Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Twenty One Days, The Counttdown

     Day Thirty-nine, 09/27/ of the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/ now this countdown to resurrection and Daniel final week, see Dan. 9, see,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                              

Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Very Important ! URGENT News from Glen Eagles Hospital URGENT !!!!!

     Seven women have died after inhaling a free perfume sample that was mailed to them. The product was poisonous . If you receive free samples in the mail such as lotions, perfumes, diapers etc. throw them away . The government is afraid that this might be another terrorist act . They will not announce it in the news because they do not want to create panic or give the terrorists new ideas. Send this Fwd: to all your friends and family members. Diane J. Ford Office of the Chief of Police Office of Risk Management 101 M Street , SW Washington , DC,
     Hey girl, thanks, surprised, but not alarmed, they're here and they're not going anywhere, this is what the dream about Syed Farook was about, the night before he was revealed as a terrorist, he and his wife. They are mounting a siege here, see Jer. 37:8, 1998, and Americans going on like all is normal make themselves so vulnerable, get to the alters, love you, read more here, http://www.infowars.com/isis-has-a-new-focus-killing-christians-and-bombing-churches-wherever-they-can-find-them/

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

      A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue, Apb
      A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering on an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
      A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelve plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God call forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
      A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.

The Slow Motion Exodus

     You know the part in earth ending movies, whereas alarms of pending attacks nationwide are blaring aloud and people are screaming, running and stampeding this panic, right into their local churches, these repentant alters, wanting God to save them. Well, since no one in America is doing that, only by visions and dreams, these thirty years, that is, they've been deemed by Holy Sprits as being in a slow motion exodus, all into a huge maze like homeless shelters, and by the hundreds of millions patiently awaiting their turn at a water cooler, beware, be very aware, see more here, http://www.infowars.com/breaking-isis-plans-to-attack-6-us-cities-leaked/

Every Praise, My God Is Awesome                                                
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuuZMg6NVeA                         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YJ4vddbJJo

     When I'm reminded to praise God, well, as I testified earlier, my prayers always turn to praise because father Lord God is so faithful. As I was saying, when I think about praise, I think about the day prophecy was additionally fulfilled when Israel's King, even that of Zion, came into the pass-over riding on a young donkey. Now, before the lot of them would be crying crucified him, the greatest delusions ever, even see America, that those harden hearted would be instead damned, those right now with  palm leaves in hand.
     Frightfully to the evil, religious leaders, all the world would worship him, so in their failed efforts to stay the crowd from him, Jesus warn them, prevent them, and the stones, the stones people would rise up, cry out and worship Him, what kind of man is this that the winds, the sea, the dead obey him, and the stones of the earth, saturated in mountainous of martyred blood, raise of a voice of themselves, itself, and honor to this King of kings, for in three days, He would be walking glorified, among, them, truly blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord, got him, got Jesus Yet?

Shawn Weed                                                                                 

     I don't do this a lot I admit, I'll be researching one thing and along hundreds and thousands of videos here was one of my choice. When God's Truth lament, eyes, hath not see, nor ears heard, how neither hath it entered into the heart of man, the things God hath prepared for those who love him.  I mean what a beyond his heaven and this earth testament, well, remember when John was found weeping, (also heavenly father behind a silence in heaven, 1993), as so one of the victims of the massive Louisiana flooding lately, said when he saw the damage to his house, this temporal treasure, how he cried uncontrollably, well for these same reasons, meaning it all seem hopeless.
     John was in heaven crying. and all of a sudden he look and see a Lamb that looked as though it had been slain, remember as recently as 2015, an additional beyond proper cognition. Shown a space in heaven, I saw the Bride, yes reigning there, having in her possession the very thing that will end all earthbound rebellion ushering us into Christ's Millennium for a thousand years. Soon John hears this mighty voice, "weep not!" behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed!" Meaning God manifested in the flesh.
     This is why you hear him, Jesus say, "come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest," (peace), the chastisement of it, of our peace, rest was upon him, just as our blood redemption. Isaiah testified and prophesied, how He would be severely wounded for this, for his newly delivered Israel asking of Him, of these yet visible wounds, and their blessed Lord answers, those of which I was wounded in the house of my friends, again I say hallelujah!

Who Hath This Man?                                                        www.2016theauthenticparable.blogspot.com 

     Shawn and friends were playing a game where they accidently strung him up this joke, left him, not knowing as they went on, he passed on and found himself not only in a battle for his life, but for his soul. When I say battle, truly, I'm talking like those in heaven, between the Archangel Michael, the armies of heaven Commander and Lucifer and his fallen, even demon horde. If we never understood what all of this mean, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, the Authentic Jihad, I like to say, believe me after Shawn's stunning testimony you will understand.
     I just now heard Shawn mention how this happen 2004, this is the year, date 05/15, like one month later, when the Angel Gabriel appeared to me. I mean this young man's beyond imagination story is additional evidence regarding from whence we come and to where we will go. That once born here, this is the ultimate choice or choosing of us all, Heaven's Throne mind is made, they're longsuffering, readied to battle not willing that any perish, while hell enlarges itself constantly for those who perish. regardless of Righteous Angels battling out our immortal fate, see more here,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT2YlZORFFI

Profiting Hell, It Having Enlarged Itself, The Point Of No Return!

     Choosing or trying to fit or fix God into abominable lifestyles, when Jesus has already taught us, except a man be born again, he shall not see the Kingdom of God, or enter into the kingdom of God, "don't be deceived," also said Jesus. Choosing to disobey God, as the first Adam, is as well Adam's lineage created upon us and thus, well like all good to evil attributes of mankind, it's their birth upon free will. Which is equally why Jesus is explaining to an inquiring Religious leader he must be born again, mankind's first birth cursed to sin, death and the second death, thus, labor not for the meat that perisheth.
     Without controversy it's why He's just as so clarifying to an inquiring Governor Pilate, finding no fault with the faultless, even His Blood no matter how he tried; how, He Jesus has come to testify to the truth. Eventually how God's Word is Truth, how those who worship God, worship Him in Spirit and Truth, this is only possible if you're born again. So to try to detour (choosing a life of sin), this unrepentant and arrive to Him God, it's to sow a binary seed of mankind's wickedness in Natural soil.
    Now they're this deceived or contrived into thinking something other than that detrimental, deadly and damning,  (see HIV, Aids, hundreds of thousands stricken, tens of millions dead and counting), is going to evolve. Lest we forget, man without God, equals death and mostly, only that which is sown can then produce a harvest of his own kind, corruption reaps corruption, incorruption, incorruption, God is not mocked, even from the Genesis, He knew what He was doing, creating Adam, his Eve, from a soil, spirit and soul of obeying only HIS WILL.
     The Evangelist, whose been in my life since I was a babe in Christ, my father in the Lord, I like to say, well this is how he said it, and as you read it, just imagine this is what Jesus said to Governor Pilate, just as he asked Him, what is truth? There is a "plague" called "sin" that is destroying this world and causing multiple hundreds of millions to be eternally lost. There is only one cure for that plague, and that is the precious atoning, Vicarious Offering of the blood, of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was done at the cross and our acceptance of Him.
     All the churches in the world will never stay the "plague."  All the good works, good intentions, money, religion, prestige, or education will not stop this plague of sin. Only The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ can, here symbolized by the "Alter," JSM, Exposition of II Samuel 24:25   ...now imagine Governor Pilate further asked, "so who is this blood offering as you say? Then Jesus answers, poised skyward, "this world is not My Home, in My Father's house there are many mansions, there is no need of the sun there, for my Father is the Sunlight thereof, crystal streams and golden streets, and whosoever believeth in me and live, will with me reign as it's Heir.
     When or after I read this, this "plague" of sin, I just wanted to go and lay at the alters of intercessory prayer, that all mankind come to the full knowledge of Jesus, and His Sacrificial Cross, lest they all perish. As well I come to one conclusion, how this beyond revelation of Christ's Cross, should've ended all lessons of the Bible from the Genesis to the Revelation, even so come Lord Jesus. Being ignorant is why so many people, let me see how to say this, can only live deliciously (foolishly), in the sorely corruptible even abominable lifestyle they're in, which to remind you is the second death, only as long as America, who is depleting faster than a snowball rolling around lost in this inferno, see especially California, exist, and like all sin, there is then, judgment and hell.

   But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death, 21:8

Which Is The Second Death                       

     Just imagine trying to live comfortably in the fiery furnace, the Lion Mouth/Den or the Belly of a Whale, and all of the other master disasters from which God has saved HIS Anointed. Unthinkably, when we take a curse of  death since the first Adam, Mystery/America, and make of it a wicked system of pretending dreams that is exactly what we've sacrificed all that wondrous and beyond description, Jesus Christ, for this temporal torture unto it's eternal horror cast into the belly of it celebrity cell pools of worms and demons all burning with never ending flames.
     It is said the cries of torture and horrors as demonstrated Psalm 22, are those of Christ's Cross, so I bring to note especially one of them. When He ask Elohim to have mercy and deliver, Him, meaning us, you and I, our soul from the sword; (epidemic of wars, violence), His Darling from the power of the dog.(Satan, demons, territorial spirits). To save me, us, from the Lion's mouth: (voracious persecution, and martyrdom), for thou, Elohim hast heard me, us from the horns of the unicorns, (mystery of iniquity). 
     This is like calling on God's vow to never leave us nor forsake us, so every evil we count, that's disguised as our friend, but are only lies, thieves and robbers from the beginning, even this roaring Lion seeking how he may devour us up. So Jesus knowing these foul things personally, was actually asking God to save us, you, and me, His Blood Redemption, Evidently from this present system of Satan's Seat ruling assembly, demons and rebellious men, this holocaust after another into complete oblivion. Then after surmountable catastrophes, judgement, death and hell, which is the Second Death, thus blessed are those who are in the first resurrection, upon which the second death hath no power, awake, Apb, The RAM, www.thegoodshepherd2016.blogspot.com

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