Saturday, September 17, 2016

Still I Rise, You?

Day Thirty, 09/18 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, now the proven week count into a Syrian Truce, with the Beast, 08/25, now on to resurrection and Daniels Week, Apb

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                                

Prophecy Links
-Seen to be losing children on their way to the restroom, meaning bathroom entrapments I saw earlier set for them, (see transgender restroom, children Jesus threaten with death unless abominable parents. overseers repent), meaning, said evil all the more victorious, repent or perish! Get to Jesus

We Rise Not Many Days From Hence

     Yet still I rise, never to give up, never to give in, where the lyrics waking me this morning, I know this was divine intervention, I haven't, well it's been so long since I'd heard it, I'd forgotten it, it's performer, I guess you can say it'd gotten lost in shuffle of so many. All yesterday I was trying to think of an additional song I wanted to share, here, these fascinating days of counting down to the phenomena resurrection 1986, ushering Apostle Bradford into the RAM's ministry.          

     Still I rise by Yolanda Adams is something I used to listen to, but long forgotten, so beautiful, like Selah's song, it's particularly a message for the people of, for the cause of Christ.  That they're to stand despite the weapons of mass destruction and wicked devices and cunning craftiness all laid against them, they by the blood of the Lamb have not only overcome, but equally by his blood have been found worthy to escape, Daniel's week, set to follow Obama's Administration, the worse tribulations of mankind ever or ever to be again.
     I remember those recently mocking the title of my outreach as The RAM, they all stop laughing when I explained, it's short for the Rising Above Ministry, (RAM). This label is actually a description regarding Jesus first ever act toward me, it was to rise me up into the heavens with him, Jesus to look on was as he described to disciples, he look like, as so was his identity God the Father. So much I wondered for the longest how was it God,  when it was supposed to be Jesus himself,  until one day revelation come, and I realized, Jesus is God, manifested in the flesh. I read a book title which said, how God became Jesus, I said, no, how did an almighty God of the entire Universe, put on flesh, dwell among man and endured a cross, for the man who once was lost?

      This urgency to rapture the Bride out was a way of showing me, that I would then these thirty years explain what the great gathering of saints would be like, as I shared days ago, I only dozed off for a second, but as I did, a horde of Angels approach to welcome me into heaven, entering in as it's heir will be like that, and beyond any other description I can give you. Though by the RAMs ministry you all know, I have tried, I will try, that I am trying, I described awakening, recently having celebrated in heaven, a manner of roll call whereas names were called out of the book of life, that then rose from these ancient pages and fitter, and floated into yonder heavens places.

Broken Knees, And Rend Your Heart!

     No, she said it was when he admitted or asked to be a part of her life, that he so wanted to be, that he had her as some would say, hook, line, and sinker. He was penniless, but that was ok, she had money, he was homeless, but that's ok, she had a home, five bedrooms, fully furnished, he was without transportation but that's ok, she had transportation. It was true, she would learn later he was a womanizer, a pathological liar, but even then, she was now under God, His form of righteousness, now a covenant to him and he to her, ---and she was desperate I don't care what you say, no Vin, she wasn't, she was so full up to the brim of the Glory of God.
     Of His Word and Righteousness, Christ Jesus gospel until it gushed and ran over and touched everyone close to her, family, friends, neighbors, enemy. Speaking of neighbors, one of her reasons for marrying him was so her neighbors wouldn't see her in sin, what? Who the hell, I mean, the heck does that these days? Exactly and the neighbor whose heart she was willing to sacrifice all to protect is the one, his fully knowing this, is one of the ones with whom he committed adultery. I mean everyone else, for years treated him like the black crap and crude you step in and it sticks to your shoes and you struggle, distastefully, angrily and even violently this leech.
     Though not only did she treat him like a priceless treasure, but like Whitney Houston song, "I am every woman," I don't know, I keep, keep hearing explain how we're to love even our enemies, and pray for those who use us, and abuse us, and do all manner of evil against, why? Because our reign is in heaven, we have a heavenly throne to look to, and in ways unthinkable be miraculously risen to Him, to Jesus, but the unrepentant, the heathen doesn't, after death, only hell await. So Kellen, you're saying, she was so given over to Holy Spirit it just made her another Jesus among His people? What was odd, or thought deplorable, even unwise, and impossible for everyone else just came, well it wasn't even second nature, the cursed man had been crucified and a new man, a new heart emerged .
     Right guys so much so, even after he one morning just up and abandon her, yes, for the neighbor across the street; when they would speak, like weeks later.  You wouldn't guess what she said to him, that they'd, that's they now, hadn't done anything that couldn't be forgiven. Ah my god, that's so, yeah, she said for a second, she thought, like an Ananias he felled dead on the phone, that would've been good, because only then could he rise a new man. He was her covenant husband, now telling him the hardest thing she'd ever done, was being forced to stay away from him, he now being with someone else.
     Had you guys switched from her, this covenant wife as easily as one change dance partners on the dance floor, well she'd asked him to leave all he knew and love, return to his home town. Like take the gospel of Jesus to them, this street ministry, only he'd never heard, seen anything so miraculous in his life. But wait Kel, he didn't know Jesus, yes, Blake, she'd been ministering Jesus to him since day one, not only teaching it, but living it, so much so. Well, it even made him jealous of her, even vindictive, the truth does that to people, you see she was everything and more, as I said, like Whitney's song, way more than what he'd ever asked God for, and he, her trial. So the lesson here, be careful what you wish for, even pray for, when you get it, what you gonna do with it?
     Because most sadly just toss it right back into the Glorious face of Him, mockery into abominations all. One of the last things she said to him, again about this outreach, was perhaps Holy Spirits don't want him to return home, a lying, drunken, whore, but as an outreach minister of Jesus Christ. Wow, that was harsh, yeah and totally sincere, all of his family were horribly the same, maybe his resigning into a new heart, man, only as Jesus Christ, would help him, them, even his destined to be children, which is possibly what the dream meant. Ok, what dream? She said in the dream she was searching for him, only a soft spoken woman, denoting innocence, answer, no such thing without Jesus, so we're talking a demon. It soon explained to her, well, that she instead had her husband, that he wasn't of any worth to her anyway, because, now get this guys, "his knees where broken."
     What is the one specific thing people do, or should do on their knees, ah pray, but if your knees are broken, you can't pray, if you can't pray, you can't repent, if you can't repent you can't get to God, and if you can't get to God, you're what? You're damn, Christ's Cross, forbid. Yeah, what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lost his soul, or shall man give in exchange for his out? He forfeited a wondrous relationship, but natural and spiritual, one mankind can never, ever live, ah, survive without, yeah you yet hear the Genesis, and for this a man shall forsake mother and father, and cling to his own wife and their they shall become, married, ah, one flesh.
     Continuously you guys, be careful what you pray for, you just might get it and more, then what? What are you willing to sacrifice, to get God? What do you stand to lose beside your soul? Mankind's life and living is pointless, without Jesus as Lord, except He build the house, even mass innovation, everything else is vanity. "Hey Kellen," as one calling her back from the rest, who were all rising, moving forward into their classes, tall, dreamy, very popular with girls, but liking one in particular, Kellen Macfadden, now a seat to the table before her. How know so much about all of this, because it was my mom, your, ex, what? Showing himself this amazed, if anything she'd made it all up this example, or exaggerated a true story.
     "Yes, as one gathering her mess as they'd all did, arm by arm put on her backpack, he this gentleman helper, "it was after she lost dad. I wouldn't Car be like this in Christ, if I hadn't witnessed how amazing she treated a guy who others, especially religious people, wouldn't have spat on him if he was on fire. That's why it's so hard for me to past, that Park, Overton," as one dotting both sides of each tearing eyes, a sniff away, this hard swallow "It was the last place he spend time with us and even then he could barely do it, you know what, that's when Psalms 23 got fixed in my head, you see blessed are the dead that die in the Lord Jesus had become dad's favorite quote, you know.
     Only now in my head was, ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I mean at first, we were so mad at her, wondered what in god's name was she doing? It was rather what Carter Michael Fields was thinking, would she so marry him? "Dad had only been gone like six months, Car, she is dedicated to this man right now, I mean you've seen my mom, she's incredible looking, even inside and out, regardless that fornication breaks a marriage covenant apart. I know she's still holding out hope for this guy because what she shared with him is sacred unto death, either his or hers, hey, we are going to be so late, yeah," thinking she was the one incredible, and what a fantastic wife she would make, "right behind yeah." Apb, see,

70 Weeks Hath Been Determined Upon Thy People, Daniel 534 BC, Delivery, Gabriel
190 Months Until The Fulfillment of All Things, Is Upon Mankind, Apostle, 2001, Delivery, Gabriel 

He that is of God, heareth Gods words; ye therefore hear Him not, because ye are not of God, Jesus

     Immediately I'm reminded of Jesus telling His People how if they believed Abraham, they would believe in Him, how Abraham saw his coming, and was glad. It was also here Jesus made one of the most stunning accusations of His ministry, as the people sorely mocked Him and I quote, "before Abraham, I am." The more judgment is brought against this world special country America, the more people are going to take God more serious, come to think of it, this is what I was told right before 9:11. At one time Jesus explained to His disciples, as He readied to bare the cross, how great sorrows for a time would come to them, while the rest of people rejoiced. While now, the very opposite is true, now has come God's Anointed most profound beyond any proper narrative celebration, the Marriage Supper.
     Heart grippingly, mouth gapping, and crying behind silences in heaven, while the world suffers it's worse trials ever or ever again, you see when I heard Holy Spirit say, soon, we The Bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for tribulation saints, He was giving her, an assignment of intercessory prayer, even prior to arriving there, just imagine. But still, they have the advantage here, because come with these end times is also a reveal so clear, you would have to be absent from all of humanity or never having been born here, not to see it. Millions upon millions will lose their lives in such a short period, seven years, even their souls, not only as the Antichrist reign, but that of God's pending Winepress.
       It too, only instead by a Righteous Judgement is set to kill millions as it avenges a bohemian grove of Righteous Blood. So is any body out there, is anybody listening, is there any doing God's will, or are you hearers, assemblers only? I heard a voice, 2004, declaring how the Antichrist would kill millions as millions go broke, Holy Spirits gave me a demonstration, 2015. It was of how an Antichrist totally permeating the world would look right before they equally showed me the Bride. Inconceivably, not only reigning in heaven, but preparing the release of the stone made without hands, the antichrist murderer, but prior, regarded the millions he presently slaughtered as millions failed at their American Dreams.
     Clearly, not only a failed US economy, but that of the world, it's what hearing a voice lament just weeks past, how he had a bear in 120 counties/countries, it doesn't matter, it's referencing a failed wall street, even white house, and all wealth. Let everyone now come not just to praying knees, but repentant knees, if all vast innovation is about to be taken back as though none of it ever happen. That the Supreme Father, has not only the power, but is with such great wrath, wouldn't it be rather rise, to be on Jesus' side, the only begotten son He made a bloody sacrifice for us all? It is not just the "week," prophecy, just one week before the last Syrian/Russia/US truce, achieved in Switzerland , where I heard a commanding voice, years past, lament, "don't touch Geneva, as in Switzerland, as in preventing this present truce."
     Encouraging this count down as well, while, doing the last demonstration of being captured away, 2015, there was briefly shown me a departure date, of September 25th, I shared with my grands just yesterday it's on a Sunday. Now, if Holy Spirits just count us down a week prior to this Truce, where it was stated, they waited an hour to know America's participation, like an hour with beast, Rev. 17, something Obama by so many is labored. Whereas one of my first vision regarding then Senator Obama, and sitting like a world leader before him, whereas Holy Spirits were clarifying him as "the one," the one to broker this "Truce," of all of them? Still, this both audible and visual "week," 08/18/ where I also heard a voice lament, "give me twelve, with this Truce made active on September 12th, like I said, I don't make it up, I don't exaggerate it, it is as I receive it.
     These recent reveals could as well mean we're now being counted down, or back, as the backward running under the death rider, a sixtieth year, 1994, that's to the final week of Daniel I witness follow Obama's administration. I know it's hard to believe, and though this was after I predicted a Hussein White House, 2003, I went on in the spirit world to see a world of debate and outcries for a Hussein to reign. Oddly enough, this was while Saddam Hussein was instead being hunted down for execution, now Jesus' Millennium to follow. Jesus reign can't be until the finished of the seven years regarding what the prophet Jeremiah deem Jacobs' troubles and Jesus arriving mount Olivet, with the Bride, splitting it like a Red Sea in half, right into Jacob's delivery.
     This is why Holy Spirits like possessed my seven year old grandson Caden earlier this year, along bringing me into breaking news about the fragile previous Syrian Truce, only then, Russia and the US were at odds. Understand, this truce is so important, it could be why a Hussein was prophesied 2003, in the first, to take the white house, why he was then 2008, given a timetable of two weeks and seven years, why doing this period, I witness both a beast from land and sea, tear their ways along mankind's warring decision, so all these events together, with all of them together, could make the most important "Week," Dan. 9, of biblical prophecy, finally happen. Awake, Apb, The RAM, see also here,

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