fullness thereof and He's taking it back, why all this time you've been forewarn to get in Christ, beware, Apb.}
13 And the Lord said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them. (Under the ceremonial law of Moses, bread cooked by the fuel of human dung was "defiled." This was to serve as a sign of the banishment of the Jews among the "Gentiles, whom the Jews called unclean. As, such, they considered themselves defiled and ceremonially unclean, and constantly! JSM.)
14 Then said I, Ah Lord God! behold, my soul hath not been polluted: for from my youth up even till now have I not eaten of that which dieth of itself, or is torn in pieces; neither came there abominable flesh into my mouth. (Ezekiel as a Priest, had faithfully followed the laws of Moses, and had done his best to keep himself from any form of defilement. That of, which he speaks is noted in Ex. 22:31 and Lev. 7:24, 11:39-40, and 17:15) {These are the laws Peter is making reference to, when he fall asleep the roof top and Holy Spirit invite him to a feast of all these thought to be unclean things. Soon commissioning him to rise up now and eat, again Peter make the argument how no unclean thing had entered his mouth and God chastise his rejection by explaining how nothing He has cleansed (see Cornelius the Centurion), is to be called unclean, see Acts 10, Apb}
15 Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow's dung for man's dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith. (In response to the plea of the prophet the Lord would allow him to use "cow, dung," rather than "man's dung." However this was more or less ceremonially unclean, but at least not as repugnant as in Ezekiel's sight. Without going into explanation, these were ceremonial law and not moral laws, which mean there was no actual sin involved either way.)
16 Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, behold, I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight, and with care; and they shall drink water by measure, and with astonishment: (this pertained to terrible famine which ensued as a result to the siege of Jerusalem and was also described by Jeremiah upon its fulfillment {Lam. 4:8-10} JSM) {An alike forewarning came to me, not by a dream, but while I was in the refrigerator granting a grandson and grandniece each 3 years old, 2011, something to drink, when Holy Spirits just sounded out, and I quote; "do they know, do your children know, that though they grew up in free territory, that though, you, their parents grew up in free territory, that their children will grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America?" Also shared a demonstration out of the book of Lamentation regarding these horrid thing, 1988, beware, Apb}
17 That they may want bread and water, and be astonished one with another, and consume away for their iniquity. (To the horror of the famine and it's physical privation, there was to be added the consciousness that it was all caused by their sins. Jimmy Swaggart Ministry) {It is said the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just, I guess you can it was this evil putting much needed nourishment out of the way of God's Anointed, but not to fret. Sorely desperate but still looking instead to the hills from whence cometh our help, here's what happen! Soon this enormous arrival, metamorphosing right out of the sunlight it's mighty self, completely blocking out the sky above of this diamond, carved, crystal dove, along the Brides' rescue, now gone with Him, the marriage supper having made itself ready, the Spirit and Bride saith come, Apb, The RAM
Apostles Note: Divine Census Taking, 06/29/2016
And Set A Mark On The Man Who Sigh And Cry
I will admit, when America was found 08/25 to be agreeing to a Syrian ceasefire one week after the audible, visual "week," prophecy, 08/18. I saw the irony in this, knowing that America is caught up in a potential civil war of itself, of violence, legal or domestic, that something need to be done about it before we all kill each other.
So who or what will it be to procure a ceasefire for our own streets? Weapons of mass destruction that we've befriend, bought into our environment as though it's a friend, and more than that, the same we've done with it's Antichrist. In some cases we've married it and adopted it into the home, family, now this virtual member, even into the bed with it, under our pillows all. The question, guns in the homes, churches, schools, even shooting drills, as though there is no God of Israel period.
Is it too late to do anything about it? I've shared how Holy Spirit forewarn me of days like this, my prayer closet in the late eighties, the more we intercourse with modern technology, themselves wicked devices to weapons of mass destruction. I mean not only are these young people being killed by their own made desperate peers, vulgar, violent but by their own policing community, this is madness, everybody know it. There is no way it's gonna get solved unless every American not open carry, but open heartily carry themselves as though especially when an unarmed person is killed by a brutal legal system.
The last straw ever, putting every human being in danger, then act as though this beyond hurtful injustice happen just as so to them, it's called unconditional love. Since we're blood of blood, flesh of flesh and bone of bone, there is no way this could happen to one and not interfere with us as our own, we're not just our brother's (neighbor's), keeper, we are our brother. Henceforth God so loved the world, hence all live matter, ...come to think of it, where is your brother, still slaying Abel? They're In need of your non violent intervention, what are we fighting for? The only worthy trophy, it's mightiest prize, is the high calling of God, which is Christ Jesus, the Lord.
Remember, America, this world was never our home, just a temporal stay over, no different than death itself, carrying us over into a judgment, once there to Jesus our Savior and immortal life or the regions of hell, and immortal damnation. It won't matter if you're the worse criminal or the Pope himself, there is One Name the God of Heaven know, until then, His Eyes are closed, His Ears are deaf, His very Throne is turn away it's back to you, I've seen it!
While grooming myself in the mirror1986, just as soon heard a voice, God has turn His Back on the church, falling me to my knees. The church is the heart blood of Christ, running though the veins of any nation, otherwise there's nothing to look forward to but curse after curse, cataclysm after cataclysm, even see here, II Chron. 7:14-15, Psalm 51: 66:18, got Him, got Jesus yet? Awake! Apb, see more here,,
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